Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The "used blog" thing, reposted

Due to technical problems (and my own bloody incompetence) the "used blog" post was accidentally deleted. It's back, after the jump. In the meantime, here's a copy of something I just now sent to Sander Hicks, a 911 researcher who sent me an email out of the blue:

* * *

I thank you for thinking of me. I heard your interview with Emory, which mightily impressed me.

Unfortunately, I also heard other interviews, which sickened me.

What I am about to say is harsh. It is harsh of necessity. Rudeness is against my nature, so please don't assume that this comes easily to me.

When I was a boy, only a small number of people questioned evolution. Then the Creationists went on their decades-long-offensive -- their Weltanschauungkrieg, as it were.

Few scientists devoted much energy to opposing the creationists, for fear (I imagine) of offending religious sensibilities. Result: A pseudoscientific belief once relegated to a few snake-handlers in Tennesee is now the majority opinion, or is very nearly so.

During that same time, the Holocaust deniers tried to make inroads. The scientific community and the larger society treated them with undisguised contempt. Decent people did not allow the pseudoscientists to sit down to table for a debate because such a position was considered unworthy of that dignity, and the people who championed such notions were considered beyond civilization.

Everyone understood that the moment we treat the Holocaust denier's casuistry as a legitimate position, the moment we treated the people offering such arguments with anything other than disdain, the deniers would win.

That's why decent people took this attitude: "No, I will not sit down to debate with you. You aren't worthy of that. Don't get within spitting distance."

Result: Even in an age which embraces unreason, Holocaust denial remains a minority belief, while Creationism prospers.

The lesson is obvious.

Now we face another great pseudoscientific danger: Controlled demolition theories of 911. I know from your interviews that you espouse this nonsense.


Don't try it. Not one syllable.

(And if you disregard that warning, as I suspect you will, then you will only expose yourself as a zealot.)

The CD-ers have chased me off my blog. I will quit as soon as I find a replacement. I am shutting down because I was shocked to discover so many of me readers held to those notions.

They have "agent-baited" me mercilessly, and accused me of being a Zionist Bush-lover and god-knows-what-else. You should see some of the disgusting comments they have left!

You CD bastards have insulted me. Slandered me. Sent me death threats. Robbed me of something I was proud of.

I have lost at least two long-time friends over this.

Don't expect me to pretend that I can take this vile treatment easily, because I can't. I'm angry and furious and I will NEVER forgive the CD fanatics.

I will always feel strongly that civilized people cannot take an "agree to disagree" attitude toward CDers. Instead, we must treat them with the same disdain we reserve for Holocaust deniers and that we SHOULD have shown toward the Creationists.

You simply are not worthy of debate. You must be opposed relentlessly, but never treated as equals.

I think Hopsicker and Emory will both agree with me on this, and Hopsicker will verify what the CD bastards have done on my blog.

In other words, we ain't exactly going to be pen pals, Sander. And don't get within spitting distance. I literally have more tolerance for the stuff I wipe off my shoe than I have for CD-ers.

(To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)

As you know, I will soon quit this blog because -- well, because the readers turn my stomach. This decision, though unimportant to the world at large, depresses me more than you can guess. I have wasted a large section of my life yet again, and I'm too old for such errors.

Life is what happens when you are making other plans. My original plan, silly as it may now sound, was to attract a more-or-less sensible readership -- the kind of people who follow the work of Josh Marshall and the other "left wing gatekeepers" you people seem to hate so much. Of course, this blog could never attain anything like those numbers, but I did, at least, want the average Cannonfire reader to have a certain level of sanity.

Instead, I find that my readers have become obsessed with the inane "controlled demolition" theory of 9/11. Which means that I address on a daily basis people I consider enemies and fools.

Do you know what it's like to sell a painting you love to a patron you hate? I do. It's a bad feeling. And that is what I feel like every day.

Right now, the site still attracts (Lord knows why) a decent-sized readership. Many high-traffic pages link to it. The Google pagerank is a respectable 6. The blog makes no real money now, but with BlogAds and an uptick in readership (perhaps a 7 pagerank?), it could generate a pleasant little income stream. So perhaps someone may want to take it over, gratis, even though doing so means inheriting my name in the title. Starting a political blog from absolute zero is not easy these days; building a readership base takes years.

