Arthur Newman, allegedly a former NSA employee, and Andrew Basiago, a lawyer allegedly connected to DARPA, claim to have traveled through time. And to Mars -- via teleportation, just like John Carter, the hero of those wonderful old books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. (A lot of people forget that John Carter was also a time traveler.)
There are secret civilizations on Mars, you know. Newman has pictures.
Newmann previously advertised himself as a "Livermore physicist" named Henry Deacon. Under the Deacon imprint, he has left a fairly lengthy trail on the web. See, for example, here and here. Among his many other wacky claims -- the Roswell crash was real, and so was another UFO crash near Big Sur in 1972 -- Henry endorses the reality of Report From Iron Mountain, which was exposed a long time ago as a political satire written by Leonard Lewin.
As for Basiago: He claims to have been a "child participant" in secret experiments. Sounds to me like we're heading into "recovered memory" territory. You can listen to a six hour interview with the man on YouTube, here. The interviewer calls herself "Jessica Mystic," and she's a credit to journalism. She has her own set of videos out there, and she's quite cute, in a Gnostic Valley Girl sort of way. She believes in the Illuminati.
Normally I would not bother to report on such loopy claims, amusing as they are. But one passage in this account aroused my respectful attention:
This training, he said, culminated in 1981, when, as a 19-year-old, he teleported to Mars, first by himself after being prepared for the trip by CIA officer Courtney M. Hunt, and then a second time in the company of Hunt. Both trips, Mr. Basiago said, were made via a “jump room” located at a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA. The apparent purpose of the trips to Mars was to familiarize him with Mars because the CIA knew of his destiny as the discoverer of life on Mars and deemed it important that he visit Mars and experience it first-hand.
Mr. Basiago’s involvement in US time-space research as a child, as well as Courtney M. Hunt’s identity as a CIA officer, have been confirmed by Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo, an ethicist who works closely with US military and intelligence agencies, and by US Army Captain Ernest Garcia, whose storied career in US intelligence included both serving as a guard on the Dead Sea Scroll expeditions of Israeli archaeologist Yigal Yadin and as the Army security attaché to DARPA’s Project Pegasus.

You will surely recall the still-lingering controversy over the psychiatrists who participated in the torturous interrogation of prisoners at Guantanamo. A team from the APA reviewed the procedures and concluded that the shrinks had behaved ethically. Dr. Arrigo revealed that most members of that team were from the military and intelligence agencies, a definite conflict of interest. She was one of only three civilians on that task force (although she is an expert on ethics in the field of intelligence). The APA team, in her view, had bowed to political pressures.
Her courageous stance earned her some rather serious enemies: See here and here.
Air Force Captain Garcia is probably not the same fellow pictured here. Note that Israeli archeologist Yigael Yadin (the correct spelling) died in 1984 and did his Dead Sea Scroll work in the 1950s. The guy in the photo is thus too young.
I can find no confirmation that a Courtney M. Hunt is connected with the CIA or any other branch of government. I would not be too terribly surprised to discover that such a person actually exists, although I obviously doubt that there are "jump rooms" in El Segundo. (Unless you count the Bare Elegance strip club.)
So, why did our John Carter wannabe drag the estimable Dr. Arrigo into this silliness? A couple of possibilities:
1. Arrigo has nothing to do with any of this. Basiago simply found her name on the internet.
2. Basiago -- or one of the toons pushing this story -- really did contact Arrigo, but soft-pedaled (or neglected to mention) the really wacky stuff.
Frankly, I would not dismiss out of hand the suggestion that one underlying purpose, perhaps the main purpose, of this whole silly affair is to smear the name of Dr. Arrigo. As I've mentioned in previous posts, Israelis have participated in brutal interrogations in Iraq -- though not, to my knowledge, at Gitmo.
Which means that I'd like to learn more about this Air Force Captain Garcia -- if he's real. Is he what Mossad calls a "helper"?
Incidentally, Air Force intelligence has a quasi-legendary unit called AFOSI-PJ, which has been known to use wild tales of the paranormal in their disinformation exercises. When it comes to pulling off elaborate mind fucks, these guys are the real-life equivalent of the "Mission Impossible" team. So I am something other than astonished to see the name of a putative AFOSI officer mentioned in connection with this bizarre affair.
"Dr. Jean Maria Arrigo is a real person."
