Monday, November 21, 2011

The first Tea Partier

You know what's even funnier -- and even more frightening -- than this scene? The comment it engendered on YouTube just a day ago:
If this great nation of ours is filled with more guys like Gen. Ripper, we wouldn't have much problems with what that monkey-faced Obama is doing!!! NO MORE FOUR YEARS!!!
The writer of these memorable words calls himself Phambo the Exterminator. He's serious.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Obama has been a lousy president. Nothing could make me support him -- except for the people who oppose him.


Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Obama has been a lousy president. Nothing could make me support him -- except for the people who oppose him.

That's not a good reason to support anybody. Count me in the "Ralph Nader vindicated" camp.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, the only thing saving the Democrats' bacon right now is the sheer batshit insanity of their opponents.

Mr. Mike said...

Phlamebo, part of that thirty percent who think Bush the Lesser was the greatest thing since sliced bread?
Do other nations have as high percent of crazy uncles locked in the attic or is it something in the water here?
Would a Bachmann, Perry, or any one of a number of Libertarian Loon types running for office get the same kind of media attention France, Germany, or any other sane country?
Or is it our penchant for watching train wrecks that sells soap flakes and automobiles?

Joseph Cannon said...

The first Anon: Nader vindicated? You're talking about the guy who gave us Dubya because Al Gore was supposedly so freakin' unacceptable.

Your example proves MY point.

Anonymous said...

The first Anon: Nader vindicated? You're talking about the guy who gave us Dubya because Al Gore was supposedly so freakin' unacceptable.

We don't know how Gore would have turned out. Seems likely he could have been just as bad as Obama, i.e. just as bad as Bush.

In any case, looking at the current state of affairs, I would say Nader has been vindicated.

Joseph Cannon said...

"Gore as bad as..."

Anon -- and it is very telling that you are anonymous -- you Republican ratfuckers couldn't be MORE obvious.