Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Obamabots conduct a Rovian attack on a voter registration group -- and BradBlog takes the "Thor" position!

(Note: In the original version of the previous post, I misspelled the name of Bob Somerby. Since we are supposed to blame all problems on women this election season, I blame Jodie Foster, who made Sommersby in 1993.)

Remember the U.S. Attorney scandal? Remember how the Bush DOJ, prodded by Karl Rove, wanted the USAs and state prosecutors to target voter registration groups?

Well, now the Obamabots have joined forces with that very crusade.

Recently, Talking Points Memo, Kos and the DU crowd have attacked a group called Women's Voices, Women's Votes, which has launched a pro-registration robocall campaign in North Carolina.

The WVWV group is a legitimate non-partisan group, headed by one Page Gardner. The organization has existed since 2003. Its primary purpose is to encourage unmarried women to vote -- a goal which the Obot bloggers view as nefarious.

The Obamasphere has tried to castigate the group for failing to inform potential voters that the deadline for registration has passed for the primary. So? The group is using proven techniques to increase registration for the GENERAL ELECTION.

Voter registration drives often occur during primaries. That's when interest in politics runs high. I can recall encountering primary season registration drives when I was a boy -- and I'm no spring chicken.

The Obamabots presume not only that a registration drive is an evil thing, but that a Hillary-run group has somehow tried to disenfranchise black voters. This conspiracy scenario makes no sense whatsoever.

Here's the truth of the matter:
In 2004 WVWV partnered with the NAACP on their voter registration drive. One approach that they have found to be cost effective for large registration campaigns is an automated phone call, followed by a voter registration form in the mail and then a follow-up phone call to encourage the citizen to send in the form. WVWV also closely studies results to determine when potential voters are most likely to register, and as one might expect people are most likely to respond when their interest is engaged, around an election. WVWV has registered or helped other groups register millions of new voters using these tested techniques, and it was on track to register millions more in this exciting election cycle.
Barack Obama and his lawyer Bob Bauer know all of this. Obama knows that WVWV was critical to registering new voters for him in Illinois in 2004, Bob Bauer knows the Bush administration's history of punishing groups like WVWV with frivolous lawsuits, they know that WVWV works closely with the NAACP and ACORN, they know that it is illegal for non-partisan (501(c)(3)s) to coordinate with candidates. And yet Barack Obama has decided that his political skin is more important than all of that work expanding the franchise, and if he can score some points against Hillary Clinton by characterizing a group that registers women as racist, then he will.
(Emphasis added.) Mike Lux at Open Left vouches for Page Gardner:
I have known Page Gardner for 16 years. She has dedicated her life to trying to get folks to register to vote, and would never do anything to deter anyone from voting.
The group did violate (accidentally, I am sure) a North Carolina law requiring "robo calls" to provide contact information. (See here.) The Obamabots have pounced on that mistake in order to create a fancifully paranoid scenario of Clintonian conspiracy. And just how is the lack of contact info supposed to benefit Hillary?

The acolytes of Mr. Wonderful have used bizarre and nonsensical arguments to create the false impression that a group which is trying to register millions of people -- a group which is trying to combat the vote-suppression measures recently sanctioned by the Supreme Court -- is actually in the business of disenfranchising voters.

Thus, the "progressive" left has joined forces with those Republicans who want to use any legal justification, however minor or inconsequential, in order to shut down a voter registration group.

The O-bots have gleefully pointed out that Secretaries of State and Attorneys General in other states have harrassed WVWV on various legalistic pretexts. To this charge, I say: Look at which states are involved. Is it a coincidence that Republican state functionaries have gone after the group -- in red states like Arizona, Florida, Colorado, Arkansas and Wisconsin?

Blue state governments have not complained about WVWV.

Everything is topsy turvy. A few short months ago, the left would have defended a group like WVWV against GOP harassers. Now, the Obamaphiles are applauding the pro-Bush forces.

(I must note that the State AG for North Carolina is a Democrat. For the most part, however, the forces arrayed against WVWV have been blood red.)

Think about it. Since the deadline for primary registration has passed, any new registrations among women, blacks and the unmarried will only increase the participation of those groups in the general election. Thus, the Obamabots are arguing for the suppression of the Democratic vote in November!

I am particularly disappointed in Brad Friedman, who allowed writer John Gideon to run the O-bot line on WVWV without double-checking the facts.

