Thursday, April 08, 2004

I know a pornographer...

My pornographer friend runs what he considers a nice, small-scale mom-n-pop enterprise. He produces fetish materials of the sort Dick Morris would understand (and may even patronize, for all I know), video extravaganzas which involve few of the clinical intimacies visible in "normal" pornography. Much of this product could run on commercial television. Still, the very concept of fetish porn tends to horrify moralizers, and any governmental attempt to crack down on the industry could well place a red laser dot on my acquaintance's forehead.

Unlike most others in the adult video industry, he votes Republican. In his mind, it's the Democrats who want to regulate what you can see and hear. When I ask him to cite facts in support of that odd conclusion, he mutters something incomprehensible about Tipper Gore, then changes the subject.

I hope he reads this frightening piece from the Baltimore Sun (brought to my attention by the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy). Bush says there's no more money in the Federal cash drawer for raising combat pay or aiding our ailing cities. But he's willing to spend untold millions to keep our nation's masturbators pure. Praise be to Jesus!

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