Here's a video by actor-turned-evangelist Jesse Woodrue. You can guess what he thinks about all of this. Some of the YouTube commenters frighten me more than the virus does. Needless to say, the Alex Jonesians are doing their usual shtick: False flag! False flag! Swine flu is a gummint plot to take away our guns and our civil liberties! The Ron Paulicans are screeching a very similar song.
Before everyone goes completely bonkers, let me make a few points:
1. The brochure seems to cast an eye toward the absolute worst-case scenario. Discussing such a scenario is hardly a bad thing. In fact, not discussing the possibility of a crisis would be irresponsible. Millions died the last time this pathogen turned up. No-one's entirely certain why the strain has (so far) proven far less malign in its current manifestation.
2. All sorts of conferences go on all the time. They are lucrative for the organizers, and they give attendees an excuse for a business trip/vacay.
3. The meeting advertised by this brochure was not sponsored by the American government. Or rather: If the government was behind this thing, its sponsorship is hidden.
If you look at who actually put on this shindig -- and few of the sensationalists have done so -- you'll find this phrase at the very end of the brochure: "Produced by New Fields Exhibitions, Inc." As Jerry Seinfeld might ask: Who are these people?
I'm not sure. I'm not even sure if "people" (plural) is the correct term. This site provides "vital info" on small businesses -- and from it, we learn that New Fields Exhibitions Inc. may not be such a big damn deal:
Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of $34,000 and employs a staff of approximately 1.Here's the website. If you click on the "About Us" tab, you get a "404 -- not found" page. Same thing with the other tabs, such as "NF in the media" and "Press contacts."
Not very professional.
I'm not saying that this is one of those fake websites, like the ones that Brent Wilkes had going. I'm just saying...not very professional.
Those who attended had to fork over $2,785 to the good people -- person? -- at New Fields. If I had that kind of cash, I'd like to learn more about the firm before handing over the dough.
A smallish crowd did show up. CSPAN covered some of the proceedings. The video features keynote speaker Stephen Sroka, who seems like a nice guy, even if he is kind of bug-eyed and bizarre -- a combo of George Carlin and Tony Robbins. At any rate, he spoke about the need to tell the citizenry to wash their hands and to stay home when ill. Good advice. While listening to him, I felt no urge to break open the Book of Revelation.
I'm not saying that H1N1 is unimportant. Indeed, it could become the most important immediate threat facing this nation. That possibility exists. Still, I see no reason for conspiracy buffs to use this pamphlet as the basis for their latest exercise in Illuminati-gonna-getcha paranoia.
From what I gather from the conspiracy sites, they're mostly paranoid that the vaccine is the killer, not the virus itself. Ground zero for this stuff seems to be the site of an Austrian woman named Jane Burgemeister: http://www.theflucase.com/
I think the only "conspiracy" would involve the manufacturers and distributors of the vaccine over-inflating the danger of an outbreak. In this case, I believe the "gummint" is doing the right thing. I want them prepared. If they are properly prepared we won't have Blackwater thugs running around shooting minorities in the aftermath.
Some experts seem quite certain why it's fairly benign so far: it's not flu season yet.They say it is using this time to mutate and strengthen for the winter. I have never understood how viruses could be so clever but I have read that assertion many times.
Consider how mobile humans are now compared to 1918.That fact alone could make this outbreak much worse than that one.It would be better for everyone if the conspiracy theorists just holed up in their bunkers all winter, clutching their guns-more vaccine available for the rest of us and less virus spreading.
I thought that the last time that we had the swine flu was during the 70's and Jimmy Carter was Pres. Of course, it didn't kill anyone and there were some fatalities due to the stupid vaccine.
Every single time I try to do something nice for myself it backfires, and this week was no different. After alllll summer with scuzzy feet I finally decided wth and went for a long overdue pedicure.
There's nothing quite as disruptive to a relaxing spa procedure as having the jerk touching you tell you how he had swine flu this summer.
So....I am subscribing to the folks denouncing the vaccine and not reading this entry, sorry, Joseph...I don't want to know if I should worry.
No, the swine flu outbreak was under Gerald Ford. There were conspiracy rumors then, too. Supposedly every who got the vaccine would die by a certain date. I don't recall what it was, but I know it's long past and I'm still around.
sister of ye
The issue was that the vaccine back in the 70s was more deadly than the actual flu.
