Friday, February 16, 2007

Evolution is a Jewish Conspiracy, says Congressman

A particularly prehistoric congresscritter named Ben Bridges, representative from Georgia -- Cleveland, Georgia, to be specific -- now finds himself the center of controversy because a memo under his name offers the following anti-evolutionary screed:
“Indisputable evidence — long hidden but now available to everyone — demonstrates conclusively that so-called ‘secular evolution science’ is the Big-Bang 15-billion-year alternate ‘creation scenario’ of the Pharisee Religion,” the memo says. “This scenario is derived concept-for-concept from Rabbinic writings in the mystic ‘holy book’ Kabbala dating back at least two millennia.”

The memo calls on lawmakers to introduce legislation that would end the teaching of evolution in public schools because it is “a deception that is causing incalculable harm to every student and every truth-loving citizen.”

It also directs readers to a Web site, which includes model legislation that calls the Kabbala “a mystic, anti-Christ ‘holy book’ of the Pharisee Sect of Judaism.” The Web site also declares “the earth is not rotating … nor is it going around the sun.”
(Emphasis added throughout.) Now, as it happens, I've read some qabalistic writings, mostly the bastardized stuff that floated into the Western Hermetic tradition, but also a smattering of the original material. I've also thumbed through Gershom Scholem's historical writings on the topic. (Note: There are a number of ways to transliterate the Hebrew word QBL, meaning "tradition;" I prefer Qabala.) And here are a few basic facts:

1. There is no one mystic "holy book" called the Kabbalah or Qabala. There is a collection of writings.

2. Although Jewish folklore traces the Qabala to Moses, or even to Adam, the first qabalistic writings are not two thousand years old. The Sefer Yetzirah dates (many believe) the the 10th century. The Zohar, the first qabalistic work of major importance, appeared in Spain in the 13th Century; it is a collection of writings, not a single book.

3. Although the creation of the world is frequently referenced by the qabalistic mystics, nothing in any qabalistic text (or textual summary) I've ever seen indicates any linkage to Darwinism. The idea that Darwin or Copernicus were devoted qabalists is supported by nothing in their personal histories, and by nothing in the qabalistic writings themselves. There may indeed be latter-day qabalists who see a connection between ancient Jewish mystical texts and the theory of the Big Bang, but we can safely consign all such arguments to the file cabinet marked "Ex post facto speculation."

You should take a look at the afore-linked "fixed earth" site if you want to take a gander at a truly primeval worldview.
Indeed, the diligent reader will be astonished at the level of demonstrable hi-tech fraud, baseless assumptions, occult mathematics, etc.,--all part of a religious conspiracy!--that has been at work over many centuries implanting the incredible evolution myth about the origin of the Universe, the Earth, and Mankind.
AIEE! It's a conspiracy!

You may also be interested to see this page (another product of Congressman Bridges' pals), which condemns "Christian Zionism" and decries support for Israel. If you know the American fringe as well I do, you'll recognize some very familiar themes:
This collusion is raising the threat of adopting laws that would make it a “hate-crime” to say or write anything critical of the Jews...or even to pray in Jesus’ name in public places. This is the same type of “hate-crime” law that was passed shortly after the Jewish-dominated Communist government came to power in Russia almost ninety years ago.
Ah, yes -- it's our old friend "Communism = Judaism," an almost unkillable meme.

Normally these cranks would be allowed to fester undisturbed within their small corner of the internet conspiraverse. But note: These sicko southerners actually have a congressman pushing their views.


Anonymous said...

fact o the matter is that we have "fallen" from a more perfect lifestyle. Paradise (not not CD's* gameplan, pair o dice) is where your spirit came from and can't wait to get home again.

Thank you Jesus

* Charlie Darwin

Joseph Cannon said...

Such are my readers. Each day, I hit my head against the wall hard enough to crack the gypsum board.

Joseph Cannon said...

I do stand corrected about the state.

I've been insufficiently self-revelatory? What the fuck do you want, an exact street address?

Yeesh -- I think that IS what you're hoping for.

