Thursday, June 08, 2006

Dead again

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's most recent death was announced less than an hour ago. Supposedly, he was killed by American Special Forces. No, make that an air raid. We have no word yet on whether the corpse had one or two legs.

Could be true. Or the whole thing could be a "wag the dog" operation designed to give the impression that Bush's war has actually accomplished something. Given the infinitude of hoaxes which have festooned every stage of this war, we have no reason to believe a single official word.


Anonymous said...

They just don’t understand that the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will do less than nothing to stop or even slow international terrorism and the Iraqi insurgency. Like a misguided entomologist who thinks that stomping on a few soldier ants will have any dampening effect on the determination of the ant hill to attack and thrive, Rumsfeld still seems to believe that exhibiting the corpse of what he wants us to assume is the body of this “leader” will do anything other than motivate the al-Qaida hive to fight even more brutally to avenge another martyr. Better that we should work to clean up the local police who moonlight as death squads – on our pay roll. Ignorance on this level is as inexcusable as it is incomprehensible. It makes sense only as another ham handed PR exercise to satisfy credulous Americans. I guess it may also shut up for a while the critics who are complaining about the atrocities our troops are perpetrating on Iraqi civilians. Another nice coincidence working just in the nick of time for our benighted Defense Secretary?

Bob Boldt

Peter of Lone Tree said...

"...just in the nick of time..." -- Bob Boldt

And just in the nick of time also for the traveling season, Bob, since oil just fell under $70/gal. and now gas prices will go...they will go down, won't they?

Anonymous said...

I can't recall a time that our government has told us the full truth about any matter, in at least the last five years.

So, I'd be a fool to believe this story has no deceptions in it. In particular, I am skeptical of the al-qaida character who supposedly confirmed Zarqawi's death. Does al-qaida in Iraq now have an offical spokesman, or is this guy working for the Lincoln Group?

Anonymous said...

Good Lord, he's starting to remind me of Elvis.

And PeterofLoneTree? I wouldn't be looking for gas prices to go down any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Do I detect a note of cynicism in the above comments?'s only the fourth time he's been killed/captured. I think we might have 2 or 3 left to go. Unless all that stuff about shooting guns and shoes was the signal that they were tiring of this game.

And for 'LoneTree' - I thought you were from Lone Tree in California, where yesterday, I paid $3.43+/gal for gas. And you think it might go down?????