Friday, September 28, 2018


I just couldn't watch. I just couldn't watch Kavanaugh get the committee's approval. I just couldn't watch the talking heads on teevee say that the floor vote was done deal.

So I left home and traveled all over town, listening to a goofy book on a non-political subject. Finally, as the sun loped toward the horizon, I glanced at my favorite news sites and...


If I understand correctly, a gang of four "swing vote" senators suddenly realized that they had power, and that they could force an FBI investigation. That investigation will take this political hot potato out of the Senate's hands. If the report says "He's dirty," the gang of four (and perhaps others) can offer a thumb's down without angering their base voters. "He's clean" can justify a thumb's up.

We cannot dismiss the possibility that Trump gave the signal that he was amenable to this move.

Why would Trump turn against Kavanaugh? Well, there is the obvious reason: Dr. Blasey Ford clearly told the truth, while Kavanaugh revealed himself to be an unendurable snot. He tried to do it Trump's way -- Attack! Rage! Conspiracy Theory! -- but he came across as an entitled, petulant frat boy. And to be honest, he also seemed drunk, literally drunk, right there in that chamber.

My suspicion: Behind the scenes, someone told Trump that Kavanaugh is guilty as hell, and not just in regards to Blasey Ford. The truth can't be hidden forever. "Mr. President, do you want to go down and history as the man who put a rapist on the Supreme Court?"

President Donald Trump on Friday called Christine Blasey Ford's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee "compelling" and "credible," adding that he was not sure if Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court would "continue onward."

Trump also said Ford, who alleges that she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh at a house when they were teenagers, was "certainly a very credible witness."

"I thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me. A very fine woman," he said. "And I thought that Brett’s testimony likewise was, really something that I hadn’t seen before. Incredible. It was an incredible moment in the history of our country."

However, the president seemed less sure about the fate of his nominee, telling reporters, "I don’t know if this is going to continue onward or if we’re going to get a vote."
"Really something I haven't seen before." Savor that wording.

I'm reminded of an old Hollywood joke: Billy Wilder attended the premiere of Cecil B. DeMille's The Greatest Show on Earth. Wilder hated the film, but he didn't want to hurt DeMille's feelings. So when DeMille asked "How'd you like it?" Wilder answered: "C.B., no one can deny it -- you truly have made THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH."

So, it all comes down to whether the FBI can prove Kavanaugh a liar -- and the most direct way to do that will be to crack Mark Judge. Will Judge lie to the Bureau to protect his old college buddy? I wouldn't.

Then there are the other claimants. Frankly, I think that Swetnick is on the level, and that her story will soon seem very credible to many Americans who now consider it dubious. In all likelihood, Ramirez is also telling the truth, but the insecurity of her memories on some points make hers the most problematic of the three claims

Kavanaugh is despicable. I came to that conclusion well before Blasey Ford's story was publicized. David Brock's behind-the-scenes portrait of the man was a powerful emetic. Kavanaugh's perjuries and hypocrisies were audacious and vile.

Bill Clinton was impeached on a single perjury charge that was far less important than were the lies about drinking that Kavanaugh told yesterday -- lies which an MSNBC host, for some unfathomable reason, labeled "white lies." No, they were not. They were important, impudent falsehoods told under oath, told to Senators, told to the entire country, about matters directly germane to Christine Blasey Ford's testimony. Those perjuries alone should suffice to insure that Kavanaugh loses his judgeship, yet they are hardly the most significant perjuries in his ledger.

A double standard governs our culture. Compare Kavanaugh to Clinton, who "lied like a gentleman" (as they used to say in the Victorian era) when asked about a sexual relationship which had absolutely nothing to do with the Paula Jones suit. What offended me was not the fact that Clinton sidestepped the full truth, relying on a legalistic rationale based on what constitutes "real" sex. What offended me was the fact that a judge would permit that man, or any other man, to be grilled about his entire sexual history.

Bill Clinton was far more sinned against than sinning.

History will not say the same about Brett Kavanaugh. There have been some truly awful people on the Supreme Court in the past, but even the worst of them cannot compare to the smug, smarmy, hyper-partisan Kavanaugh. We may call him Brett the Blackmailable. He epitomizes every over-privileged lout who ever made me want to grab a pipe wrench and play dentist.


joseph said...

