Tuesday, October 19, 2004

CIA bombshell?

Robert Scheer has an article pregnant with possibilities in today's L.A. Times. (I've linked to the Daily Kos version of the piece to spare you the sign-in rigmarole; scroll down.) The CIA has compiled a 9/11 report which names names in the administration -- which the commissions refused to do. Scheer has spoken to someone who has seen this report; apparently, it looks bad -- very bad -- for Team Bush.

Two questions:

1. Will this document be leaked before the election?

I would bet "yes," even though the W brigade hopes to squelch the thing. The war between the Agency and the White House -- a meme once discussed only feverish speculators such as yours truly -- has made the mainstream news pages. Even Robert Novak devoted a column to it. My prediction: Although Congress won't succeed in shaking this apple from the tree, it will "just happen" to fall into the lap of a reporter -- maybe a week from now.

2. Will people pay attention to it?

That's a toughie. This country's unending hordes of Jesus zombies ignore all data that does not conform to the scripts in their heads. Those who care only about April 15 issues tend to rationalize away all other concerns. Many people shy away from stories involving the intelligence community because such matters tend to be involved and confusing.

Perhaps that's where we bloggers and other aficionados of the "internets" come in. We're going to have to read the information (once it becomes available), simplify it, and shout it -- over and over and over -- until the message becomes unavoidable.

1 comment:

Joy Tomme said...

Yup. The 9/11 Report will be leaked. There already is a lot of dismay in the press about it being suppressed by the BushMen until after the election. I'm betting a copy finds its way onto Seymour Hersh's desk. But will it make a difference as far as the election is concerned? Probably not. Kerry's supporters will take it seriously, Bush's base will dismiss it...and no one's mind will be changed.

However, if Bush does get elected that's when it will make a difference. Democrats are getting reved up about how to derail the Bush administration if we have to go through another 4 years. This report will be fuel for that fire. And you know there will be an impeachment proceeding. That's a given. Remember that Nixon actually was elected, and all the major Watergate action took place after he'd been sworn in.

There IS life after this election even if Bush gets in. 1) He's going to publicly unravel, either from physical problems or from the mental problems that have dogged him and led to self-medication with alcohol and drugs. That will be fun to watch 2) There will be an impeachment. and 3) He is responsible for so much horseshit during his term that watching him have to muck out his stables is going to be enjoyable.

And let me say, most fervently, the republic will not fall, we won't be destroyed, the USA will prevail, but George W. Bush has a hellish time in the offing.