As is her sister perhaps: "CIA Mind Control & Torture Victim Fears Murder" by SUE ARRIGO
And Jean Maria Arrigo is the sister of Sue Arrigo, who has made a number of claims almost as odd as teleportations to Mars. Sue Arrigo has been called a paranoid schizophrenic by yet another Arrigo sister, Linda Gail Arrigo.
I love the John Carter of Mars books. It would be nice to live in a society where one could safely wear nothing but jewelry everywhere (though I did always think Mars was a bit chilly for that...)
Woah. I did not know about Dr. Arigo's sister. To my somewhat paranoid mind, matters now become rather clearer.
Mind you, I am hardly so paranoid as to think that Sue is anything but your normal everyday schizophrenic. I've met her like before. (You should look up the fascinating case of James Tilly Matthews, the first "mind control" victim.)
But there is one thing I've been told about the AFOSI-PJ crowd -- they LOVE to do psychological profiles of anyone who is a target. And I think that someone decided to make Dr. Arrigo the target.
(By the way, for those who doubt that PJ is real, see here:
If Dr. Arrigo had a sister making "mind control" claims, she would probably want to believe her. After all, she's her sister. So over the years, she has been psychologically conditioned to more accepting of wild claims than you or I would be.
If I were running a deception operation with the intent of decredibilizing the doctor, I'd play that angle. I think they found her weakness and seized upon it.
The question is, what do they have on this Basiago guy? Most people will think he's crazy, but I'm not so sure. I've run into guys like him before.
About fourteen years ago, I spent an hour with a guy claiming to work out of China Lake. He told all sorts of wild stories -- maybe not quite as wacky as Basiago's, but it was still pretty wacky. Anti-gravity and teleportation and other crap like that.
I didn't buy a word of it, but I was still fascinated by his spiel. I kept wondering: "What's his angle? He's obviously lying, yet he's not making any money from this shit."
Every few years, there's another guy like that.
OK, Joseph, but how does David Icke fit in?? He inserted himself in the 9/11 nuttery and claims that earth is overrun by Jews and Reptilian shape-shifters (a la the film classic "They Live.") who were somehow involved in 9/11.
Also, why stop at Mars? The first lady of Japan claims to have visited Venus. Please cover the lady space-time travelers, too, and the female planets!
Hmmmm...Japan ready to send a mission to Venus:
Very appropriately, the first lady traveled to Venus in a triangular (ahem) UFO.
She also claims to have known Tom Cruise in a previous lifetime, which explains a lot. She's an actress...maybe the two of them should feature in a remake of Our Man Flint?
Also, Joseph, please investigate!
Why did a highway project in Texas borrow the name *and* logo of Project Pegasus?
I first read about Sue Arrigo in a " counterpunch" article by Stephen Lendman on june 11 2008. After referring him to correspondance between" Covert History Blog" july 31 2007 and arrigos sister linda who describes sue as paranoid, Lendman assured me that Sue's report is dynamite stuff. She has plenty and it goes right to the top. How embarrasing !
Sometimes, Zee -- to paraphrase good old Sigmund -- a nut is just a nut. I have no idea why the First Lady of Japan has gone off the deep end.
I'm sure that whoever did the graphic of Basiago on the Red Ice Radio page simply lifted the Project Pegasus logo from the Texas highway site.
The Texas Project Pegasus is going to reconstruct the Stemmons freeway -- which, you will recall, runs right past the JFK assassination site. If the disinformers chose the name based on that connection, one can only congratulate them on their mordant wit.
There is also a Project PEGASUS which has been featured in a number of Marvel comics as a sort of recurrent motif. Maybe whoever is running Basiago is a comics fan...?
I have no idea if an actual Project Pegasus exists or existed within the intelligence community. Mayeb there really is one. Or was one. If so, it probably had nothing to do with the time travel/John Carter crap that Basiago is talking about.
The lads at PJ have done this sort of thing before. As you may recall, about twenty years ago they got all of the flying saucer wackos worked up over an alleged secret group called Majestic, which supposedly ran the covert studies of flying saucers during the Truman era.
They fingered the ever-gullible Linda Moulton Howe as one of the conduits for this whopper. They brought her into Sandia and showed her some fake Majestic documents.
I've been told that they laughed their heads off at Linda the moment she was off the base.
