Monday, September 13, 2004


It's official: The Republican forces are using misdirection to boggle the easily-boggled minds of the American people on the subject of Bush's military service.

Today, Matt Drudge links to a pdf file of a document which -- he claims -- proves that Bush served 120 days in the Air Force, contrary to those lying Democratic vipers who contend that he was never in the Air Force.

The document, of course, proves no such thing. Drudge has deceived on so many levels, I am not sure where to begin...

It proves that he joined the Air National Guard, a fact no-one has ever contested. Democrats have complained about official Bush biographies which claim, falsely, that he served in the Air Force proper.

The document dates from 1967; most of the questions have been raised about later times. It does not, in and of itself, prove that Bush completed the 120 day training period, although I am sure that he did.

In the same document, Bush promises to serve SIX YEARS in the Guard. We know that he did not.

Drudge links to a document which proves the opposite of what he intends to prove. It proves that George Bush -- with an impunity that would not apply to us lesser mortals -- made a promise to the military that he did not keep!

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