Trump does not approve of alcohol, alcoholics or alcoholism. Kavanaugh, to my mind, clearly has an alcohol problem. What struck me is his question to Senator Klobuchar whether she had drunk to the point of blackout. He seems to think that is normal behavior. It is not. And if one drinks to the point of blackout it is important to recognize that one should not be consuming alcohol. He willingly acknowledges still liking beer and assumes there is something wrong with those who don't. I don't. Never have liked the taste of the stuff. Of course, I grew up in the liquor business, working in my family bar and liquor store, and having sold it to people who hadn't gone to the bathroom with their pants down in a couple of weeks it kind of lost its allure. Apparently it still has allure to Kavanaugh.

Anonymous said...

Joe - I’ve been reading you for years and admired your analysis of events. I’m surprised that you want to toss out a very well qualified person over an alleged event that has zero supporting evidence. Even her good friend, that she said was present, denies the events. If we let the Democrats use this tactic here, and normalize it, are we going to accept its use on our future nominees? It’s a dark road.

Anonymous said...

Trump doesn't drink because his brother died of alcoholism at an early age. It would not be surprising if he viewed excessive drinking as detrimental to a person's character. Kav certainly came off as a mean drunk, possibly helped along by a bit of courage from the bottle.

Another sterling performance was turned in by Lindsey Graham. Here's a good piece of analysis:


joseph said...

Anon at 10:06
You're kidding, right? Republicans, and only Republicans are to blame for the lack of comity in congress. They will use anything to guarantee more money for the already rich. The treatment of the Clintons, the swiftboating of Kerry and the lies about just about any other Democrat is way beyond whatever the Democrats have ever done.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous 10:06:
A number of problems with your point of view.

Kavanaugh demonstrated absolutely zero judicial temperament. In a sane world, he would be not only not elevated to the SC, but would be removed from his current seat on the DC court.

He has lied repeatedly and provably, being a hyper-partisan hack, he's a horrible choice for the judiciary.

When was the last time a Dem got a judge confirmed? The Republicans have been blocking scores, is it 80?,so Trumpp has been busy appointing assholes for life.

Then Lindsey Graham threatened Dem nominees! They could not do worse than they HAVE been doing for years.

And that is why we need to vote them out.


Mr Mike said...

Any word on George W Bush?
I read he was tapped to make calls to republican Senators for Koathanger Kavanaugh. One college drunk supporting another?
Seems Kavanaugh is exposed as a real life Jekyll bad Hyde.

lee said...

Anon10:06 How's life in the Web Brigades these days? FWIW you say you're surprised that Joe wants "to toss out a very well qualified person over an alleged event that has zero supporting evidence." Joseph can not toss anyone if you really have been reading his work as you claim you'd know about his sciatica and other health problems and there's no way he would be able to toss the drunk judge. Did you not hear Kav mention a few hundred times how he was varsity football and a basketballer, too? He's gotta be at least six feet. How's Joseph supposed to toss the guy? Have you never heard the phrase I believe him as far as I can throw him? Think about that Anon10:06 how could Jospeh toss the guy? And do you think a belligerent law guy would just take it? Not press charges against Joe? What's your endgame Anon10:06? Do you really want to see Joseph in the hoosegow for judge-tossing?

Anonymous said...

Kavanaugh knows he's guilty. But not only is he blatantly lying to those around him, he's been lying to himself. Brett's sense of personal entitlement is too great. He feels that the appointment is rightfully his. And so he continues to lie and deflect while testifying to the senate.

Brett Kavanaugh stated that his life has been destroyed. Not just yet Brett. He could have honorably withdrawn his nomination and stated that he was doing so for the well being of this nation. But that opportunity is past. The FBI is looking into the case now. Brett will go down hard. Like Trump's official physician, everyone and everything Donald touches gets destroyed. Brett Kavanaugh is no exception.

Joseph Cannon said...

lee, the sciatica went away years ago. Strangest damned thing, it was. I'm not sure how I would fare if required to toss Brett Kavanaugh, or how he would fare tossing me. I have a hard enough time lifting my six-month old puppy Charlie (who is already larger than his parents -- and Charlie was the runt!)

I was happy to receive that anonymous message. It has been a while since this blog was important enough to warrant trolling.

Jonathan said...