For the truth of the matter, see here and here and here. Here's a key excerpt:
Occasionally Republicans will harass voter registration organizations with legal actions in an attempt to force them to waste resources on legal bills rather than spending them registering new voters. This is a tactic often used against organizations like the NAACP and ACORN. It was one of the key components of the U.S. Attorney scandal, where U.S. Attorneys who refused to pursue politically motivated legal action against voter registration groups were fired.
In other words, WVWV is exactly the sort of voter registration group targeted by the notorious Thor Hearne.

So what's next, Brad? Thinking of growing long red hair and wielding a hammer called Mjolnir?


Anonymous said...

My understanding (from other web sites) is that the robo-calls suppressed caller ID and didn't provide any info to the callee on how to get in touch with the caller. Also that many (most?) of the callees were black men rather than single women. Do you know if the above is true or not? If so, what's your take on it?

Joseph Cannon said...

I give my take above. I don't know how I can be clearer. I guess I can repeat myself -- although if you did not come here to read my words, Anon, why DID you come here?

Yes, it was a mistake for WVWV not to include contact info. But how does the lack of contact info benefit Hillary?

The Obamablogs have tried to create the stench of conspiracy without favoring us with a story that makes sense.

By what logic can we say that PRO-REGISTRATION group is actually DISENFRANCHISING voters?

As I note above, the state governments that have tried to harass WVWV in the past were ALL Republican. In essence, the pro-Obama forces are now applauding legalistic maneuvering by GOP-ers against a voter registration group!

The reports of who was targeted by WVWV in NC are all anecdotal. However, the group does have a history of aiding registration drives among black and Hispanic groups, although the primary focus is on unmarried women.

Got a problem with that? If you do -- WHY?

Since when does the left castigate a group for increasing the number of minority voters in the general election?

Since when does the left -- including BradBlog! -- take the "Thor Hearne" position?

Anonymous said...

Joe: "Why would Hillary use the race card and risk alienate the black vote?" The assertion being that the idea makes no sense.
Beeta: "Why would Obama try to suppress the black vote?" An equally absurd idea.
But here is my take on the situation:
let's say that you are not registered to vote and you get a phone message that says you will not be able to vote until you receive a packet in the mail and fill and return the enclosed forms. And let's say that the deadline for registering to vote in the primary has passed. If you receive the packet and fill the forms and mail it, chances are that you would be a new registered voter. Wonderful!
Now imagine that you are a registered voter and you receive the same phone call with no caller ID number. You might take that call to mean that for some reason, you can not vote in the primary and you end up sitting home waiting for that packet to arrive and miss your chance to vote in the primary. Not so wonderful for Obama if you are black and the nomination is hinging on a big win in NC.
Next is the fact that Maggie Williams has been closely working with this group for some time. It does not prove any mischief but ....
And, if I was trying to get at the bottom of some murky subject, I would trust BradBlog any day over MYDD or OpenLeft.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off, cunt. You're suck a piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

So giving out incorrect voter registration information doesn't qualify as disenfranchisement, eh? Why don't you put the barrel of a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger?

Joseph Cannon said...

Beeta, I kinda think that Brad is going to correct what John Gideon wrote.

"Now imagine that you are a registered voter and you receive the same phone call with no caller ID number. You might take that call to mean that for some reason, you can not vote in the primary and you end up sitting home waiting for that packet to arrive and miss your chance to vote in the primary."

Ridiculous. If you register, you receive a voter registration card, which tells you all you need ot know. And you would simply presume that the robocall was meant for people who had not registred.

Joseph Cannon said...

By the way, beeta -- if you are already registered, you also receive election materials prepared by the secretary of state plus all sorts of mailings and GOTV material from the party with which you are identified. You have to be REEEALLLY dense not to notice that you are registered.

And if you get a robocall that does not seem to apply to you, you just...hang up.

Come on. You're reaching.

Arguing that Hillary will reap some huge benefit because WVWV did not provide contact info is like arguing that writing with a green felt tip marker is going to cause the icebergs to melt.

In both cases, the claim is a total non-sequitur!

Joseph Cannon said...

I decided to allow those last two Anonymous comments to slip through in order to demonstrate the sad degeneration of the left.

Not long ago, I was saying that the Daily Kos has tuned into the Free Republic. But even the Freepers were rarely so vile or imbecilic.

If you are an Obama supporter, re-read these last two comments. Ask yourself: Do you really want to ally yourself with such violent, sick, unthinking, uneducated people?