Until someone new shows up, I'll keep the thing alive with some material in preparation.

In the meantime, the extremely masochistic among you can read (after the jump) a re-written compendium of some of the CD debunking material previously relegated to the comments section. This should give you some idea why I've reached the end of such wits as I possess.

(To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)

A message to those who preach the Gospel of Controlled Demolition:


The sight of jets hitting the building was all that any neocon plotter needed, if plot there was. That image alone birthed all the fear and anger that the Republicans needed to do what they subsequently did.

Yes, I've heard your stupid "Oomph" arguments. (That is my pet name for any argument which holds that the towers were brought down to maximize psychological impact.) There really is no need to recite that argument to me yet again, folks; I heard you the first thousand times, and I really wish you would stop acting as though you have anything to say to me that I have not heard before.

The "Oomph" argument is PURE HORSESHIT.

Even if we concede (hypothetically) that the whole thing was a conspiracy, with Bush and Rove and Cheney and the head of Mossad all cackling like demons as they engineered the disaster, I would STILL say that the extra psychological "oomph," which supposedly could be achieved only by the fall of the towers, did not justify the loss of life and the massive drain on the economy.

Not to mention the added risk.

The chance of discovery. The chance of someone talking. The chance of a deathbed confession.

And: The likelihood, nay, the certainty that a real controlled demolition would immediately be identified as such by every expert in that field.

I've read more books and articles on espionage and parapolitics than have the puerile kids who think they can lecture me. I've been around the block a few times. I've met plenty of shady types, and I generally assume the worst of my fellow human beings. More than that, I've been on the receiving end of the "conspiracy theorist" accusation a few times. Yet even I cannot believe that a sizable group of American conspirators would engineer such explosions, such a massive loss of American life, such a crippling blow directed at the heart of the American economy, with nary a peep of protest from any perp.

These Americans-conspiring-against-Americans would have to include a legion of experts, including those who wrote the NIST report, as well as all the other scientific papers which argue against the idea of a CD conspiracy.

The "oomph" argument is the worst sort of ex post facto reasoning. You people have decided that CD occurred. CD is the central fact of your universe; all else is mutable. Therefore, you are looking for an after-the-fact way to rationalize the use of CD when none was needed.

I've said it before. Let's say it again:

Let us suppose that some "Mr. Evil" type was pressing buttons and setting off bombs remotely that day. Why would he detonate the south tower first -- a move which seems counter-intuitive, since it was hit first?

Why not wait until the south tower was evacuated?

If the idea was to maximize the loss of life in order to scare people and provide that oh-so-necessary maximum psychological OOOMPH, then why did Mr. Evil allow the north tower to be evacuated before the alleged "detonation"?

Why not bring 'em both down at the same time? THAT would have been the oomphiest move of all.

Perhaps (you might argue) he needed a certain degree of Oomph, but not too much Oomph. Perhaps the button-pressing fiend was Mr. Somewhat Evil, not Mr. Extremely Evil.

But even if I were to accept that inane logic, another problem arises. In real life, controlled demolitions begin at the bottom. These collapses began at the impact point.

How would the plotters know which floor the jets would hit?

The CD-ers say that there were earwitnesses to explosions in the tower in the period between impact and collapse. I say: "So what? Gas lines, transformers and falling material could account for those sounds."

Okay, let's say that those explanations do not suffice. Let us concede, for argument's sake, that bombs and only bombs could have caused those noises. That means we must posit that someone pre-planted something that goes BOOM, like C4.

But then the question arises as to why the jet strike did not ignite either the explosive or its trigger.

The CD-ers, stumped by that poser, have proposed the use of thermite, which burns at 2000 degrees, hotter than a kerosene fire.

Proof of thermite? Dr. Jones says that sulfur and barium were found. Alas, we would expect that material to be found, due to the substances within the building.

Do you have any idea how much thermite would be needed to melt all those steel columns? TONS. See here.

How the hell could anyone secrete tons of the stuff -- on every floor (because there was no way to know which floor would be hit)?

