Friday, September 12, 2008

Obots, about your strategy...

Obots refuse to moderate their strategy of alienating women, the elderly and rural voters. They refuse to stop insulting the PUMAs. The contemptuously see no need to apologize or to mend fences or to admit even the slightest of errors.

How's that strategy working out for you, my bot friends? Let's look at the numbers...

But wait! Those aren't the real numbers. Washington state just flipped, as per Rasmussen -- bringing the total to McCain 281, Obama 257.

On this date in 2004, Kerry was ahead 273-233. Of course, the progs will argue that the polls now skew more heavily Republican than was the case four years ago. Why? Well...because. Maybe the earth passed through yet another one of those radioactive clouds.

(Here's the Kos explanation: "Yesterday was the 9/11 anniversary. That benefits Republicans." So -- yesterday was not September 11 in 2004?)

Looks like Pennsylvania, fat with 21 electoral votes, will flip soon. Last month, Obama was ahead in that state by roughly seven points. Now his lead has been cut to two points. Hillary won the state handily in the primary, and would no doubt have a commanding lead against McCain.

Do you think Democratic Florida voters are happy that Obama refused to allow a primary revote? They don't look very happy.

During the primaries, certain Obots laughed at me (cough cough Larisa cough cough) when I told them that no Democrat could win without Ohio, Florida and New Mexico, and that Obama would surely lose all three. Who is laughing now?

Over on Kos, they're worried. Not about a McCain win per se -- no, they're worried that an Obama loss might strengthen the hand of the True Enemy.
A loss this year will be a major embarrassment for the Democrats, and will cause many people to wonder about the future viability of the party.

At the very least, the Clintons will be back in control of the party - or the party may move even further to the right than that.
Good move, progs. Keep insulting those Clinton voters! Boy, these Kossacks are incredible tacticians. (By the way, on almost every issue, Obama is to the right of Bill Clinton.)

The generic Dem advantage is fading -- fast. And not just on the presidential level. Obama is seriously hurting the chances of downticket Dems.

Stay the course, progs. Keep acting smug. Maintain that Bushian tone of arrogance. Haughty is hot. Humility is for wankers. Ignore McCain: Smash Palin and the Clintons. Dis the aged. Dis women. Dis half of your own party. Dis anyone who doesn't live in a big city. Never admit that you might have done something wrong. Always blame others. Blame the problems you created on a racist electorate. Keep on using that catch-all excuse. Play the race card incessantly. And never stop insulting the very people you should be trying to woo. Insult your way to VICtory!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They have a strategy?
