Saturday, April 28, 2012

Let's face it -- Republicans really are shit

The GOP has a great idea. They want to chop food stamps to preserve military spending.

We have to abandon the "both parties are the same" narrative. Yes, the Dems have drifted from their principles -- but only to the degree that the entire country has drifted from sanity.

Ronald Reagan couldn't get the GOP nomination today: Too much of a lefty. Richard Nixon couldn't get the Democratic nomination today: Too much of a lefty.

In a zeitgeist like ours, of course you are going to get a lot of Dems who don't act like Dems. You can't blame a person for veering right if he's trapped on a boat going starboard; the best he can do is stay on the port side of the ship.

Under these circumstances, I'm surprised at the number of Dems who continue to stand by principle. Take CISPA for example: Yes, it was co-sponsored by a Democrat -- by a guy who is, literally, the NSA's congressman. (Also my congressman. But the boys and girls at Fort Meade have his attention in a way I never will.) It is also true that a couple of dozen House Democrats voted for this terrible assault on the Fourth Amendment.


Fact 1: The vast majority of House Dems voted against CISPA.

Fact 2: The vast majority of Republicans voted in favor.

Fact 1 and fact 2 tell us that the two parties are still very different animals. Anyone who says otherwise is either a blinkered ideologue or a Rovian ratfucker.

Fact 2 also tells us that when teabagger Republicans talk the libertarian talk, they care about just one aspect of the ideology: The part where Wall Street gets to control everything. Baggers don't give a damn about anything else -- privacy, anti-imperialism, separation of church and state -- that traditional libertarians claim to favor.

If you scan the comments on right-wing blogs, you'll probably encounter quite a few Republicans disavowing Dubya and his stupid wars. Those disavowals come from the perspective of libertarian isolationism -- an honorable stance, if held sincerely. But it's all a pose. It's phony. Everyone knows that if Romney gets into power, he'll seek any excuse to launch an attack on Iran. When he does, those very same Republican rank-and-filers will retreat to their 2003 position: They will wave the flag and they'll accuse anti-war liberals of not supporting our troops.

If you haven't read it yet, run your eyes across this important piece by Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein. A lot of people are talking about it.
On financial stabilization and economic recovery, on deficits and debt, on climate change and health-care reform, Republicans have been the force behind the widening ideological gaps and the strategic use of partisanship. In the presidential campaign and in Congress, GOP leaders have embraced fanciful policies on taxes and spending, kowtowing to their party’s most strident voices.

Republicans often dismiss nonpartisan analyses of the nature of problems and the impact of policies when those assessments don’t fit their ideology. In the face of the deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression, the party’s leaders and their outside acolytes insisted on obeisance to a supply-side view of economic growth — thus fulfilling Norquist’s pledge — while ignoring contrary considerations.
And seven Republican co-sponsors of a Senate resolution to create a debt-reduction panel voted in January 2010 against their own resolution, solely to keep it from getting to the 60-vote threshold Republicans demanded and thus denying the president a seeming victory.

This attitude filters down far deeper than the party leadership. Rank-and-file GOP voters endorse the strategy that the party’s elites have adopted, eschewing compromise to solve problems and insisting on principle, even if it leads to gridlock. Democratic voters, by contrast, along with self-identified independents, are more likely to favor deal-making over deadlock.
I would like to argue in favor of the spirit of compromise, but that time is past. The Republicans never compromise on anything; they simply demand compromise of others. And even when that compromise occurs, GOP propagandists will continue to pretend that liberals are extremists. They will continue to say that all moderates are really liberals, and all liberals are really socialists, and all socialists are really commies.

The either/or, off/on, "shirts versus skins" mentality is hard-wired into their skulls. Perhaps into all of our skulls, by this point.

The Republicans insist on war. There is nothing for it but to engage them on that level.

I just wish we had a Democratic warrior as president.


Mr. Mike said...

We did have a Democratic president who wasn't afraid to go toe to toe with the republicans but the rest of the party hated his guts. One semi-demi from Connecticut stabbed him in the back repeatedly.

That Dem Senator's reward?

Obama endorsed him over the real Democrat that won the primary, Ned Lamount.

In a state like California that has a lot of defense contractors do you really think Nancy Pelosi is going to stand up for the poor and disadvantaged?

Propertius said...

I just wish we had a Democratic warrior as president.

Instead of an ovine catamite.

NW Luna said...

Heh. I just wish we had a Democratic president.

NW Luna

Perry Logan said...

In the Age of Obama, the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is very clear: the Republicans tell you they're going to screw you, and the Democrats lie about it.

Joseph Cannon said...

