tips for Krugman!
Americans have had enough propping up the smug pricks that got us into this mess. Geithner is just another one of them...Ah, what a difference a year makes! Here was the Kossack view of Krugman in April of 2008. This commentary was appended to a post titled "The Unbearable Lostness of Paul Krugman":
I'm glad that Obama doesn't surround himself with or listen to people like Krugman. People who talk down to you are invariably bad news...
He has since devolved into barely coherent rants and accusations because the majority of voters refuse to crown the candidate he idolizes.
Figures lie and liars figure. I believe that is usually applied to the realm of statistics. I find it equally applicable to economists.
Paul Krugman should leave the political analysis To those who know what they're talking about...
He was unhinged long before this campaign started and has only become more so--and more openly so--since then.
every soul has his price and his was sold
blind loyalty is a sure sign of selling out.This, from a Kossack.
I mourn the courageous Krugman that I so honored...and am astonished and distressed by the ugly partisenship.This, from a Kossack.
It is a great shame that Krugman has become so partisan...This, from a Kossack.
...and it is hard to see the reason.We're sure as hell seeing it now.
whatever the reason for his sheer bile and venom, it has zero basis in reality...
he's just plain nuts.
With his petulant child act over the past few months, his complete loss of perspective and objectivity, the man has lost what little credibility he ever had with me to begin with.
Krugman's career, as it follows her campaign, like every other "dead ender" is in tatters.
Why he's a hack not a journalist
He's an idiot! Stop reading his columns he has NOTHING OF ANY VALUE TO SAY!!!! He's one step behind Bill O'Liely.As Lambert notes, these same cultists spread the rumor that Paul Krugman's son worked for Evil Hillary -- even though Krugman has no children.
I hope those Kossack kultists enjoy spending the rest of their days working like dogs to pay off Geithner's Wall Street buddies. Wake up, Kool Aid swillers: Obama was put into office to complete Bush's task of destroying America. Paul Krugman took no pay-off. Can the same be said of Markos Moulitsas...?
Democratic Underground has also started turning against Obama, and people there are saying things about Obama I was saying long, long ago.
Obama is no progressive or liberal; not that it is too late for him to change course, but he is being set up to fail.
"Obama was put into office to complete Bush's task of destroying America."
Really? I mean, I appreciate a good conspiracy theory, as you know, but I don't think Bush intended to destroy America, nor does Obama. Who are the mysterious conspirators who want to destroy this country?
As the old saying goes, "I like both of your faces."
Hard times in the Kool-aid Kingdom
Oh, well and thoroughly spanked! lol
Thanks, Joseph. Keep that kane handy.
"Who are the mysterious conspirators who want to destroy this country?"
Gary, What do we envision as, "destroy the country?" -- Flatten it? Let loose the four horsemen? Split it up? Radically change the Constitution? Corrupt the best of this extended European, increasingly diverse culture? Induce ethnic groups to war against each other? IMF conditionalities? Take over by coup? Loot the natural resources? Genocide? Addict everyone to drugs? Make most of the residents wage slaves under a tyrannical or fascist government?
Perhaps if we all could with a little more rigor define that which we want to preserve and or promote we could identify the enemy more easily.
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