(Early on, I did give out my phone number fairly easily. We started getting some VERY scary calls. Had to change the number.)

Anonymous said...

Of course, it is entirely correct to say that historical communism in Russia was created and led by Jews. Not Jews practicing Judaism, but generally, atheists of Jewish heritage.

Hence, we had Billy Graham explaining to Nixon, who agreed, that he feared a cabal of Satanic Jews were conspiring to take over the world.

Was that outrageous as it sounded? Not especially, assuming he was referring to the Jewish communists. Then the only question is whether to conflate atheism with Satanism. For a Christian, that stretch could be legitimate, even absent the stage props of overt Satanism, because denial of God would automatically be Satanic.

Joseph Cannon said...

I cannot believe it. I cannot fucking believe it. Look, why do you come HERE? What the hell did I ever write that would make you think I would be receptive to your lunacy?

lee said...

...Leave the door open just a crank and everyone with a day-pass from jeezusland seems to come out to play... sorry to see it in real time Mr Cannon, ignore foolish, please. And all I can say is i like both things John Stewart said about the vast jewish conspiracy.. 1) where's my cut??? and 2) theres a HUGE difference between over-representation and a cabal.

As a Jewish person (notice y'all the "ish" at the end makes one less offensive than simply the first 3 letters-- and no that is not a kabbalistic trick) and one who doesn't believe in the white bearded angry guy who likes stealing people's real estat, and is pleased when the rivers turn red with enemie's blood (yet still believes in some sort of deity, perhaps tainted by the Vedas as well as Essenes, and lots of meditation)-- I gotta say that this is wild--- next thing you'll see is the return of Blood Libels. Don't you realize it, Crackers, that the more you say jews = commie satanist, the more you polarize all the progressives, and basically feed power to mega dangerous people like Michael Ledeen and his persecution complex? Do soem homework! or post comments on stupid useless right wing blogs so as not to piss off Joe, who's got much more important work to do than battle dimwits in the Ozarks

Anonymous said...

Joseph..calm down I Think you misinterpreted what the reader/writer was trying to say..

reader/writer says..

Of course, it is entirely correct to say that historical communism in Russia was created and led by Jews. Not Jews practicing Judaism, but generally, atheists of Jewish heritage.
Joseph..I think we can "safely" agree (I say safely because I cant stand the image of you banging you thinly cushioned skull against that gypsum board..yikes!), that Marx was jewish..right? Then there is Trotsky and who knows how many other jewish intellectual revolutionaries what..just historically interesting at least.

then the reader/writer says..
Hence, we had Billy Graham explaining to Nixon, who agreed, that he feared a cabal of Satanic Jews were conspiring to take over the world.
another Nixon was an anti semite..nothing untrue so far..
then reader/writer says..

Was that outrageous as it sounded? Not especially, assuming he was referring to the Jewish communists. Then the only question is whether to conflate atheism with Satanism. For a Christian, that stretch could be legitimate, even absent the stage props of overt Satanism, because denial of God would automatically be Satanic.

another interesting idea with a sense of reason in it so why are you so wild and crazy about this brief time capsule of the Nixon/biblical theology/intellectualism, to help explain the knee jerk mindsets of Nixonian politicians. It has not been such a long time since jews were as "uninvited" into WASPy social networks now has it?
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is a far different God than Satanists pray to.
Of Gods there are many..

gary said...

Joseph has been threatening to quit blogging, mostly because he has been taking a lot of heat from advocates of the "controlled demolition" hypothesis aka CD whack-jobs, or as Joseph calls them "trannies" (for reasons that entirely escape me.)

So, CD whack-jobs: leave Joseph Cannon alone, before he loses it entirely.

And I think Joseph will agree with this as well: if you just don't like Jews GO AWAY.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of bigotry...

Check out what racist blogger John Aravosis is up to:

So, racist Native American mascots? GREAT!!!

Snickers ads that mock bigots? BAD!!!

Worse still, John 'Bigot' Aravosis criticizes the commenters who stand up for Native Americans:

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Joseph Cannon said...

