Thursday, September 04, 2008

Good for the goose...

A troll wrote into this blog, saying that it was "selfish, selfish" for a woman with a special needs child to seek high office. My question is simple: Would anyone call a male candidate selfish if he ran for office even though he had a "special needs" child?

Sexist, sexist.

On a related note: Others withn PUMA-land echo my distinction between "liberal" and "progressive." See myiq2xu on the "progressive puritans":
Finally, it is an article of faith among liberals that a woman’s body belongs to her and her alone...
Apparently, progressives do not agree with those ideas. As evidenced by the recent behavior of the “progressive blogosphere” regarding Governor Sarah Palin, her infant son and her teenage daughter, morality will now be investigated and controlled by the Progressive Puritans of the Left...
Blue Lyon sounds a similar note:
But the misogynistic / sexist crap coming from many in the “progressive” ranks is galling. I was never much in love with the progressive label. To me it felt like they were just running from the Liberal label. Well, I’m a Liberal and proud of it. But if what these people are doing is “progressive?” I want no part of it.
Divisive: Senator Obama called Sarah Palin's speech "divisive". Really? Which part? The bit where she said that Obama has written no legislation? The dig at the styrofoam columns? The comment about a "community organizer" having no responsibilities? The laff at his egomaniacal "seal"?

A statement is not a smear if it is true.

Barack Obama has no right to call anyone else "divisive," since he ran the most divisive primary campaign in American history. He divided me from my party, and I am hardly the only one who now feels politically alienated.
Please blame us for every stammering guttural “uhhhh” Obama burps out while trying to remember his script lines, since he never wrote a law, never championed a liberal cause or have any major career accomplishments other than running for office. Blame us for Obama’s failure to connect with average everyday middle and lower income voters, because the more we get to know him, the more we notice how empty his suit is. Please blame us for not being as stupid to swallow the lofty and ironic rhetoric of “Hope” and “Change” - since half of the only piece of land Obama governed is still a dilapidated slum while his Chicago Boiz run to the bank with millions of government subsidies. Please blame us for not believing Obama will protect reproductive rights, especially since his campaign, his acolytes and nefarious fauxgressive blogger crew continuously spew venom against female candidates and the women who support them. Your “Plan A” of fractioning the Democratic voter base by “hoping” to replace us with western states’ votes just got pwned by McCain’s VP pick, not just because Palin is a woman, but because she happens to be the governor of the largest state in the Union that holds a vital portion of the U.S.’ energy independence from foreign oil.


Anonymous said...

There was a split a long time ago between 'progressives' and 'liberals', progressives were OK with Communism and Liberals were against it, but today it is mostly people calling themselves progressives because they are afraid to be called liberal after the right wing make it a 'bad word', and rather than fight back and claim all the good done by liberal policies they just run away and label themselves 'progressives'. In reality, they are buying into right wing propaganda and attack liberals with the same right wing themes and talking points when it suits them, like the recent attacks on the Clintos from the 'left' by so-called 'progressives', many of them former Republicans like Arianna Huffington and Markos Moulitsas, raised and brainwashed in Clinton Derangement Syndrom.

Anonymous said...

The Clinton Derangement Syndrom has a new mutation: the Obama Derangement Syndrom. The effect are the same : irrational hatred, non substantiated accusations, accusing the other camps of doing what you are also doing, etc. you simply substitute Clinton for Obama.

Please stop pretending you're better than these people, you're exactly like them ! You just sound like a sport fan bitching about the other team supporters while you do exactly what you're bitching the other team about. There's an old saying : when you live in a glass house, you should not throw rocks at others.

What is worse though, is that you spent so many hours lecturing the rest of us on this horror since 2004 and now you are the one perpetuating it. But I guess that when YOU do evil things, it becomes good. This is why I would like to be superior like you and not one of "them"...

Unknown said...

Obama's Democratic Party: Home of Sexism, Misogyny, Racism and the Glass Ceiling for Women

I didn`t leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left me.

Anonymous said...

The only people I have known that call themselves "Progressives" were former Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Look, you guys are going way overboard on this liberal "morality patrol" idea. the fact is that if a candidate for the Vice Presidency of the United States is adamantly against sane education on birth control and sexual health (like what every civilized country in the world has), then maybe it's reasonable to point out the hypocrisy of said candidate's teenage daughter becoming pregnant. I guess "abstinence only" didn't work out huh?

Maybe Obama isn't the perfect candidate for President and probably would not be my first choice, but come on, Palin's policies are the exact opposite of what any "Liberal" person would ever support.

To recap a few Palin positions:

-Fundamentalist evangelical Rapture-Ready Christian fanatic who believes her "invisible friend" has us over in Iraq to do his will(sound familiar?).

-Denies the fact of the scientific theory of evolution and wants "the controversy" over intelligent design taught in schools.

-Sued to take Polar bears off the endangered species list despite clear evidence that they are being driven to extinction due to a destruction of their habitat.

-Does not believe that Global Warming is even caused by humans (and that therefore we are wasting our time dealing with it) despite thousands of scientific studies to the contrary.

-Wants to drill in ANWAR despite the clear environmental damage that will result and the nonexistent effect on the price of oil.

-Initially expressed support for the "bridge to nowhere" in Alaska and ran on a "build-the-bridge" platform, arguing that it was essential for local prosperity. She later opposed it but Alaska kept the money.

-Wants to take away a woman's right to an abortion (even in the case of rape or incest).

-Opposes same sex marriages and supported a a constitutional amendment to deny state health benefits to same-sex couples

-Prides herself in being on of the "common people" not like those egghead liberal "elites" who actually analyze a situation before jumping into rash action.

-Involved with a successionist political party that wants Alaska to succeed from the United States

-Is utterly unqualified to be President (Small town mayor and Governor of a state composed of 670,000 people as of 2006, which is smaller than most decent sized cities.

Does any of this remind anyone of another so called "outsider" candidate who appeared on the scene at the last minute and got elected (to the detriment of us all)? I'm referring of course to George W. Bush. The analogies between Bush and Palin are staggering.

And no I'm not being "sexist" by bring up these very valid points (you notice I didn't mention the strawman "special needs child" argument because it's not necessary and has nothing to do with Palin's qualifications - but the other points above do).

Perry Logan said...

In response to Spinoza:

Obama people can't scare us PUMAs by painting McCain or Palin's policies in lurid tones, because we have no confidence whatsoever that Obama will promote a progressive agenda.

From what I've seen, Obama is just as likely as McCain-Palin to oppose same-sex marriage or take away a woman's right to abortion, or whatever. If he voted for the Cheney energy bill and FISA, anything is possible. I'm half expecting him to call for invading Iran tomorrow.

I won't mention the fact that Obama is crooked and incompetent and has no business being anywhere near the White House.

And, of course, for an Obama supporter to say Palin is "unqualified" is pure chutzpah.

orionATL said...

joseph -

you're doing good real good work these days. cannonfire is a pleasure to read.

it's giving me info and perspective that i had lost sight of for a couple of months.