Saturday, September 27, 2008


First, let me say thank you thank you thank you to the readers who sent kind thoughts and donations yesterday. I had a medical emergency, the details of which I'd rather not go into, because it's all rather disgusting, as these things tend to be. The important point is that, during much of the day, I had an IV drip filling me with morphine. This was my first experience with having morphine shot directly into my veins and, frankly, I quite enjoyed it.

Even though I spent that day swirling through the realms of Morphia, and even though I don't recall anyone ever turning on a TV, I think I saw the McCain/Obama debate. I think. Here's my take on it.

First, I have to admit that Obama aced the swimsuit competition.

Moderator Bob Keeshan surprised this observer when he asked the contestants to name their favorite Marian apparition. Obama, not surprisingly, went for the recent one in Kibeho, Rwanda, while McCain went for Lourdes -- an unimaginative choice, in this observer's opinion. Then again, you really can't go wrong with the classics.

Keeshan followed that up by noting that, not long ago, we celebrated International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Would (asked Keeshan) either McCain or Obama want to institute a similar tradition? Obama's suggestion was International Talk Like Lenny From "Of Mice and Men" Day, and I must admit that I found his impersonation -- DUHHH-UHH, I done a bad thing, George! -- absolutely charming. McCain, I feel, was simply showing off when he made not one but two suggestions: International Talk Like William Shatner Day and International Talk Like a Zombie Day. His Zombie was a lot more convincing than his Shatner. I think you could combine the two by talking like a Zombie Shatner, which would mean punctuating your moans with weird pauses.

I agree with the pundits who say that Obama may have cheated during the arm-wrestling competition.

I was a little put off by the times that Obama picked his nose on camera. It wasn't so much the fact that he did it -- he also felt compelled to place the offending substance in small plastic pill bottles which were then signed and dated. This, I felt, demonstrated a dangerous level of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

On the other hand, John McCain absolutely failed the dirty limerick competition. Limericks are not in iambic meter. Furthermore, "penis" does not rhyme with "tennis."

Was it my imagination, or did Keeshan turn into a demonic sheep as the night proceeded? I swear, I thought I heard him saying Bahh Bahhh Bahhhh while black smoke bellowed from his nostrils.

The "countries I'd like to nuke just for the hell of it" segment contained a few surprises. McCain justified his choice of Finland with one word: Because. Obama, unwilling to offend anyone, chose Mars. Very cowardly. Mars is not a country, and he knows it.

Obama showed true leadership abilities when he climbed atop his podium and started swatting at invisible bi-planes. McCain, for his part, did a spot-on impersonation of Fae Wray. All told, though, I think we don't need to see the "King Kong recapitulation" segment in future debates.

Special Guests Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie really livened up the "Weird Newscasters" segment.

At the very end, McCain struck a poetic note when he announced "We are all squirrels now!" as he and Obama went scampering off across a moonlit lawn, lost in a haze of early morning dew. Based on that gesture alone, I'm going to have to declare McCain the winner.


lori said...

LOL - Wonderful.

Kidney stones?

Piper said...

Too funny! You can go here to watch the actual debate. WARNING: I thought that Obama looked really dark on the YouTube version. I wonder what they thought about that at the Big Cheeto.

Anonymous said...

Recently an insurance company nearly wind up....

A bank is nearly bankrupt......

Who fault?

Now using tax payer money, $700B is used to save finance industry only, how about the industry that you are in.....retail industry, construction industry, manufacturing industry, R&D, electronics, electrical, mechanical, chemical, IT etc.... each industry will be able to enjoy at least $10B.......

The top management of the Public listed company ( belong to "public" ) salary should be tied a portion of it to the shares price ( IPO or ave 5 years ).... so when the shares price drop, it don't just penalise the investors, but those who don't take care of the company.....If this rule is pass on, without any need of further regulation, all industries ( as long as it is public listed ) will be self regulated......

Sign a petition to your favourite president candidate and ask for their views to comment on this......If you agree on my point, please let as many people know as possible....

Media and finance sector is the only two sector ( hopefully Hacker can also ) which can overcome political incorrect power, so it is time to fine tune to the correct path, so hopefully media can united to report the truth......

Gary McGowan said...

I'm getting too old for this shit. I think about 10 hours in the full lotus position sending chi to blogger Joseph... God, my knees and back hurt!

And then to check in here and see that some of that divine energy has been SQUANDERED writing such silliness when we have PROBLEMS in the world!

That's the last time, Joseph Cannon. The last time. Next time just tell Jen to save it. I'm finished helping you, fella!


Very Happy to hear you are O.K. and see you still have your chops.

That is no doubt the best piece likely to be written about debatesville. Just the other day I was missing the presence of Dr. H.S. Thompson in these times...

... Oh, what a relief it is...

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better.

Now I know what I was missing last night in order to make the whole debate thing palatable - morphine!

BTW, I just read in my October issue of Harper's that since 1998 Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae has spent $174,000,000 on lobbying. What a surprise!

old dem

Anonymous said...

good to know you're OK Joe

Anonymous said...

Rather disgusting in what respect, Charlie?


Cyn said...

Holy shit! You are good - this is hysterical. I shall have to drop by here on a regular basis.

Christopher Corbell said...

LOL, best debate recap I've read anywhere in this network of tubes.

Unknown said...

Glad you are feeling better. I think I have seen that debate before.