Sunday, May 24, 2009

"Vas YOU dere, Shelby?"

This should explain the headline to you young whippersnappers.

Marcy Wheeler offers what should be the final word on the great he-said-she-said conundrum featuring Nancy Pelosi and the CIA. Senator Richard Shelby says that he was at the fabled meeting -- as was Pelosi -- and that waterboarding was discussed. In other words, he backs the CIA's version. His words:
I was in that meeting, Senator Graham, Congressman Goss, Congresswoman Pelosi at that time, four of us were in the meeting.
Graham denies this account, as does, obviously, Nancy Pelosi. Goss, as is his spooky wont, refuses to say anything too definite. Shelby goes on to add:
But, you know, they are the ones that were there. It has been seven years.
Yep, by cracky, his memory just ain't what it used to be, back when he was a consarned whippersnapper.

The only record released by the CIA shows that Shelby was not in the room on that date (September 4, 2002). Either the Agency's documentation is wrong or the only witness it has is wrong. Or both. Shelby's recollection does directly conflict with Bob Graham's.

(I plan to post a very intriguing and unusual piece of research on Monday or Tuesday. Watch for it.)

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