Aravosis a bigot? Nonsense.

I thought his stance on that Snickers ad was stupid. (The ad itself was kind of funny.) Your link does not work, so I don't know what this stuff about Indian mascots refers to.

I went to a high school that had to change its Indian nickname some years after I was graduated. I was mildly perturbed by this decision, but not outraged. If I had fonder memories of that place, outrage might have come more easily.

But...Aravosis a bigot, simply because we have differing interpretations of a silly candy bar ad? Nonsense!

Joseph Cannon said...

My Dad, who died when I was quite young, came from his Ohio. We never got to know his family. So I really don't know if I am or am not related to any famous Cannons.

Anonymous said...

I used to consider myself reasonably bright, but I can't folllow this thread at all. WTF is going on at Cannonfire?

Joseph Cannon said...

I am not sure that I can follow what's going on in the comments sections, these days. Used to be that my readers went made only when I mentioned you-know-what. Now, the nuttiness crops up on all occasions.

If the main post confused you, uni, the fault was mine. I should have written more clearly. SImply click on the first link and all should be made clear.

Anonymous said...

" ...the creation of the world is frequently referenced by the qabalistic mystics ..."

Talmudic Rabbis and Kabbalists also have a long tradition of the creation of a Golem, which is a form of "spontaneous generation," akin to the evolutionary theory which gives matter the mystical property to miraculously come to life.

The Jewish Nobel Prize winner in literature, Isaac Bashevis Singer, had this to say:

" ... the golem is based on faith that dead matter is not really dead, but can be brought to life. What are the computers and robots of our time if not golems? The Talmud tells us of an interpreter by the name of Rava who formed a man by this mysterious power. We are living in an epoch of
golem-making right now. The gap between science and magic is becoming narrower." (cited in Hoffman, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, p. 115).

Here's a quote from Phillip D. Collins: "According to the evolutionary Weltanschauung, nature is 'God' and man is its artificially created golem."

The direct line of thought (admittedly, speculative) goes like this: from the Kabbalah (and the Talmud) to Rosicrucianism to the Royal Society to Freemasonry (and western occult tradition) to Erasmus Darwin and his Zoonomia to his grandson Charles Darwin to Darwinism.

Anonymous said...

Terry says..

he direct line of thought (admittedly, speculative) goes like this: from the Kabbalah (and the Talmud) to Rosicrucianism to the Royal Society to Freemasonry (and western occult tradition) to Erasmus Darwin and his Zoonomia to his grandson Charles Darwin to Darwinism.

eye say..

According to he bible (that book that is so doggone nasty that Hitler had it burned whenever he got ants in his pants) God created man male and female created He them, both sexes in one body. Them awhile later (millions, billions of years later I dunnoo)_ He created Eve in some kind of surgical procedure where He split them in half into two sexes in line with kabbalistic thought as well as Plato and a bevy of others.
Then some time later (billions or millions of years I duno) they were cast out of Paradise for listening to the arch rebel Satan who was (is) set against God and desires to set up his own planetary government, totally obedient to his will and purposes, and has been busy ever since, recruiting (see Norman Mailers latest book "The Castle in the Forest" where he tells the story of the various devils, underlings of the beefy ine, that haunted the young Hitler until he caved in to them) he got caught in the act of rebellion.
When they (First man..first woman) were cast out of Paradise He (God or YWVH if you prefer) set a fiery sword turning in ALL directions (the Sun if you use your imagination) to guard the entrance into Paradise (another dimension of reality, so look up to the sun for your map back to paradise)
So here we are trying to figure it all out, and how to bring peace to this haggard planet. First rule, know your true enemy..the force behind the curtain (of reality or the matrix) Satan.
Oh I know the difficulty, that of believing there really really is a devil and that there are some very powerful folks that worship said devil like various politicians that engage children in ritual magic..the dark kind..not the lustrous kind.
Joseph has dealt with that subject more than any other clear headed blogger so let's give him a ovation. He deserves it whether he believes in the devil or not.