Saturday, April 14, 2007

I don't need a degree to know that Bill Maher is a genius

This ranks with the best "New Rule" segments Maher has ever done. He tears into Monica Goodling (a name right out of Ian Fleming, that) and her Alma Mater, Pat Robertson's Jesus-approved Regent University.

Regent is a fourth-tier school, the lowest tier there is. To put this into perspective: I happen to know someone going to a third-tier school who has just discovered that, despite her 3.9 GPA, her undergrad degree is basically worthless -- because her university does not command sufficient respect. Grad schools do not want her, and neither do "real world" employers in her field.

But 150 fourth-tier Regent U grads have gone on to work for the White House -- including Monica, all of 33, who became the third ranking member of the Justice Department of the United States.

Maher's final line is priceless.


Anonymous said...

Regent is one of the worst law schools in the country, although it has improved recently - John Ashcroft is now on the faculty. Only 40% of Goodling's class passed the bar in 1999.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Thanks for posting this, Joe.

Anonymous said...

Forth tier schools and high level federal employees with phony degrees ( AKA Laura Callahan with three phony degrees - she was a carry over from the Clinton Admin and also involved in a White House email scandal) show that the traditional three Rs' have been replaced with new versions - religion, rightousness and republicans.