Saturday, July 10, 2004

Chem war in Israel

Have the Israelis been using poison gas against Palestinians? This report by James Brooks makes a persuasive case:

The incident in Al-Zawiya appears to be the tenth attack by Israeli soldiers using an "unknown gas" against Palestinian civilians since early 2001. We have photographs of the canisters. We have film of victims suffering in the hospital. We have interviews with Palestinian and European doctors who have treated the victims. And we presumably have hundreds, perhaps thousands, of survivors. But we know nothing of their fate. Despite the evidence, we have not inquired.

Though it is a state secret, Israel's development of chemical and biological weapons has been known and analyzed for decades. From the typhoid poisoning of Palestinian wells and water supplies in 1948 [3,4] to the conversion of F-16s into nerve gas 'crop dusters' in 1998 [5], Israel has always demonstrated a strong interest in developing CBW agents and methods for their dispersal.
I should add that Victor Ostrovsky revealed the existence of an Israeli biowarfare testing center which uses captured Palestinians as experimental subjects. The ghost of Mengele, invoked by the most ironic of hosts, still haunts the world.

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