Why wouldn't the jet fuel ignite the triggering device? Fourth of July sparklers can be used to set off thermite, and they can be lit by a match. Even matches have been used to ignite thermite (sez Wikipedia).

And how could thermite react vertically?

But never mind all that. Consider this: Thermite does not explode.

So what about those explosions that were heard? Gee, I thought they constituted positive proof of a CD! Suddenly, the "best" evidence of CD comes to...nothing.

OK, the theorists say, maybe it was a combo of thermite AND conventional explosions. As if that idea makes any sense.

Finally we have Jim Fetzer (whom I learned to dislike long before September 11, 2001) saying, no, it was an outer space Star Wars howitzer. Not probably, not perhaps, not maybe -- DEFINITELY.

Good God. Good God.


Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound when you come up with ornate formulae to explain (or to render mysterious) the pulverization of concrete, when anyone with eyes could see that floors and walls and drywall were collapsing under enormous weight?

Do you have any idea how annoying it is to be told repeatedly that the building collapsed at "free fall speed" when it clearly did not? The Loose Change video claims to demonstrate just that point, but the clip ends when the first bits of rubble (which are exceeding the rate of collapse!) hit the ground. Which proves only that free-falling rubble will fall at free-fall speeds. Like, duh.

The scenarios keep twisting into surreal new shapes. "CD must remain. All other considerations may come and go."

Right now, I am sure that someone out there wants to tell me: "The twin towers are a straw man. What about Building 7?"

When I wrote about Building 7 some months back, snarky readers said "WTC7 is a straw man. What about the Twin Towers?"

The whole "straw man" argument is itself a straw man. Every time someone debunks one sector of the CD argument, the buffs counter: "Oh, you are attacking a straw man. What about this other thing over here...?"

Those who oppose pseudoscience are accused of acting in bad faith if they restrict the argument of a single essay to a single topic. Do you have any idea how irritating it is to have to write the equivalent of an entire book -- over and over, every time the subject comes up? Why must I operate under that requirement, when the CDers do not?

The fact is, you do not have a single expert in controlled demolition in the world who accepts the controlled demolition theory of the fall of the World Trade Center. No structural engineers. No architects. Not one.

You have but one expert in physics, who has been successfully refuted more than once. The fucking sulfur was in the fucking drywall, dammit!

Professor Jones' other publication, in a world of publish-or-perish, tries to provide "scientific" proof that Jesus was in America 2000 years ago. Since that piece purports to be a scientific paper, not a religious treatise, and since Jones has not backed away from it, we are perfectly justified in using it to assess Jones' capacity for self-deception.

How many pro-CD peer-reviewed articles have appeared in respected scientific publications -- that is to say, publications which started business before September 11, 2001? Zero.

The CD-ers began their own publication, the Journal of 9/11 Studies. CD-ers then have the nerve to say that the articles appearing within that journal were "peer reviewed," even though no experts in controlled demolition are among the peers.

Of course, there are "peer reviewed" publications devoted to Creationism, Holocaust Revisionism and flying saucers. The fact remains that in all genuine journals in relevant disciplines, published articles have proven embarrassing to the CD gospel.

I'm sick of the bullying tactics employed by the CD-ers, and I refuse to apologize for bullying 'em right back. They deserve worse words than they ever have received from me.

Anyone who doesn't go along with their fantasies gets damned as a Bush-lover. Even well-known progressive writers stand among the damned: Amy Goodman, Kos, Marshall. Bush's buds, all of 'em.

This, despite the fact that the CD-ers have received plenty of exposure -- not always respectful exposure, but exposure -- on Hannity and Colmes and other right-wing shows. This, despite the fact that the CD movement includes many holdovers from the 90's era Clinton-haters, and is led by a conservative Mormon who voted for the sunvabitch in the Oval Office.

Finally, let us confront the famous words I've heard more than once: "I'll bet you think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone!"

If you feel tempted to repeat those dreaded words, let me clue you in: I've met and corresponded with and spoken on the telephone with many of the most famous authors in the assassination research field. I've spoken with eyewitnesses. (Well, I didn't exactly speak with Ed Hoffman.) In the 1990s, I helped, in a modest way, to found an organization devoted to researching the case.