It's not too late to rejoin the realm of humanity and decency.

Joseph Cannon said...

By the way -- North Carolina has not said that the group provided incorrect registration information. The violated a statute which specifies that robo-calls must provide contact info.

gary said...

No opinion on the Robocalls at the moment but let me address another matter. I see you've added a new link at the left: "Indictment: Patrick Fitzgerald targets Rezko and Obama." Isn't this a tad misleading? I read the 3-piece story although I have not read the Rezko indictment. I understand Obama is mentioned although not by name. Is there any reason to think that Fitzgerald is targeting Obama or that he might be indicted?

Anonymous said...

Do you remember Florida 2000?
Scare tactics? If you have a driving violation you can't vote, bla bla....
How many people voted for Buchanan by mistake? Candidate names not matching up with holes, bla bla..
Now all of sudden voters are too smart to be taken in by a robocall?
I get all kinds of OFFICIAL looking mail that are really garbage and I wonder sometimes.
I moved this year and requested a change of address and guess what?
I have not received a thing in the mail regarding elections and I VOTED in the primary!
BTW, you are right about some commenters, but how do you know who is who. Seemed to me one was mad at me and the other at you.

Joseph Cannon said...

There is an indictment, Obama is in it, and he's part of the criminal conspiracy that Fitz is trying to shut down. I doubt that Fitz will have enough evidence to bring all of the guilty parties to justice.

Daley may not be indicted, but would you argue that he is uninvolved?

Joseph Cannon said...

beeta, you are reaching again.

There is a heck of a lot of difference between reminding people to register to vote and telling lies along the lines of "If you haven't paid your traffic tickets, you'll be arrested if you try to vote."

In the former case, what's the worst that can happen? Someone may try to register more than once.

Well, big deal. That sort of thing happens all the time. And guess what happens?

A state functionary will sit in front of a computer screen and try to input the name of the voter. And a flag comes up on the computer screen: "Voter already registered."

How do I know this? Because I just called up the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

It just isn't a problem!

Anonymous said...

Everytime I see one of these "Clinton did this nefarious act" type of headlines, I am going to take it with a huge (golf-sized hail) cliche'ly grain of salt.

Since I, an older feminist, have been effectively marginalized by Kos, Huffington, etc, I have had to rethink whether I will vote for Obama if he gets the nomination.

Especially after seeing the Obama supporters behaving like Right Wingers just to get their candidate in.

Thank you for keeping me sane Joe.

Becki Jayne said...

Gosh, we think along the same lines, Joseph. Thanks for your post.

I read about the WVWV controversy over at Digby's blog since she had appeared in a PSA for the group. Digby's comment thread on the WVWV topic is filled with ugly smears against her, and of course, the usual refrain, Clinton did it.

I suspect there's a lot of ratfucking going on.

Anonymous said...

Oy fucking vey.

This is crazy in so many ways.

Getting out the unmarried woman vote will proportionately positively impact black women more than white women. Unmarried black women form a larger share of the black community than unmarried white women to do the white community, because black marriage participation rates are lower than white marriage participation rates.

Great move, guys!! Pat your liberal selves on the back!!

AitchD said...

On this morning's Democracy Now! program:

"[headline] “Robocalls” Discourage African American Votes in North Carolina

In North Carolina, voter suppression is being feared over a new round of automated phone calls targeting black households. The unidentified robocall features an African American voice falsely telling voters they must first send in a “registration packet” before they’re allowed to vote.

Robocall Voice: “Hello. This is Lamont Williams. In the next few days, you will receive a voter registration packet in the mail. All you need to do is fill it out, sign it, date and return your application. Then you will be able to vote and make your voice heard. Please return your registration form when it arrives. Thank you."

Similar robocalls were used before the Ohio and Virginia primaries earlier this year. North Carolina voting rights advocates are calling for an investigation."

gary said...

I thought this was interesting from the British newspaper, The Guardian:

"The Clinton campaign has succeeded in boxing him in as the black candidate, rather than one who transcends race, as he prefers to see himself. The Clinton camp denies adopting the tactic though it has been apparent since January."

Joseph Cannon said...


Thanks for the head's up on the Guardian's insanity. Unbefuckinglievable. Notice that they didn't cite any examples. If they had tired, they no doubt would have cited "Fairy tale" and the other fabrications that have been exploded repeatedly.

This is worse than the "Gore's a liar" smear in 2000. I never expected to see Democrats engage in this sort of nonsense.

