Wednesday, September 15, 2004

No kidding

When John Kerry appeared on Jon Stewart's show on Comedy Central, the candidate was asked if he really was a flip-flopper. Kerry tried to give a straight answer. Some wags suggested that he should have attempted humor -- as in "No, I'm not. Yes, I am."

Ah...but are Democrats even allowed to attempt humor these days?

The other day, the Los Angeles Times carried a small story about John Kerry's appearance at a restaurant which has no menu, because the cook decides what patrons will eat each day. Kerry told reporters that this policy was meant for guys like him, who cannot make up their own minds.

The remark was obviously a joke, and was reported as such by other sources. But the LAT told the story straight, giving the impression that Kerry did not have his tongue in cheek when he made the remark.

I would expect that sort of thing from Limbaugh, but from the allegedly-liberal LAT...?

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