The earliest critical authors on the JFK case -- Sylvan Fox, Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher, Thomas Buchanan, Harold Weisberg and company -- all wrote to a much higher standard than we see in the CD literature.

As far as I can see, the CD community has attracted only two sympathists from the JFK assassination research community: Jim Fetzer and Jim Marrs. I wouldn't want either man on my side. If they said "Cannon is a nice name," I would consider changing it. Marrs is the guy who wrote Alien Agenda, which expresses uncritical belief in every foolish rumor then current in the saucer-land. He also wrote Rule by Secrecy, which promotes every bizarre conspiracy hoax (including Holocaust revisionism) ever to seep out of the John Birch Society port-a-potty.

Fetzer annoyed every sensible JFK researcher with his inane insistence that the Zapruder film was heavily altered using technology not available at the time, even though the "bad guys" could not have had access to all copies of the film. Fetzer has refused to learn any of the relevant technical history. I doubt that he could replicate the feat using 8mm equipment, even if given a month's worth of time. I doubt that he could find any "old hand" at Hollywood special effects who could provide such results. (Even 2001: A Space Odyssey had obvious matte work. That show was filmed on 65mm stock. Imagine trying to do it in 8mm!) Hell, I doubt that Fetzer even has sufficient technical savvy to replicate the feat using Photoshop. With the Zapruder film, as with his 9/11 space howitzer, he follows the simple formula of technology=magic.

Those are the two fellows on your side, CD-ers. None of the other "old guard" members of the JFK research community can stomach your company. DiEgenio, Summers, Lane, Scott, Brown, Pease...? I suppose they must all be well-paid Bush-loving disinformationists.

No joke, that. CD-ers really do think that way. Look at this page from a true 911 conspiracist:

Lisa writes about the assassinations of the Kennedys and other people. Not surprisingly, Pease did not have much to say about 9-11 at our meetings, even though the meetings were about 9-11. However, she told me and Bollyn that there is no Zionist connection to the Kennedy assassination; that Apollo astronauts really did land on the moon; and that we are incorrect about a Zionist connection to 9-11.
In that writer's opinion, belief in the reality of Project Apollo is a bad thing.

The writer goes on to presume evil intent on Lisa's part because she does not believe that journalist Gary Webb was murdered, a conclusion she came to after discussion with Webb's family.The family must be part of the conspiracy.

Man, this thing is bigger than I thought.

I've had it with people whose minds work in this fashion. I've had it with people who think we never went to the moon. I've had it with people who believe that Jews killed JFK. I've had it with people who believe that Devil-worshipers run the world. I've had it with CD-ers.

I know I cannot stop my fellow citizens from shouting bizarre views. But why do they come here? When I delete their comments, I am accused of censorship; when I allow anyone to say anything, insanity and insult rule the day. For God's sake, what writings of mine prompted this infestation? Did my pieces on Wilkes and election fraud and Litvinenko and "bulge-gate" open the door to Arkham Asylum? Did I really write such freak-friendly material?


Anonymous said...

Yes, but unlike the Holocaust and evolution deniers, these people have no traction, and nobody but them will ever be interested in this question....

For Christsakes, just ignore them, and don't post on the subject.... Any more than you'd want to devote time, resources and heart to arguing with the idiots who insist the human race has nothing to do with global warming, or that the Nazis just sent the Jews to summer camp.

Life is short, some arguments aren't worth having. Just take a break....

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck don't you just do as you say and get the hell out of here, gatekeeper? Or was this whole ploy just an attempt to raise the amount of money you get every month from the neocons?

The U.S. spends 1.5 billion a year on disinformation. Looks like Cannon wants a bigger share.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I've enjoy reading your blog. Don't let the CD nuts get to you. Just delete their comments and get on with your normal blogging. Cheers,

Anonymous said...

anon 8:52 "gatekeeper"

let's set the record straight, joseph receives next to nothing for this blog so he's definitely NOT getting any paychecks from the neocons.

How do I know? because I have clicked on the paypal button a few times this year and found out that my small donations were the largest and the only ones he has received earlier this year.

