Friday, October 15, 2004

Bad day

A college buddy once told me the story of his father -- a would-be opera singer who, when he finally got the chance to audition for Von Karajan, tried to sing a piece he had practiced to perfection, only to emit sounds not unlike those produced by a malfunctioning vacuum cleaner.

Now I know what he felt like.

On a day when lots of folks are checking out this blog for the first time (due to the kind words posted on Salon), I find that I've made not just a mistake, but a hideously ridiculous mistake. I'm talking about the "earpiece" story just below this one.

The only times I've worn noise-suppression devices, they looked nothing like the one pictured in the linked photo. Hence, my error. If I had just waited on that story for half a day, I would have saved myself some facial crimson.

Now, I was going to model this apology after the erudite one offered by Matt Drudge after he promulgated that whole Kerry-and-the-intern

Well. Refresh my memory. Did Drudge actually manage to burble out an "I'm sorry" on that occasion?

At any rate, I regret my error sincerely, and will now spend my lunch hour munching on a nicely-cooked crow entree, with a side order of hat. I still think the evidence in favor of "Promptergate" is, on the whole, solid. So check out the great new piece on Salon today. I'll have more to say later tonight, if "real life" allows.


Watchful said...

Another victim of the Feiler Faster Thesis, though you have the unusual grace to apologize. Duly Noted, as they say. (And why, one might ask tangentially, didn't Kaus chalk up Rather's memo controversy to MK's much-beloved FFT? But that's for another day.)

In any case, I suspect that the answer to, "Is Bush wired?" is "No, most of the time." Some people are positing the existence of a medical device, either a back brace or -- more interestingly -- a portable LifeVest defibrillator (also unlikely, unless they managed to get the size of the heart monitor down to a wallet). But it's certainly an interesting and valid question as to what W has strapped to his back -- and the press certainly hasn't wasted any sweat trying to figure it out themselves.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. It was obvious. Of course, I didn't notice till I had forwarded the link to my wife--oh well, she forgives me. Anyway, I love that post by the rehab workers. Still, it's hard to feel sorry for someone I so completely loathe. If he's off the wagon, tough. It's hard work. But then again, I don't take 40% of my time for vacation--even the French don't take that much vacation.

Anonymous said...

Hell, we all make mistakes. Especially looking for reasons that he is like he is. I think you've been terrifically objective up until then, so no worries. I appreciate what you've been writing.

To make you feel better, and under the cover of the name "anonymous" I'll tell you my conspiracy theory for the October Surprise:

The Bush team will come out and claim that Bush, under the pressures of the war, has taken to drink. He will announce this on a heartfelt chat with the nation, framed similarly to Clinton's Monica apology. He will confess that he's sought help from a minister and a doctor, and that with the help of god, his wife, and his political party, he can whup these demons. He'll be articulate, direct, and compassionate.

Suddenly, he has a reason for acting erratically. The religious right will love it, the undecided women voters will all by sympathetic, and he'll have the AA, NA and Anon votes. It's a perfect tonic for a made-for-tv movie of an election, complete with tearful ending.

Thank god, he'll say. Thank god I have the support of the American people. Let's go to a meeting and pray.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you're out in front and sometimes this happens. Obviously. the fewer times the better, but I wouldn't worry about it.

Hang in there.


Anonymous said...

Wars are made up of more than a single lost battle. Keep on . . .

Anonymous said...

I found this site last night...

It claims Bush had some kind of siezure before last May.

For what it's worth.

Anonymous said...

Sure, those were earplugs for the chainsaws at the ranch.

But please, let press on with this subject.

I would rather have the truth.

My wife mentioned that because "were at war" -- the gov't will everything in its power to hide any weakness of its leaders from the enemy.... Whether Democrats or Terrorists -- I think the WH probably puts them in the same catagory.

But that still does not explain the box in the back and the incidents of interrupted speech or the "other voice" from the speech in France.

If it's medical -- they are gong to keep it secret until after the election. That way if Bush happens to win, and he is in pretty bad shape, then Cheney can take over with ease.