And H -- thanks for cluing me in on Amy GOodman's latest bout with insanity. She is very good in other areas, but she is a CLASSIC sufferer from Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

“Hello. This is Lamont Williams. In the next few days, you will receive a voter registration packet in the mail. All you need to do is fill it out, sign it, date and return your application. Then you will be able to vote and make your voice heard. Please return your registration form when it arrives. Thank you."

I see nothing at all wrong with this! THe only thing that can happen is that people who are unregistered will be registered. If the package accidentally goes out to someone who is already registered, and if someone stupidly tries to register twice, it is NOT A PROBLEM. The person's registration will not be affected in any way. Call the state election board for yourself, if you don't believe me!

j -- unmarrieds of all races break (slightly) for Obama. So really, this voter registration drive can only benefit him in the general.

That's not the issue. What the Obots are trying to do is create a smear.

This is exactly analogous to the "darkened video" controversy. Tey are hoping that the mud will stick before people take a closer look at what is really going on.

AitchD said...

How could someone conclude Lamont Williams's voice is "an African American voice"? I mean Benny Goodman's voice sounded black to my ears. I saw him in person, and he's not what you'd call a black person, plus Steve Allen played him in the biopic as a secular Jew. North Carolina's natural dialect sounds black to most ears. I won't even bring up Johnny Cochran's impeachment in open court of that same nonsense.

Hi-ever (as we say 'however' here in NC), if it's too late to register for this Tuesday's primary election, and Lamont's calls were made after the deadline, it's hard for y'all to hold y'all's noses and still not smell the skunk.

AitchD said...

"Added note" ™ :

According to "The NC Sate Board of Elections: NC Public Funding Programs 2008 Primary Voter Guide", mailed to me as "Residential Customer" without any address (and presumably mailed to anyone who receives mail) -


Friday, April 11

Voter registration forms must be postmarked or delivered in person by 5:00 p.m. for May 6, 2008 Primary. After this deadline you can still register to vote at One-Stop absentee voting locations.

Last day to change party affiliation before the May 6 Primary"


"Thursday, April 17

One-Stop absentee voting begins for May 6 Primary. You may register to vote and vote during One-Stop absentee voting" (a tad ambiguous?)


"Tuesday, April 29

Last day to request mail-in absentee ballots in writing (exception due to sickness or disability)."


"Saturday, May 3 at 1:00 p.m. (may be extended to 5 pm in some counties)

One-Stop absentee voting and registering ends"


"Monday, May 5

Mailed absentee ballots must be received BOE office by 5:00 p.m. Deadline to request absentee ballots for sickness/disability is 5:00 p.m."


"Tuesday, May 6 (Polls open at 6:30 a.m. and close at 7:30 p.m.)

Primary Day".

That's verbatim cover page info, I've altered the pamphlet's formatting (it uses bullets and flush indents, for example).

At the bottom: "This Voter Guide is prepared and distributed by the State Board of Elections. It is largely paid for by funds from the $3 check-off on the state income tax form for the N. C. Public Campaign Fund and by other donations. 3,650,000 copies of this publication were printed."

Additionally, inside pages explain the steps for registering to vote with the important dates repeated. (It's, like, real real easy!)

None of the NC gubernatorial candidates are listed anywhere, neither are the POTUS candidates. Candidates for courts and other offices, with bios, are included; there's a cover disclaimer about their personal statements.

AitchD said...

What's to be said about Peter Dreier's credibility? He's saying some pretty shitty shit about shit:

Incidentally, Joe - you linked to the Facing South piece, a rather thorough analysis of serious (and serial) criminal wrongdoing (should it be pursued by law enforcement), but you may not have read it thoroughly. It's not that politics aren't clean - they're not supposed to be clean.

Gary McGowan said...

I just commented at Brad's site:

There is a constant effort to divide and disenfranchise citizens of the USA, using every trick possible. It has been going on since we began fighting for our Liberty. One version is, create a smear, hoping that the mud will stick before people take a closer look at what is really going on. Let's you and him fight.

Digby's comment thread on the WVWV topic is filled with ugly smears against her, and the refrain, Clinton did it.

Sneaky Malthusian free-trade newspaper, The Guardian:

"The Clinton campaign has succeeded in boxing him in as the black candidate, rather than one who transcends race, as he prefers to see himself. The Clinton camp denies adopting the tactic though it has been apparent since January."