Joseph has the right to disagree with CD arguments so let him be. You should be instead directing your rage at having CD relegated to marginal nutcase conspiracy theorists to the mainstream media, to the 9/11 commission so you're wasting your time on this blog.

Unfortunately I can't rule out CD because the WTC towers collapse are the first steel skyscraper buildings to fall from fire alone even though WTC engineers went on record in the nineties as saying that the WTC towers could withstand jet planes crashing into them.

but no matter. Joseph Cannon is so angry over any kind of CD arguments, he has written me off as some sort of crazy nutcase in the same category with you and did this rudely, coldly a few days before Christmas as well.

I am indebted to Cannon for finding out about Moon, pedophilia from the Franklin conspiracy, the bulge, etc. which I would never have found out about in as much depth as on cannonfire.

Before you throw raw sewage at me for breathing the word CD or the possibility thereof, I want to thank Joseph Cannon for all your fine research, analysis and great writing since I have been reading you since Nov 2004.

I am very sorry that 9/11 ever happened or that we have to debate this at all.

For those who are 9/11 CD curious, you can watch this hour long documentary recently released earlier this year:
"September 11th Revisited: Were Explosives Used to Bring Down the Buildings?"


or go to the 911 Timeline that lists the numerous articles that outlines the complaints and outrage after finding out that the 9/11 WTC Steel debris was carted away for recycling before a full analysis could be conducted.

or read the NY Times excerpts from a 12/25/2001 article:
Experts Urging Broader Inquiry In Towers' Fall
Saying that the current investigation into how and why the twin towers fell on Sept. 11 is inadequate, some of the nation's leading structural engineers and fire-safety experts are calling for a new, independent and better-financed inquiry that could produce the kinds of conclusions vital for skyscrapers and future buildings nationwide. Experts critical of the current effort...point out that the current team of 20 or so investigators has no subpoena power and little staff support and has even been unable to obtain basic information like detailed blueprints of the buildings that collapsed.
Some structural engineers have said that one serious mistake has already been made...the decision to rapidly recycle the steel columns, beams and trusses that held up the buildings. Interviews with a handful of members of the team, which includes some of the nation's most respected engineers, also uncovered complaints that they had at various times been shackled with bureaucratic restrictions that prevented them from interviewing witnesses, examining the disaster site and requesting crucial information like recorded distress calls to the police and fire departments. Members have been threatened with dismissal for speaking to the press.

fare thee well Joseph! Thanks for the arguments! sorry about the CD a_ssholes.

by the way, on a completely different subject, Yoko's chauffeur who Yoko got arrested a week ago for allegedly blackmailing her and threatening to have her killed, was going to file a sexual harassment lawsuit in which he was going go public with certain "immoral services" that Yoko ordered him to do, and these services were more than just tucking her into bed. She is said to have favored large giant black sextoys (use your imagination) over having sex with her dearly departed former husband john lennon. After very gay interior decorator Sam Havadtoy left Yoko's employment as her "companion" back to his native Hungary in 2000, Yoko needed someone who could operate these "toys". I will say no more.

good luck

Anonymous said...

Obviously, Bush and his pals pay off Joseph directly, not through paypal.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised and saddened to hear of all the hostility (and threats!) coming your way Joseph from some CD supporters. No-one should have to put up with that. I recently posted at Xymphora and even though my views were strongly critical of Israel I received huge amounts of highly personal abuse from some of their regular posters. I just don't give Xymph the time of day now. I figure if a blog has to be run that way then shut it down. Now hearing some of the hostile treatment you have received I can relate to your anger. Here's hoping things go very well for you Joseph. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

feeding the animals .....

Anonymous said...

It seems your beacon of truth Hopsicker has been making a big deal about Amanda Keller being Attas girlfriend, even though she now says she never met Atta.
Hopsicker always seemed disinfo to me, btw..


Anonymous said...

joe, let me state publicly what i've already stated privately:
letting a half-dozen government monkeys sitting in a basement of the pentagon enrage you to the point of distraction is a mistake, my friend.
take a walk. breathe deep the gathering gloom. and don't let the bastards drown your better nature in monkey drool.
daniel hopsicker

Anonymous said...

