Friday, January 20, 2006


I normally wouldn't do a "what he said" post based on a Joshua Marshall column, since many of you probably read his words before you come here. But he draws our attention to an outrageous Associated Press story that literally had my jaw dropping. According to AP:
The Abramoff investigation threatens to ensnare at least a half dozen members of Congress of both parties and Bush administration officials...

With the midterm elections 10 months away, Democrats have tried to link Abramoff to Republicans, the main recipients of his largesse.
So...Democrats are under investigation? News to me. Which Democracts? It's a fact of history: Abramoff's mafia was designed to finance only one party -- the Republican party.

And how the hell can AP possibly justify that smarmy "tried to link" comment? The linkage is as inescapable as the chains around Marley's ghost. Those links are found in investigative reports, not in statements from Democratic leaders. Why is AP parroting the RNC's desperate spin doctors?

And why aren't we screaming about this biased pseudo-journalism? AP serves up crap only because passive, bovine progressives allow them to do so.

Don't be complacent and cow-like. Contact Associated Press here. The message: "FU, AP!"


Anonymous said...

"FU, AP" is the worst possible message anyone could send.

Write a brief, reasoned critique of the story, which can't be dismissed as a mindless mass-mailing or email harrassment.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. That' terrible. And yes, Joseph, in my opinion, this reflects absolute desperation on the part of the spin men.

Joseph Cannon said...

Why NOT mindless mass mailing? The right engages in such tactics. And if such tactics did not work, they wouldn't do it.

That's precisely the reason why AP would not dare offer up a story with a flagrant pro-Dem bias. They wouldn't dare. They know what the consequences would be.

I counsel readers to answer such stories. Speak loudly; speak softly; speak in unison; speak as individuals. Speak according to your temperament. But speak.

Anonymous said...

Joseph wrote:

" Why NOT mindless mass mailing? The right engages in such tactics. And if such tactics did not work, they wouldn't do it. "

You're right, but these tactics work ONLY for the right, because (as you know) MSM organizations routinely bend-over backwards not to appear "liberal", even when they're not remotely liberal to begin with, and when "bending over backwards" means distorting the plain truth.

The same fear of unacknowledged right-wing bias doesn't exist in organizations like AP, and they could care less if they reinforce the line of BushCo and the Republican majorities. Most of these drones probably think that's their job anyway. How else explain a national news media which thinks "balance" consists of giving Charles Darwin and Jerry Falwell equal time?

"FU, AP" is only appropriate if you think it's hopeless. That may be the case, but can't we pretend otherwise?

Beyond that, I share your sentiments: FU, AP.