Perry, I wouldn't say that the Democrats have screwed us. Obama has, often enough. A lot of Dems are trying to do genuine good, I think -- and even the Blue Dogs wouldn't be so bad if we lived in more moderate times and if the corrupting influence of money were not such a massive factor.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are going to be useless until you get the JFK killers and Shadow government dealt with. How about we wake up and get real? One of the biggest fuck ups the Democrats signed onto was NAFTA. That's why the USA is now a giant Burger Flipping Plantation. NAFTA was signed by Clinton. Then there was the Patriot Act which the Democrats caved on. Then there was that other great waste of money called "The War on Terror" in which the shadow government collaborated with other foreign governments to manipulate some drug world intel tied morons into a "hijacked planes" conspiracy to attack the U.S. Which then prompted a "GIT SODOM HOO-SAIN" orgy so that American Defense Contractors could rake in dough and Saudi princes and Israeli elites could sleep sound at night knowing the USA was breaking its hump fighting foreign wars against their common enemy. How about we wake up and get real? Democrats are useless. Talk to me again when Democrats do something the American left and liberals have been asking for. DO being the operate word here. Talk is cheap.

Ken Hoop said...

"If you scan the comments on right-wing blogs, you'll probably encounter quite a few Republicans disavowing Dubya and his stupid wars. Those disavowals come from the perspective of libertarian isolationism -- an honorable stance, if held sincerely. But it's all a pose. It's phony. Everyone knows that if Romney gets into power, he'll seek any excuse to launch an attack on Iran. When he does, those very same Republican rank-and-filers will retreat to their 2003 position: They will wave the flag and they'll accuse anti-war liberals of not supporting our troops."

Not Ron Paul. And to name another, because you are probably tired of hearing about the "Paul exception,"
North Carolina's Walter "freedom fries" (the phrase also repudiated early on) Jones.

"He contends that the United States went to war "with no justification."[1][30] On the subject, he said, "I just feel that the reason of going in for weapons of mass destruction, the ability of the Iraqis to make a nuclear weapon, that's all been proven that it was never there." He added that his change of opinion came about from attending the funeral of a sergeant killed in Iraq, when his last letter to his family was being read out. On June 16, 2005, he joined with three other members of Congress (Neil Abercrombie, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul) in introducing a resolution calling for the start of a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq to begin by October 2006.[34",_Jr.

Ken Hoop said...

Well, Joe, I would put it that for a Democrat (confirmed who has ruled out 3rd party actiivism) to "be trying to do geniune good" since circa 2010-1, he or she would have had to promote a 'primary Obama from the Left' movement at the very least.

Joseph Cannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Must blame the Democratic Party somewhat, since Speaker Jim Wright and Whip Tony Coelho opened the party to corporate renting as a fund raising strategy.

After the McGovern election landslide defeat, the party decided to only nominate moderates, block all Democrats from the Democratic side of the party from the presidential nomination, and choose corporatist Democrats instead. Romanticizing Clinton as outside that now constant ambit of the party is amnesiac.


Joseph Cannon said...

"One of the biggest fuck ups the Democrats signed onto was NAFTA."

Look at the vote, ratfucker. Who voted for NAFTA, and who voted against?

That's the part of history Republican ratfuckers like you want young and naive liberals to forget. This blog exist to tell liberals to take back the party -- to ignore the calls for otiose cynicism and the infantile dream of an incorrupt third party. Ratfuckers like you are paid (and I know full well that you ARE paid) to tell liberals to do anything but work within the Democratic party.

Propertius said...

Heh. I just wish we had a Democratic president.

I'd settle for an actual President, instead of an aspiring golf pro.

Jotman said...

NAFTA - Senate

35 Rep senators voted Yea
26 Dem senators voted Yea

10 Rep senators voted Nay
28 Dem senators voted Nay

NAFTA - House

132 Rep Ayes
102 Dem Ayes

43 Rep Nay
156 Dem Nay

What do you see in the vote that the ratfuckers don't? How could NAFTA have have passed without a lot of Democrats signing on? In the Senate, for example, even Paul Simon and Moseley-Braun (both D-IL) voted Yea...

Ken Hoop said...

Frankly, Ralph Nader would be chuckling here if he was reading the comments right about now.

Anonymous said...

Joe, the last thing I am is a paid Republican Troll if that is what you meant by "Ratfuckers like you are paid". Yeah, I post often on blogs like this because I am sick and tired of the bullshit from Republicans and sick and tired of bullshit from Democrats who don't put up a fight. And it pisses me off that the USA can't keep good jobs in the U.S. because the powers that be prefer the USA to become a Burger Plantation of poor people servicing the ultra rich while the money and jobs are all moved offshore. Decent jobs are leaving the USA for other countries and at this rate they don't seem to be returning. And hardly anyone in the USA wants to talk about the deeper reasons WHY(a corporate shadow government). I am LEFT OF CENTER. I never made any claims otherwise. Just because I think the Democrats are a bunch of panty waists doesn't mean I am a Republican. People have had it with BOTH parties. If Democrats want to be respected they need to start acting like leftwing Democrats and stop starting wars and ramming through more Big Brother legislation.