Monday, August 22, 2011

Libya: May we have the REAL history now, please?

I haven't much time to write at the moment, but since the fall of (spell it how you will) Qaddafi seems imminent -- and may actually have occurred at this writing -- one thought occurs to me: Maybe now we can get a proper explanation for the mysterious Wilson/Terpil affair.

As some of you may know, Ed Wilson and Frank Terpil were the "rogue" CIA agents who aided Qaddafi at a time when Libya was being painted as Enemy #2 (behind the USSR). Many have questioned just how "rogue" those guys really were. The following is a description of an old radio show about the duo:
Moham­mar Khadafy’s ter­ror­ist cadre, the Red Brigades and Car­los the Jackal were allegedly among the recip­i­ents of Wil­son and Terpil’s expertise.

Although they sup­pos­edly per­formed as rene­gades, they claimed that their activ­i­ties sup­port­ive of “left” ter­ror were per­formed at the bequest of U.S. intel­li­gence.
Pro­gram High­lights Include: the group’s use of active-duty Green Berets to train Khadafy’s ter­ror­ists; Ed Wilson’s oper­a­tion of Task Force 157, an intel­li­gence oper­a­tion that spawned the Nugan Hand Bank (a CIA-connected bank that laun­dered drug and arms deal prof­its); Wilson’s role in bro­ker­ing ship­ments of U.S. arms to Egypt; Eye­wit­ness sub­stan­ti­a­tion of the duo’s con­nec­tion to Car­los the Jackal; the role of for­mer CIA offi­cials Theodore Shack­ley and Thomas Clines in Ter­pil and Wilson’s activ­i­ties; the untimely deaths of numer­ous wit­nesses to, or par­tic­i­pants in, the pair’s oper­a­tions; Wilson’s past oper­a­tions for CIA, includ­ing the Bay of Pigs project and the U-2 spy plane; Wilson’s alleged role in procur­ing explo­sives for the assas­si­na­tion of Orlando Lete­lier; Wilson’s con­nec­tions to Repub­li­can king­maker Robert Keith Gray; alle­ga­tions of con­nec­tions between Ter­pil and a drug-smuggling gang known as “The Com­pany;” Terpil’s claims that drug prof­its from the above-mentioned Nugan Hand Bank sus­tained U.S. elec­tronic sur­veil­lance facil­i­ties in Aus­tralia; state­ments from for­mer U.S. intel­li­gence offi­cers that the Terpil-Wilson oper­a­tions in Libya were, indeed, offi­cially sanc­tioned; alle­ga­tions that a “tame CIA insider” deflected Con­gres­sional inquiries into Ter­pil and Wilson’s activ­i­ties; Libyan strong­man Khadafy’s bankrolling of the Pal­adin Group, a fas­cist mer­ce­nary orga­ni­za­tion; a Latin-American assas­si­na­tion con­sor­tium known as “Oper­a­tion Condor.”
I never could understand how Green Berets could train Libyan forces "accidentally," without the knowledge of higher-ups within the Pentagon and the CIA.

The Nugan Hand connection is of great current interest, since Rupert Murdoch (allegedly) had links to that scandal.

Yes, I know that 1981 seems like prehistory to many of you. But some of us have been waiting a long time to know this stuff.


seymourblogger said...

The problem is that this stuff is information. There will never be an end to information as it circulates globally. It feeds into the system and the system depends on it. This does not mean it isn't true. It is. But info won't change anything, and it won't destruct the system because it is part of the system. All this info on blogs is a hopeless way of going about it.

DeLillo says it all in Cosmopolis.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

"May we have the REAL history now..."
The Media is chickenshit.
Always was.
Always will be.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what this means, but ...

The N799WW mystery: CIA-linked plane left Libya on eve of action

What exactly was a CIA-linked jet doing landing in Tripoli as the UN Security Council met to approve military action? Exchanges with air traffic control recorded by amateur radio hams show a plane with registration N799WW was cleared for landing at Mitiga International Airport 11km east of Tripoli on the evening of 17 March.

The Bombardier BD-700 plane is registered to Wells Fargo Bank Northwest NA, a subsidiary of US superbank Wells Fargo & Company. What has set tongues wagging is that the same subsidiary is the trustee for a Raytheon Hawker aircraft with a tail number N168BF which was allegedly used for extraordinary rendition flights by the CIA.