Please do not stop this blog, Joe. It is my first stop every morning and in many ways the most useful portal into (American) rational political thought. You and dr. elsewhere are original, smart and rational.

Ignore the CD nuts. They are irrelevant by their own choice. To use a much abused theme, if you quit, the CD nuts win. If you keep on keepin' on (like the rest of us), we all win.


Anonymous said...

Joseph, the venom in your letter to Sander Hicks is puzzling. I am curious as to how you blame your loss of long-time friends on CD enthusiasts and/or alleged CD enthusiasts.

Your claim that the ooomph factor of the collapses did not justify the drain on the economy seems to validate the power of the ooomph factor to drain the economy.

The south tower was detonated first because the fires were going out.

Clearly the attack was planned to minimize loss of life.

Controlled demolition of the towers could not begin at the bottom because of the risk of toppling. If you look at a few videos you see that most CDs turn out seriously asymmetrical. This is okay in a ten story building. In a hundred story building it would have been disaster.

Thermite and/or explosives placed inside the hollow steel core columns would have been protected from the fires. The charges could have been placed there working in the elevator shafts, using the roofs of the cars as movable staging, after midnight.

I am not a CD zealot. Having suffered some injustices at the hands of irrational people, I am a rationality zealot. The facile and misinformed arguments you have adopted do a great disservice to your readers and to you.

Amy Goodman and Kos are criticized not for refusing to cover CD but for refusing to cover 9/11 anomalies at all.

Anonymous said...

Daniel 9:42

Thanks for your important work.

Can you tell me when on 9/11 (if at all) the runways at Sarasota Int'l Airport were closed? I would think that the Secret Service would have been concerned about their proximity even before the 9/11 attacks began.

Anonymous said...

Uh, not sure that was actually Hopsicker posting, but it was funny he didn´t comment on Keller case..

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that if there are this many questions, scientific and otherwise, remaining concerning the collapses that occurred on 9/11, then we can assume the research to date has be insufficient. The fact that there are people who are convinced on either side of the ‘debate’ is irrelevant. This is not a debate. This is an insufficiently investigated series of collapses.

It’s not your job to convince anyone Joseph. Perhaps that’s your mistake. You don’t have the credentials anyway. You can point out a lot of things, you can offer perspective on the research that you uncover, you can editorialize on your opinion but to stake out an intransigent opinion or to call this a ‘debate’ on this criminally under-investigated research while complaining about others reactions is pretty childish.
You’ve actually threatened to leave you blog.

Now I understand the vehemence and childishness that has been exhibited by those commenting. That much I can understand of your reaction, well maybe I can’t. I’m not in your position. But I can tell you my reaction to your intransigence and apparent childishness. It makes me sick.

I can tell you something… You can stake an editorial position on a controversial topic that means so much to so many (I think the truth means about this means a great deal to us and we don’t have that. And comments which belittle others or the idea of more research being needed are obstructions to that resolution) are going to have some strong reactions. If you don’t understand that, too bad. Delete us, take yourself off the air, whatever. Try not to obstruct research and/or further research and objective perspective being developed here. That’s all I ask. It’s no skin off your nose and can only verify you opinions at the moment should you prove to be right.

I so much want to believe in idea of a natural collapse, why can’t we let the research proceed to verify it. You’re not qualified to comment on whether it has, not by a long shot. Voice your opinion, it’s well respected. An objective reporter would be cataloging the controversy and perhaps helping measure individual merit regardless of which point of view it might support. I don’t know if this is a topic you can avoid, too bad. Hopefully you can remain quiet or at least offer a perplexed attitude at the multitude of perplexities of those events from time to time.

For the record, as an engineer the collapse remains incredulous to me and that’s after reading everything I have been able to find. Lot’s of stuff out there seems ridiculous, but the most ridiculous notion is we can be confident in the state of the investigation or our opinion (either way).

