Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The bulge: A good illustration

Some wonder why I make a huge deal of the "bulge" story. After all, our boys are dying in Iraq -- isn't that more important?

Indeed so. But debate cheating is no small matter, and neither is presidential idiocy. Neither is a hidden medical problem -- a theory arguably buttressed by the President's recent surprise trip to Crawford (at this time...!).

You may want to download this image (it'll work nicely as a windshield broadsheet) which another researcher put together. I'm a little stunned by the sight of Bush's tailor, the wonderfully-named Georges de Paris. How did Gimli get hold of Gandalf's wig? (For more on this topic, scroll down.)


Anonymous said...

One of the reasons its being spoken about is because it just happened......

Anonymous said...

Every time I see that pic of the tailor I crack up.