I'm still skeptical about the accusers. The more I learn, the more I think the Dems where using this as an excuse to shake the tree and see what might fall out. But whatever the case, it worked for me. I 100% agree with your analysis of Kavanaugh's character and lack of judicial temperament. I really really hope the partisanship can cool down enough that the Republicans can think clearly enough to see that he is a jerk, and none of them-- not Trump, not any of them -- want to be associated with this guy. Also, why do they think this accusation has to meet the standards fo a criminal charge? In a job interview, any little thing can spook an employer, causing them to hire someone else. If there where 20 great candidates for a job, do you think an employer would think twice about hiring someone else?

Joseph Cannon said...

Jonathan, playing devil's advocate, we do have to be wary of a situation in which accusers are granted automatic credence. I do not grant credence to, for example, Juanita Broaddrick. I also think that there is evidence that the tales told by Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers "just grew" over time.

So if you are conducting a job interview, you have to understand that your interview subject may have enemies, and may thus be the target of false accusations.

In Kavanaugh's case -- well, I was very wary for a while. I worried that Blasey Ford would turn out to be a false accuser, meant to discredit other claimants with better stories. That rather paranoid theory went out the window the moment I heard Christine Blasey Ford speak. I don't believe ALL women -- I've gotten in trouble for insisting that males and females are equally likely to deceive -- but I believe HER.

lee said...

Glad your sciatica disappeared, Joseph! And don't kid yourself that the Web Brigades and other Persona Management software users have forgotten you. You're the guy who published a post which quoted heavily from an eight-year-old shelved Scott Anderson article-- only to see that shelved-by-Conde-Nasty piece get published what, 70 days later? Shelved for 9 years then published less than 3 months after your piece? Someone reads your stuff...

I'm not talking about us little folks. Unlike Anon1006 (who claims he's read 'you'), I've read your writing for years, probably since The Bluge. We've butted heads a few times and you've helped me see errors in my thinking (E.g. Mena rather than the California airports) and sometimes listened to me (PressForTruth)... But you're on their radar, and that's a healthy sign even though things are so diseased right now.

Kind of like Brandi Carlile sings; "Let 'em laugh while they can. Let 'em spin, let 'em scatter in the wind. I have been to the movies, I've seen how it ends, and the joke's on them"

gavan said...

Tom, this is not a criticism in any way. But have you tried You can add it to your browser bar, press it when you are on any web page and, hey presto, you get a nice tiny url web link for that page. Just FYI. Keep up the good work. Cheers.

OTE admin said...

The difference is Bill Clinton did not "lie" under oath, and he did not commit perjury. The Senate knew the impeachment was a bunch of bullshit, and they threw it out.

Kavanaugh, though, is a liar, a drunk, and a rapist, plus a massive, massive hypocrite. There is no comparison at all.

Anonymous said...

lee, I'm glad that Mr. Cannon has recognized the value of "Press for Truth."

John Du8ffy and Ray Nowolsielski (principals in the PfT enterprise) have just published a book called "The Watchdogs Didn't Bark". And get this -- David Talbot wrote the Forward.

Mr Mike said...

Now we know. Trump has limited the scope of the Koathanger Kavanaugh investigation to Dr. Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez and an interview with Mike Judge. No classmates who witnessed Koathanger's excessive drinking or angry outbursts will be interviewed.

Anonymous said...

I guess I’ll have to start going by “Anon 1006”... I didn’t mean to offfend anyone with my earlier question. BTW, I check cannonfire every evening and enjoy the different take on life. Probably my favorite posts have covered A. Crowley, magick, and the OTO, i have generally enjoyed Joe’s insights on esoteric and cultural topics more than anything else. I’ve learned a lot in those areas. Also, I’m not a partisan, I am disgusted by pretty much all politicians. My only point is that we might be normalizing some approaches that seem expedient at the moment, but which will put us in a worse place in the future. I could of course be wrong.

Alessandro Machi said...

Hmmm, I though I made a comment to this post just minutes after you posted it. There is a rumor that the Republicans are trying to get Kavanaugh through so he can vote on a case that will give Trump the power to pardon anyone even if they are facing State Charges. This of course would give Trump full pardon control and give anyone who is going to testify an excuse to wait it out in jail knowing Trump will pardon them.

Mr Mike said...

The Donald pulls a Trump. Word leaked about the Great White Dope limiting the FBI investigation, he panics and tweets out permission to expand the scope of the inquiry.