Friday, November 09, 2018

No Mueller, no taxes

The Whitaker challenge reminds me of Mark Twain's famous saying about the weather: Everyone who cares about the Mueller investigation says "This must not stand," but absolutely nobody has a practical idea as to how to stop Trump's toady from toadying. A legal argument like this one is pointless, because nothing can force Trump or Whitaker or the Senate or the Supreme Court to do the right thing. One might as well debate the desirability of belling the cat.

Ruthless, conscience-free people are exercising power. Do not expect anything but brutality and self-interest from these creatures.

But we in the blue states also have power -- a power greater than Trump's, a power that cannot be negated by the Supreme Court. We control the money. We produce the money. Without us, the cupboard is bare.

My idea: Blue state tax rebellion. No Mueller, no taxes. Just don't pay.

They can't jail tens of millions of people. Remember, the red states are leech states -- they take more from the federal government than they pay. The blue states are the productive states; Democrats in New York and California fund shitholes like Alabama, Kansas, Arizona, West Virginia and Tennessee.

It's finally starting to dawn on everybody that we don't have democracy in this country. The Senate is an inherently undemocratic institution, as is the electoral college. Gerrymandering has rendered the House far less democratic than it should be. Most people understand that computerized vote fraud is real.

No taxation without representation. That's the slogan which kicked off the first revolution. Let it be the slogan of the next.

Money is power, and blue states control the money. And if we are going to exercise that power, let's not stop at protecting the Mueller probe.

Let's address the real issue. It would behoove Dems to prepare a Constitutional amendment which fixes our elections.

Do NOT fall for the delusion that a Constitutional Convention is the remedy. Such a convention will be dominated by libertarians or worse. We don't need Paul Ryan or anyone like him in that room -- and neither do we need Bernie Sanders or anyone like him. No auntie Ayn; no uncle Karl. No economic idealists battling for their competing visions of utopia.

The only thing we need to do is to fix the process of voting. Once the process is repaired, once true democracy is in place, most other problems will find their solutions. Ten years down the line, perhaps we will veer toward libertarianism -- or maybe we'll head in a more socialist direction. Fine by me either way. I don't care. The only thing I care about right now is democracy.

My suggestions:

1. Get rid of the electoral college. Let us directly vote for president.

2. Forbid the use computers in the official recording and tabulation of votes.

3. Insure that votes are counted openly, in an utterly transparent fashion.

4. Make recounts easy.

5. Institute a federal "template" for how all elections are to be carried out on the national, state, and local levels. 

6. Address the concerns of the Republican who think that in-person voter fraud is a real problem. It's not a real problem, but let's set their minds at ease anyways, while simultaneously making it easier to vote. We should institute a system of Voter ID which will insure "one person, one vote." I'm thinking of a card with a magnetic stripe and perhaps a photo -- even a fingerprint. (But no hidden tracking devices!) This system will invalidate state laws requiring photo ID, street addresses and so forth. Registration could be automatic. When you move to a new City, simply swipe your card at a machine downtown, and you are ready to participate in local elections. If you go overseas, if you're homeless, if you are in the process of moving, this system will still allow you to vote for President.

7. Institute strict penalties for anyone who would interfere with the process. Perhaps the death penalty.

Seth Meyers. I just saw a comedy bit in which Meyers dissed the alleged inaccuracy of exit polls. In other countries, if exit polls differ markedly from "official" tallies, international election observers presume that the official tallies have been tampered with. Only in this country do we operate in the slap-happy delusion that the system is impossible to rig.

Shame on Seth. Normally, I'm a fan of his work -- but he got this one very wrong.

A European Army. Macron now considers the United States of American a potential enemy power. He is right to do so.

Will this measure injure NATO, perhaps mortally? Yes. One of the appalling aspects of Trumpism is that even his enemies are now forced to take steps which serve Putin's aims. 


Anonymous said...

The Cannon manifesto. Count me as your first follower.

GregoryP said...

Just think what is going to happen if the racist militia yahoos or our own army actually fires upon and murders the refugees when they get here in a couple of months. Our country will become an instant pariah with virtually no country wanting anything to do with us. We'll lose trading partners, military bases, really the whole 9 yards. Most people in the USA are so apathetic right now but now is the time to be vocal, strong and resilient. Of course, it has always been the time to be those things and to demand that our government officials act with integrity and compassion. This whole Republican movement is just insane and totally corrupt. How on Earth could any real Christian vote for brothel owners, people indicted of crimes, and people who are so corrupt that they are traitors to our country? It makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

The Silicon Valley business model explained in 15 seconds:

1. Eliminate as many jobs as possible by developing & marketing automation.
2. Export any jobs that can't be easily automated to low-wage nations.
3. Import workers from low-wage nations to suppress wages for all of the jobs that can't be easily exported.

Pretend it is all about inclusion and diversity. If anyone challenges the model, call them a "raciss" or a NIMBY.

Philip Ebersole said...

Joseph, these are excellent proposals for reforming the election system, except for one thing.

Abolition of the Electoral College will require a Constitutional Amendment, which requires a two-thirds vote of both the Senate and House to be proposed, and a vote by legislatures or conventions of three-quarters of the states to pass. Never going to happen.

Philip Ebersole said...

Joseph, your plan for election reform is excellent except that, like so many, you think it is possible to abolish the Electoral College.

This would require a Constitutional Amendment to be proposed by two-thirds of both the House and Senate and ratifications by legislatures or constitutional conventions in three-quarters of the states. Never going to happen.

b said...

What does NYC produce? Probably as little as London.

Anonymous said...

Joe, xI'd like to hear more about what you got into when you were shunning politics. Books you were working on that haven't come to fruition? Whats the idea for a movie?

- Hoarseface

Anonymous said...

The saving grace for the Electoral College is the ability of the Senate to refuse to accept the electoral votes when there has been election fraud in a particular state.

The Senate quite conspicuously did not exercise this power in the case of the disputed 2000 Florida election. In 2004 while they did hold a three-hour hearing so some Senators could give some pretty speeches about election fraud in Ohio, they wound up accepting the Ohio votes.

Personally, a tax boycott won't work for me. Most of my life I have deliberately limited my income so I wouldn't have to pay taxes to the war machine. I am compensated for my work in non-taxable terms, and I live very frugally and very well. I have provided for my future security with long-term capital gains that only become taxable when I cash them out.

William said...

There's an alternative to a constitutional amendment and that's the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. It has already pasted in 11 states and DC.