Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Milli Vanilli Prez: Best response I've heard so far

"Hump? What hump?"

(By the by -- I've turned comments back on. Anyone who wants to show where my thinking has gone wrong should feel free to snark away.)


Anonymous said...

Bush was fidgety at the debate--shots from behind showed him shifting his legs--like there was a bug in his pants he was trying to shake out...

HOWEVER I went to the CNN feed link from Italy--the one that talked about the mysterious echo that happened BEFORE Bush spoke. There may be an explanation--I worked for many years in video--satellite feeds and coversion to/from NTSC-PAL video standards. With all the video procesing that must take place in these situations, technicians must set a delay because audio will come out FIRST before all the video is done being processed, through standards converters, and in this case, satellites too.

An audio delay is used to set up lip sync correctly--CNN or their affiliates may have had theirs off or improperly set.

Joseph Cannon said...

Others have made similar suggestions. However, the wording is slightly different in the "pre-echo."

Anonymous said...

It looks like a bullet proof vest.

Anonymous said...

Its a bullet proof vest... stop with the god damned ridiculous conspiracy theories. Considering the far-left viciously hates the President, its probably a good thing that's he's wearing the bullet proof vest (unless you're on the far left...)