Now it turns out that there really was a secret plan called Majestic during the Truman era. In fact, it was perhaps the most closely guarded secret of the era: The war plan against the USSR.
See it here:
So anyone doing an FOIA request on "Majestic" back in the 1980s would have learned that there are relevant documents which could not be made available to the public at that time, while the cold war was still going on.
And that would be enough to make the ninnies think that "Majestic" had something to do with flying saucers. Thus, the hoax entered American folklore.
Why do the PJ boys play these games? I don't know. I think they like to stir up shit within the fringe community (the George Noori listeners) simply to perfect their psy-war techniques.
Or maybe the motive is political. Ever since the election of a Democrat, a lot of people have tried to stir up paranoia wherever possible. Look at some of the ultra-outlandish things said at the tea party meetings. The higher the general paranoia level, the greater the chance that the 2010 elections will be a repeat of 1996 (another very paranoid year). So we may be seeing more efforts to "seed" the populace with fear scenarios.
Oo, I am belatedly laughing at the title of this entry!
Agreed, Joseph: I think both the "mordant wit" and the stirring of the shit is prevalent.
Regarding the tea party protests, don't get me started. It's ironic they're taking to the streets to shriek about "socialism" since for 8 years those of us who protested the usurper Bush heard nothing but that we were commies, bums without jobs, and American-hating terrorists.
But stirring them up to this point of frenzy is an effective way to keep the "liberals" who were duped by Zerobama from petitioning and protesting him on single-payer, DOMA, DADT, freedom of Choice act, etc. One exception is CodePink, whose presence and message is so distinctive, and who never let up on the pressure, from day one. They've not been defused.
I dread 2010. Every since 2000 I've noted that the hijacking of each election centers on a few different states and methods each time. But how the so-called "reality based" community fell for such an obvious Trojan Ass as Obama has been the most demoralizing yet. Humans must be hardwired to embrace fairy stories and aliens and charlatans and messiahs.
Thanks Joe, I needed that!
Sometimes i use simple searches to find gold nuggets. After scrolling through simple last name Arrigo searches- I typed Arrigo 9/11" into google -this is what I found:
Just a coincidence- but it does give you pause in what is going on with that family name ;-)
"Henry Deacon" is also the genius mayor of the town of Eureka in the Sci Fi Channel series of the same name.
And one of the characters in FOX's Fringe had experiments done to them as a child.
Guess the writers are reading the same stuff you are, Joe. :)
Sergei Rostov
Hi Joseph,
Let me help you with your case against UFOs and MJ-12.
1. The group name was Majestic 12 which consisted of twelve military personnel and scientists. The Top Secret code for the UFO project was MAJIC - NOT plain Majestic.
2. As Stanton Friedman points out, "If you can't attack the data, attack the person." You've committed that tactic many times as if it helps to negate the information.
3. In the case of Linda Moulton Howe; How do you know they were fake and how you do you know she was laughed at? Can you provide names other than Richard Doty? It is already known he was the officer that showed the documents.
4. It is interesting how you don't supply links to other MJ12 documents that indicate a "High Level of Authenticity", "Medium-High" or other documents found in the National Archives for UFO related documents. Some of these were on the same web page as the document you provided. I guess you won't tell people what they don't know.
4b. However, you were sloppy. Anyone can now go to the site to view the other documents (Cutler-Twining Memo, Air Material Command Opinion Concerning Flying Discs), discover the COMETA report, Project Blue Book and its real findings, and other various sources that will make people learn and constructively think about the UFO issue.
Now it's my turn to provide the links:
I didn't mention that guy in Big Bear because nobody takes him seriously.
I didn't want to say that Bill Moore faked up the original MJ12 docs, because I kind of like him. But the evidence points that way. Specifically: The Truman signature was copied from a signature on an unrelated document previously in Bill's possession.
I doubt that even Howe thinks that the stuff she was shown has any resemblance to reality. And why show it to her anyways? It was a classic "double bubble" maneuver -- "Look, but don't copy." In those situations, the documentas are ALWAYS fake.
And the only reason I printed your silliness is that this is an old post. Nobody will read it.
Your head is going to explode once you realize all this stuff you laugh at and attribute to lying or mental illness is real. It's amusing to me that you think such things are impossible or that if they were possible you would have read about it in the New York Times.
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