A translation of the dialogue can be found at Covert History.
CUT TO: December 30. A fiery something crashes near Praetoria, South Africa. Witness Leonie Ras, visiting her daughter, was startled by the sound of turbine engines.
She walked to the bedroom window and saw the clouds taking on a bright orange-red colour.
"Suddenly, a bright object plunged from the clouds to the earth, at a terrible speed, and hit the ground with an almighty bang."
"It looked like Haley's comet, round in the front and with an orange-red tail following behind."

NASA has identified the material as the remains of a Russian SL4 rocket, used to place a French satellite into orbit. And they believe that this event has no connection with the other mystery of the night:

CUT TO: January 6. Shropshire, England. A retired policeman sees something burning in the night sky around 7:30 p.m.
Mr Lindop was watching TV at in his home at Moorhouse Close, Wellington, when he looked out of the window and saw a strange tubular object in the sky.My take? Someone is testing something, presumably something unmanned. And the tests have not gone well.
It was travelling at speed and issuing yellow and orange flames, but made no sound. He went outside to get a closer look with his wife Carol Ann and son Darran, and they saw it disappear towards Newport.
He said: “It was about 7.30pm when I saw it. It was a long, cylindrical thing, about 1,000ft up in the sky and it must have been travelling at more than 100mph.”I’ve never seen anything like it before and am completely lost to know what it is. It left me feeling quite uptight. It seemed to be on fire but it looked nothing like an aircraft and made no noise at all.
The SL4 rocket seems a reasonable enough explanation for the Denver/Wyoming event, although I can recall no other instance of Russian rocket debris causing such a spectacle over the United States. My readers may have better memories on that score. Can anyone tell me what trajectory sends a discarded Russian booster rocket traveling south to north over the center of the United States? Could the mystery chunk that crashed through the roof in New Jersey have any connection?
It may well be that these similar events do not share similar explanations. Still, I think we must all admit that this confluence of reports is odd. Coincidence? Very possibly. But an odd coincidence.
UPDATE: In the original version of this piece, I stupidly neglected to note the year of the Finland event. Also, the path of the January 4 event was south to north, not north to south as I originally wrote. When you think about it, a route from the south is even odder for a Russian vehicle. The event also took place in the general vicinity of NORAD.
Forgive a little blue sky conjecture (so to speak), but I'm thinking now that we may be seeing the test of a missile defense system. Perhaps a new weapon causes incoming objects to break up rather than explode in a fireball...?
Note that the Finland event took place in 2003, whereas the others were in 2006-7.
Cannon, that Denver airport is creepy enough, and people have been "locked in or snowed in" there a couple of times recently. But add some Russian rocket parts over that area now and it's even creepier. Lots of wierd sightings lately being noted in the press . Also alot of sink holes. We never had em in SC before but they are everywhere now. My neighbor's front tire was in one that turned into being about 6x6x6. So bright sky lights and sink holes are on this agenda.
2003? Okay, THAT I missed. And I apologize. I'll re-write.
Still, it's a mystery, eh wot? I imagine a burning object in the skies over Finland must have some connection to the Russian space program.
Also, the more recent event in the U.S. took place as the object was headed for NORAD. That set me to wondering if a missile defense system is being tested.
Something that was reported in a local paper here back in August 2006 did not get much attention, but I wonder if it is related:
Missile-like metal tube is reported over Hilo Airport
The FBI and the Transportation Security Administration are investigating sightings of an object resembling a missile flying over the Hilo Airport area Tuesday morning, Hawaii County Civil Defense said.
Reports gave opposite descriptions of its direction and widely varying estimates of its size.
The largest estimate was about 12 feet long, and the smallest was one foot. One report said it was headed over the airport's main runway, but another said it was headed north from Hilo, away from the airport.
Civil Defense official Lanny Nakano said the federal agencies classified the sighting as unconfirmed. The FBI and TSA did not return requests for comment.... That witness saw a silver tube with no markings or fins, trailing "vapor" that quickly dispersed.
"The noise was super-loud," he said.
