Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Conyers and impeachment

Dennis Kucinich just announced on the Ed Schultz show that John Conyers will hold hearings into the impeachment of Cheney. A full House vote yesterday would never have succeeded and would only have endangered red-state Democratic House members. But hearings could do the trick. I've been saying all along: Follow the Nixon impeachment playbook.

So how many hours will pass before the progressives find reason to hit us with Conyers-hate?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

those putrid republicans have a plan under their sleeve... like replacing the dick with another one........

Joseph Cannon said...

anon -- and please, I've asked people NOT to be anonymous -- I heard this bit on the car radio last night. Geeks have yet to invent a way to hyperlink to a car radio.

However, Brad Friedman tells me he may have the audio on his site soon.

The other anon (Come ON, guys...): There's been some speculative talk about replacing Cheney with Giuliani in order to help the campaign. But if politics follow the normal rules ("Play to the base in the primary, and play to the center in the general"), then Giuliani cannot benefit after the primaries from association with the discredited administration.

Unless something blows up somewhere.

USMA MULE said...

It won't take long. Over at
Democratic Underground
, where someone linked to your post, some folks are already whining about "what good will hearings do if the refuse to 'show up'?"

I understand how frustrated people are but the process must go along constitutional grounds, and the airing of all the dirty administration laundry CAN'T be a good thing for Republicans. John Boener, may have made the biggest political mistake of his generation.