Friday, October 22, 2004

Bulge stuff

All, I know some of you are irritated by all the non-promptergate postings today. The truth is, I'm not quite sure how to handle the "bulge" allegations that reached my mailbox this morning. There are new pics claiming to show Bush with a bulge on non-debate occasions. Here's one; make up your own mind.

Our friends at Is Bush Wired? have privately expressed the opinion that these photos should not receive widespread attention, since they are "iffier" than those seen heretofore. We don't want to seem like low-grade conspiracy theorists seeing gunmen in every shadow in every photo taken on the grassy knoll.

A fair point. But...I would argue that information will out. Maybe the best thing to do is to offer the photos with all due caveats, and allow the readers to make up their own minds. Personally, I am not persuaded by the latest one, but...who knows? Maybe...

Similarly, some have argued against paying much attention to the allegations that previous presidents used these devices. New claims, for example, have come out about Ronald Reagan. (I'll be looking into that.) For my part, I remain convinced that finding a verifiable precedent will do much to put this story on the front pages.

Some have challenged me when I said that the Crossfire hosts prevented Jon Stewart from answering a "bulge" question from the audience. See the exchange for yourself at

Thee is a movement to ask Amy Goodman at Democracy Now to give some air time to David Lindorff. I second the notion. You can easily send story ideas to her here.

There's a new site devoted this stuff. I haven't been able to access it yet, due to internet problems...

Britain's "The Spectator" published a piece on W's unpopularity in that country. The title: "We'd like to see the back of Bush." Hell, some of us would like to frisk that area!


Anonymous said...

why hasnt j stewart brought it up again?

Anonymous said...

Dudes/Dudettes -- It's time to give this a rest, the bulge thing has run its course and it ain't going anywhere else. I don't know which is scarier -- the fact that the president could be receiving prompts when he speaks publicly or that even after the country finds out about it there's no real outrage (just think if it had been Clinton instead). If there had only been ONE piece of undeniable evidence this would have ended it for Dumbya -- but they managed to laugh it off and now it's yesterday's news along with Mary Cheney and kernings (remember those?) If you have excess energy to use up somehow, don't waste it on this -- go to Ohio with your pitchfork to help the po' folks vote, it could get ugly!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is still plenty of story to tell here

Anonymous said...

"We were laughing, talking about whether the president was wired, about whether his alcoholism is really in remission, as is often held to be true, or whether he is a binge drinker, as is often rumoured. We were laughing, but we were nervous too."