I also was concerned and curious about the sighting because it occurred about the same exact time as a nuclear attack test exercise/drill run by local defense and presumably the military. These events got some attention from those among us who are on the lookout for future possible false flag events under the cover of "exercises" or "military drills."
Paris Flammonde, one of the more intelligent and clear headed JFK assasination researchers, has written also quite intelligently on the subject of UFOs or unidentified lights and flights in the sky.
He has just published a three volume set of books that may have escaped the notice of many of us. It is called "
"Assassination of America"
The Kennedy Coups d'Etat
An Examination of the Jim Garrison
Investigations, and the Effects on the Growing Totalitarianism
in the Expanding Hegemonic American Empire
Book One:
The Deaths in Dallas
Book Two:
The Masques of New Orleans
Book Three:
Barren Harvest
here is where you can read more about this overview and his forty years of research.
the forward to this 1500 pages opus is..
Forward: Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D America’s foremost forensic pathologist & medical authority on Kennedy assassination.
Cyril, incidentally has found himself in a miserable legal quagmire and the FBI has confiscated all his files
from Cyril Whect to all of us..
By now, I'm certain you are aware of the serious legal problems with which I have been confronted in recent weeks. It is not possible to discuss this matter in any detail within the context of this letter, but I will simply state that my attorneys -- who include former U.S. Attorney General Richard Thornburgh and J. Alan Johnson, former U.S. Attorney for Western Pennsylvania -- strongly believe the charges against me are unjustified. All of them agree that this vindictive inquisition is completely indefensible and that ultimately, I will prevail.
Unfortunately, the legal defense that I must mount all the way through a prolonged trial will be astronomically expensive. But I have no choice. My entire life is literally at stake -- personally, professionally and financially. And most important, the incredible emotionally traumatic impact this investigation has had on my wife, children and grandchildren must be reversed.
Your financial assistance in this critical matter would be deeply appreciated and, together with similar contributions from other key individuals, might even prove life-saving. Should you find yourself in a financial position to contribute to this cause, please direct it to the "Wecht Legal Defense Fund" at 1119 Penn Ave., Suite 404, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222.
Thank you for your consideration of this fervent plea. With kind regards, Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D.
p.s. There is no particular reason to believe that my four decade-long search for the truth in the assassination of John F. Kennedy is the //cause// of this prosecution, but neither is there reason to believe that resistance to that work is not one of the government's motivating factors. It is of note, for instance, that the F.B.I. has seized all of my JFK assassination files and correspondence, even though none of the allegations against me have been related in any way to that case.
There's some interesting threads in the "Science" section of the Signs-of-the-Times Forum, the titles of which include:
"Outer Space and "Inner Space" Sciences"
"Earth Changes"
"Political Ponerology: Macrosocial Evil"
"Psychopaths at Home, at work, and in the Garden"
If the earth were entering a section of space with increased meteor, comet, and asteroid activity the government WOULD tell us about it, wouldn't they?
Come to think of it, unexplained explosions, fires, etc. could be handily explained on increased terrorist activity.
sofla said...
We had many supposed just around the corner designs for an anti-ballistic missile system leaked in advance (remember 'brilliant pebbles'?), to create the illusion that such technologies were feasible and almost ready to be deployed.
I suppose one that actually worked might be kept under wraps, except that the skepticism and criticism of the very idea has been so harsh and consistent that I would think anything with any chance of both working and getting deployed in the near future would be leaked out or even briefed about.
A south to north (or north to south) trajectory would imply the launching of a satellite whose orbit was along the vertical, rather than equitorial or oblique orbits.
As far as it being Russian, rather than from any other country, I don't think that matters too much. The question really would be, "what was the orbital orientation of the satellite being launched?"
south to north trajectory is normal for any satellite launch especiially if launced from Russia. if laubched in a polar orbit the rocket travels south towards the south pole on first half of orbit then noth on the second half. Likewise if launched in an equatorial orbit any rocket that is not launched from the equator will be inclined slightly north to south on first half orbit and slightly south to north on second half of each orbit.
A few days ago there was a story that I think I saw on Drudge about a green flaming object like a comet that streaked over Singapore. Hundreds of people saw it.
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