Monday, December 04, 2017

Lie? Or hallucination?

A Trump tweet:
So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday “interrogation” with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times...and nothing happens to her? Rigged system, or just a double standard?
What the hell? I thought that I had a pretty good handle on most of the major Hillary smears. Just what is he quacking about here?

Billy Bush, who seems to have gotten an unfair shake, has written a fine piece confirming that Trump really did say what he said on the Access Hollywood tape, despite Trump's recent claims of forgery. Note this passage:
In the days, weeks and months to follow, I was highly critical of the idea of a Trump presidency. The man who once told me — ironically, in another off-camera conversation — after I called him out for inflating his ratings: “People will just believe you. You just tell them and they believe you,” was, I thought, not a good choice to lead our country.
Is Trump a liar, or is he hallucinating?

Perhaps he began as a mere liar, but then he discovered conspiracy theory. Conspiracism is a tool which allows one to replace an unwanted reality with a preferred reality.

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