Monday, February 06, 2017

Franken for president

It's real.

I'd like to see the BernieBros try to portray Al Franken, SNL graduate, as just another Establishment toady.

I'd prefer a younger man. I'd also prefer someone who talks faster. But he's good enough, he's smart enough -- and doggone it, he's not fascist.

Bonus: If the right-wing conspiracy-mongers start peddling paranoid theories about a Jew, they will inevitably reveal themselves as what they always were: Modern versions of Julius Streicher. Let's force the Alex Jonesians and the Breitbarters to serve their anti-Semitism straight up, without any masquerade masks and euphemisms. Let's no longer allow them to pretend that they're really concerned about "the Illuminati" or "the Globalists" or "the One-World Gummint" or the "Build-a-Burgers" or any of the other scarecrows they've erected.

(Enforced honesty would have been the one good outcome of a Bernie Sanders candidacy.)

Added note: In the previous post, I said that I stopped watching SNL around the time Eddie Murphy left. That's not entirely true; I caught some of the Stuart Smalley episodes. Although I liked them, I couldn't visualize an expansion of those skits into a full-length film, so I gave the movie Stuart Saves His Family a miss during its theatrical run. Big mistake, that. When I finally caught up with the film on VHS, it turned out to be my favorite comedy of the 1990s.


Anonymous said...

Seriously what was he honest about?

Joseph Cannon said...

You mis-read, anon. I meant a Jewish candidate -- ANY Jewish candidate -- would force the right-wing conspiracy-pushers to be candid about their anti-Semitism.

Propertius said...

Let's force the Alex Jonesians and the Breitbarters to serve their anti-Semitism straight up, without any masquerade masks and euphemisms.

One wonders how those antisemitic Breitbarters deal with the fact that Andrew Breitbart was Jewish.