Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Brazile goes nuts

If you haven't seen this yet, you gotta. It exemplifies a point I've made repeatedly: Those afflicted with Obama-vision lose the ability to see the real world.

On May 8, a "young female voter from Ohio" wrote to Brazile, pleading the case for seating MI and FL. Throughout, the letter is humble, reasonable and friendly in tone. The entire text is here. An excerpt:
Ms. Brazille, I urge you not to disclude and disenfranchise millions of voters from every walk of life from this nominating process simply for the sake of one candidate, because doing so would be an awful mistake. I have respect for you as a person, Ms. Brazille, but I would implore you to make the right decision and seat Florida and Michigan . I would also implore you to stop encouraging super delegates to force Senator Clinton out of the race, because the more they do this, the stronger she gets
The final bit:
Thank you very much for reading this email. Like you, I am very emotionally invested in this Campaign, (as is Stephanie Tubbs Jones, a Congresswoman from the district next to mine who also supports Hillary :D) and wish you all the luck in the world.
I haven't cherry-picked these passages. As noted above, the full text is available at the other end of the link.

Here's Brazile's response:
As of today, I am not going to respond to any more anti American, Anti Democratic emails. Have a nice day.

I am sorry because you are sincere, but the Hillary forces are uncivil, repugnant and vile. When you come up for air and would like to email a person who cares about America and not just a personality, I will respond.

Thanks for your time and your interest.
If Donna Brazile can read this nice young woman's polite letter and see something "uncivil, repugnant and vile" -- well, I don't have a DSM-IV to hand, but I believe this response fits the definition of "paranoia."

I've never seen anything quite like the madness that has overtaken the Obama supporters. They continue to screech the most bone-chilling invective at any and all perceived opponents, even though, from a strategic standpoint, doing so is counter-productive. (I'm reminded of Orson Welles' famous story about the scorpion.) And yet their egos are so easily bruised that they consider a polite "I disagree with your decision, and I beg you to reconsider" to be "anti American, anti Democratic."

The last time I saw the clouds of unreason take hold of the populace to this degree was in the aftermath of 9/11. Back then, any disagreement with Bush was greeted with the classic reply: "Why do you hate America?" Now, if you politely plead the case for Michigan and Florida, you are accused of being "anti American, anti Democratic."

Can you see a difference? I can't.


John said...

Joe, is there any evidence that this exchange of emails is true?

Seriously, anyone can doctor an email...anyone can send an email to themselves, looking like it came from somewhere else ( for example), and even though I'm one of the biggest Hillary fans in the world, I always demand "intellectual honesty" above all else.

I find it hard to believe that someone as skilled as Brazile would write that response. Of course she is an Obama fan, of course the DNC is rigged right now, but that does not mean this email is true.


Joseph Cannon said...

I accept it at face value. As Taylor Marsh says in response, you can't make stuff like that up.

Besides, Brazile's words are consistent with what she has said and done previously.

Anonymous said...

Im sure this is just a halucination Im having, but I keep seeing something which reminds me of Blair in the Obama campaign.

Sometimes it seems as if they have decided policy is superfluous, and what is important is methods. Blair modernised the labour party not so much in policy but in its PR or propoganda. They used what had been Conservative methods on the Conservatives.

Perhaps we should look at the Obama campaign as a Rovian campaign. That for every smear the Rupublicans use in the Autumn, there will be worse one used on the McCain in the Autumn. Perhaps Obama is the Democrat Bush, only younger and better looking?

Compassionate conservatism? Change?