Joseph- did you check out the other conferences that New Fields has scheduled?
surely this link re "new fields" would have given a more accurate idea who they are?
Contact Information
Sharon Villalon
Iraq Security & Defense Task Force
New Fields Exhibitions
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
or this one:
Unlicensed “New- Fields Exhibitions” Claims To Provide Clients Easy Access in Iraq
Since the fall of 2003, New-Fields Exhibitions, a Dubai-based marketing company with a corporate office in Washington, has organized over a dozen conferences promoting opportunities in Iraq’s reconstruction, security and oil sectors.
The names adorning the delegate lists of New-Fields’ events are among the Who’s Who of Iraq war profiteers: Halliburton/KBR, Bechtel, Titan, General Dynamics, Blackwater, Fluor, Perini, URS Corporation. But while the rebuilding effort in Iraq has become characterized by pervasive waste and fraud—turning funds once touted as a new Marshall Plan into what critics classify as corporate blood money—New-Fields, the self-arrogated hookup for Iraqi business deals, has avoided the scrutiny faced by some of its more dubious clientele.
Joseph, you should also review the wayback records. Goes back to 2000. It's a company out of Dubai. Intriguing indeed.
I appreciate some calm reflection on this matter. Thank you.
However, a more thorough reflection on relevant history leaves one less sanguine.
Consider the last swine flu epidemic, now correctly dated in the Ford administration. A pharmaceutical company developed a vaccine and marketed it to the hog farming industry. The hog farmers exercised prudence and ran some small test groups with the vaccine. Upon discovery that the vaccine caused more deaths than the disease, at about a 25% mortality rate, iirc, the industry said they were not interested. Under influence of the typical corporate blandishments, Ford ordered a nation-wide effort to head off a pandemic, using this same vaccine. Significant percentages of those dosed suffering permanent neurological damage from the vaccine prompted the 'discovery' of a newly named syndrome, obfuscating its nature as a side effect of the flawed vaccine.
In more recent times, the yet unsolved anthrax attacks prompted the US government to stockpile Cipro, although this wide spectrum antibiotic is unnecessary in the vast majority of cases (penicillin and other normal antibiotics entirely suffice at far less expense). Many millions of doses were paid for under government contract. Later information indicated the White House began taking Cipro as of September 12, 2001, a week or more prior to the first anthrax attacks.
This anthrax vaccine contract for US armed forces destined for Iraq was let to Bioport, featuring as CEO one Adm.William Crowe (Retired), just recently Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, fronting for a couple of Middle Eastern principles. Crowe was given a 22.5% stake for no consideration other than his influence in the MIC. The armed servicemen were under duty to submit to that vaccination, and hundreds were charged and prosecuted over their refusal to accept the then-experimental vaccine. Their refusal kept them from a significant risk of long-term debilitating side effects.
These lessons show that one should not underestimate the power of private monetary interest and institutional players to influence harmful and wasteful government actions in exactly this subject area of civil preparation for biological hazards.
Then, we have the the additional data point of the C-SPAN coverage of the reading of the martial law legislation. This law covered the instituting of martial law and ancillary measures in the event of biological disasters.
The requirement for the reading of laws is an archaic artifact of the technology available at the country's founding. Proposed acts of Congress are theoretically required to be read aloud in session chambers several times. These days, many bills avoid this requirement by explicit motion, that the introduction of the bill or its recent amended version will be considered read (aloud), by vote. In the case of 700-1200 page bills, this is typically granted.
This was apparently a smaller page-length bill. The U.S.Representative holding the floor reading it interrupted finishing many sentences by saying "that's classified." Despite the effect of constructive verbal redaction, it was clear the bill language described newly prescribed legal actions in the event of pandemic infection. The Congressman even got to one passage of the bill and involuntarily exclaimed "Jesus," before adding, "that's classified." Please, someone debunk this clip. It refers to "their other-wordly strenth" and "underground birthing centers."
So an extensive infrastructure of enabling laws and strategic planning for militarily enforced martial law quarantine policies has been put into place, including, apparently, underground birthing centers??? There are strong economic influences who stand to gain a fortune. It would be naive to underestimate the likely attempted use of what has so assiduously been put into place, IMO.
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