Sunday, September 27, 2009

Take note

Lambert at Corrente -- a site without which we could not do -- has something to ask you.


lambert strether said...

And up with which you put ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm not in the habit of donating money to anyone who calls me a ratf*cking racist Republican.


Joseph Cannon said...

Boys, boys. Go outside and punch each other over and over until it's all out of your system.

Not that it'll accomplish anything. But it would be fun to see you do it.

Zee said...

Oh my! Was it in a giant headline? Is there a link?

Lambert, do you need a place to stay for the conference in Cambridge?

Caro said...

Lambert bans people from posting, and even from commenting, if he doesn’t like the way they express themselves, even if they agree with him on 99% of the issues.

We need LESS of that kind of control freakery on the left.

Don’t encourage it.

Carolyn Kay

Joseph Cannon said...
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Joseph Cannon said...
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Joseph Cannon said...

I do that too, Carolyn.

If I did not, this blog would have turned into a dumping ground for 9/11 trannies and Clinton-haters and Alex Jonesian weirdos and people who come just to insult and pick fights. I would spend most of my time arguing with the venom-spewers -- in which case, my enthusiasm for this whole project would have evaporated.

When I allowed unmoderated comments, the glimpses I got of my audience were so disheartening that I daily fought the urge to cancel the blog altogether.

I do not owe anyone a damned thing. I'm not paid for this gig. If I were, I might be motivated to put up with the creeps. But why should I wake up day after day to see MY blog inundated with stupidity and insults? As it is, I have to exercise a certain degree of "control freakery" over the readers -- or I simply will refuse to do this anymore.

Caro said...

It's not a question of beating dead horses.

I think the last time I was banned, which seems to be for good this time, it was because I dared to mention some criticism of Obama that the right wing was flogging, but which happened to be true. Admittedly, there aren't many of those instances, but ignoring reality doesn't make it go away.

Apparently, to post even a comment on Corrente, I was supposed to scour the right wing blogs to make sure I didn't even come close to mentioning anything that they might be talking about.

If you haven't wondered why everyone on Corrente sounds just like Lambert, you might want to start thinking about that. The site is an echo chamber for the opinions of just one person.

And one must not deviate from the orthodoxy.

Carolyn Kay