Joe Cannon has this "divide and conquer" story pegged to a useful degree, and he let a couple drive-by smears through the comment moderation just to show how that works. He and Brad disagree on the usefulness or permissibility of robocalls. He's critical (in the wrong tone, imo) of Brad's yesterday comment . Brad wants to be nonpartisan and focus on his work. Joe rails against attacks on, and corruption within, the progressive Democrats. Others support their candidates. Fine.

But let us reason together, because we have a common enemy which is trying to destroy the United States of America because it stands against fascism, corporatism, and their contempt for basic human dignity.

This is not a high school football game. I applaud those who see that; and I try, within my limits, to improve those who don't.

Joseph Cannon said...

I glanced at the piece about Blumenthal, and I also saw what they were saying about on DU. Pretty rank. The kindest thing said was the Clinton and all her supporters are pigs.

And then they wonder why, after being so insulted, we won't vote for Obama in the general.

You know what is really funny? The beef against Blumenthal is that he is TOO NEGATIVE.

Are they kidding? This, from the same DU thread where the word "pig" gets repeated about a dozen times?

Blumenthal stands accused of using right wing sources. Again, are they kidding? The progs have resurrected every right-wing lie told during the 90s! I can't tell you how many times anti-Hillary "progressives" have sent me links to the WSJ editorial page, or Fox News, or some old tripe by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard...

How can these people be so utterly ignorant of their own hypocrisy?

Gary McGowan said...

Joseph, Your header pretty strongly attacks The Brad Blog, but you never quote, or give a direct link to, the comment which you criticize. So here, for the record is the link.

Discussion of your criticism is in the comments at the link.

Anonymous said...

The time has come to ask: is the Democratic Party run by stone freaking psychopaths?

I use the phrase "stone freaking" to honor the fact that we are now living through the 1960s - again. What John Updike called "a slum of a decade." Amen.

Now, what happens when the party leadership backs Obama, against a solid majority of bitter white working class voters who backed Hillary? What then?

And Blumenthal thinks the Republicans have committed suicide?

PS Joe: Unmarrieds tend to be young, and the youth vote is breaking away from Obama. Yes, I realize the essence of the matter is the smear, but I enjoy pointing out Obama-illogic. cut me some slack.

Joseph Cannon said...

I'm not going to look at the crap which I am sure is being said about me on Brad's site. He's a good guy, although I guess we go our separate ways now. But his readers are just vile, which is why I told him a long time ago that I could not be a fill-in writer on his blog.

Anonymous said...

I read the comments at BradBlog and there were no attacks on you Joe. Actually there was one comment from Brad and a couple from John, all praising you but not agreeing with your take on the issue. John's point remains that robocalls should be illegal and they generally tend to be confusing and lead to disinfranchisment.
That was the jest of my comment(which you dismissed), that it is possible that the calls may have confused some registered voters into not voting in the primaries and that would be hurtful to Obama. John also points out that there are no solid links that prove Clinton Campaign involvement but that the number of pro Hillary members on the organization's board of directors does raise one's eyebrows.
I take this attack on Hillary with the same grain of salt as I took the attack on Obama and race baiting.

Gary McGowan said...

Joseph, I was just over at Brad's place on other business, and saw this in the thread:
BRAD FRIEDMAN said on 5/2/2008 @ 11:42 am PT...

Gary McGowan -
You might request that Cannon allow the two comments I left at his site to be posted. Not sure why he has not let them go through. The first posted last night. Both speaking to his original error in coverage which requires the courtesy of a correction over there on his part.

I responded:

Gary McGowan said on 5/3/2008 @ 5:52 pm PT...

Hi Brad,

I’ve no “pull” with Mr. Cannon (I just post comments there.) I think that all my comments so far have gone through. I’ll copy your comment with some words of my own after I re-find which thread.

You might be interested in my last link in my post just above if you haven’t seen “Texas Caucus Fraud” at MyDD night of May 2. (A post by Cannon drew my attention to it.)


Please don't shoot the messenger :)

Anonymous said...

As a Wisconsin resident, I'd like to point out that Wisconsin is not, in any traditional sense, a "red state." The last time Wisconsin went to a Republican in the general election was 1984. Both senators are Democrats (Including Russ Feingold!). If you'd like to talk about the State government, the Senate is currently controlled by Democrats, while the Assembly is controlled by Republicans. Wisconsin also has a strong progressive history with the legacies of Bob LaFollette and Gaylord Nelson.