Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Say hi to Big Brother

I think it was Lily Tomlin who said that no matter how paranoid you get, you can't keep up. According to the Investor's Business Daily, domestic spooks and law enforcement officials are now going to be watching blogs. Such, at least, was the talk at a recent panel of intelligencers in Washington:

Some panel and conference participants, because of their profession, could not be identified. But another who could is Robert Steele, another blog booster. The former U.S. intelligence officer said "absolutely" that blogs are valid sources of intelligence and news, though he said authenticating the information in blogs "leaves a lot to be desired."

Steele is founder and CEO of consulting firm OSS.Net, which organized the conference. The OSS '04 conference focused on public sources of intelligence. (OSS stands for open source solutions. In this case, open source is an intelligence term, not a reference to Linux...

Cute. Of course, anyone in cop-land who wanted to make an easy bust could easily surf on over to Free Republic, where threats and hate-speech are as common as table salt. (Remember when they published the home address of the waitress who dared to card Bush's holy-and-untouchable offspring?) But since the hate is directed against Democrats and liberals, no-one shall censor the screams for blood.

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