Because of your behavior in this latest piece and your previous intransigence (and semi- professionalism) on this topic, you’ve lost another long-time reader. I’m disappointed. There are too few places I can go to read an interesting and often cogent opinion often on topics I didn’t know I might be interested in. Sometimes reading your blog is like reading a good comic book. Sometimes I’m alerted to issues or connections of things I’ve been unaware of. And I have contributed to your site as well. I’m sure you’re disappointed in my departure as well :).

Anonymous said...

extremely important "new" video on 911

Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United
by Margie Burns

The suite in which Marvin Bush was annually re-elected, according to public records, is located in the Watergate in space leased to the Saudi government. The company now holds shareholder meetings in space leased by the Kuwaiti government there. The White House has not responded to various requests for comment.
 George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.

The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a ``completion contract" to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center ``up to the day the buildings fell down."

extremely important "new" video on 911

Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United
by Margie Burns

The suite in which Marvin Bush was annually re-elected, according to public records, is located in the Watergate in space leased to the Saudi government. The company now holds shareholder meetings in space leased by the Kuwaiti government there. The White House has not responded to various requests for comment.
 George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.

The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a ``completion contract" to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center ``up to the day the buildings fell down."

Extremely important "new" 911 video

Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United
by Margie Burns

The suite in which Marvin Bush was annually re-elected, according to public records, is located in the Watergate in space leased to the Saudi government. The company now holds shareholder meetings in space leased by the Kuwaiti government there. The White House has not responded to various requests for comment.
 George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.

The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a ``completion contract" to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center ``up to the day the buildings fell down."

Anonymous said...

Joseph, I am an almost daily reader that finds your posts very interesting. Your range of knowledge is impressive.

I do not consider any of the CD stuff worth my time. Just a thought, though. How many building collapses of the magnitude of the twin towers have there been? Exactly one. So how can we not presume that all that happened is just the way things might work out?

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ Cannonfire...

Anonymous said...

So I take it Hopsicker being disinfo artist is a non-issue to everyone here?

Anonymous said...

Amanda Keller denying she ever was Atta's girlfriend is total bunkum to keep the FBI and the public off her back. Hopsicker has quoted witnesses seeing them together and interviewed her as I recall. I's a late denial to keep things quiet. What do you think, Hopsicker just sat there one day and said "I have to give Atta a bit of local color...I know, I'll invent him a girlfriend!". Get real!

Joseph Cannon said...

You're the disinfo artist, tep. Only you've disinformed yourself. God save us from the faux-hip, who've read and swallowed a bunch of conspiratorial codswallop and go around thinking they KNOW something.

I agree about Amanda. There are too many witnesses placing Atta and her together. There was the weird "fake Atta" claimant who, in his own weird way, confirmed Amanda's tale.

Most of all, there is Amanda herself. The interview is on tape, and her manner of speaking and wealth of detail is absolutely credible. NOBODY acts that well, not even professional actors.

I mean, let us suppose that she was a fantasist. (I've met many representatives of the breed.) Put yourself in the position of a young lady who was not particularly well-educated and not particularly cognizant of the world at large. Let's say that young lady was paid to come up with an "I screwed Atta" tale. Would you come up with a story like THAT?

No! You would draw your tale from TV news accounts and popular perceptions of jihadists. You'd portray Atta as a Muslim fanatic, praying five times a day and so forth.

You certainly wouldn't name someone like Wolfgang Bohringer, whose name was never mentioned in any news account then in print, and who later confirmed to others his relationship with Atta. And you certainly wouldn't go out of your way to mimick the correctly Germanic way Wolfgang pronounced his name -- "VULF-gahng." I mean, c'mon. What ditzy blonde American B-girl would concoct a detail like that? And her interview abounds with such details!

Anonymous said...

...details fed to him by Hopsicker.
So Herald Tribune is conspiratioral, ok, sure, primadonna.

Anonymous said...

Aalways preview before publishing..(english is not my born language)

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ, Joe.

You say the "CD bastards have ... Robbed me of something I was proud of."

Why do you let these idiots run your life? WHY?

Delete their comments asap
Don't ever write about CD
Keep blogging about what you like

How hard is that?

Sigh. It seems that all the posts from actual loyal readers will not matter in the slightest.

It's a damn shame to see you cave to the CD-ers. I was certain you were smarter and stronger than that.