Sunday, June 20, 2004

The Clintons are coming! The Clintons are coming!

In the final phase of the cold war, Gore Vidal once said: "Whenever they tell you 'The Russians are coming,' hold on to your wallets. It's just another raid on the treasury."

We can put that quotable quote into re-write. Whenever the GOP propagandists scream "The Clintons are coming!" it's just a ploy to make sure reactionary rubes write fat checks.

Hillary Clinton will never be president. She will never run for president. But as long as the Clinton Redivicus theory keeps opening wallets, the con-intern will try to convince their faithful stooges that the Dreaded Ones are slouching toward Bethlehem, waiting to be reborn.

Case in point: Chris Matthews. Previously, I was under the impression that Matthews does not like John Kerry, supposedly because Kerry would not name his favorite movie when Matthews asked him to do so (!!!). Matthews, who never loses an opportunity to bring up the name of Monica Lewinski, likes the Clintons even less. In fact, he is now trying to push the absurd notion that the Clintons want Kerry to lose. All the better to position Hillary for a 2008 run, y'see.

That's right: If Kerry loses, Democrats should blame Bill!

Just as you should blame Bill for 9/11, for the bad economy, for the loss of your job, for your divorce, for your dog's arthritis, and for your clogged fuel injectors. The Evil One planned it all. His perfidy knows no end.

When, when will all the right-wing zombies out there realize that their fantasy image of Bill Clinton as a scheming, world-devouring James Bond supervillain rests on zero evidence?

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