Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Obama brand

Chris Hedges has emerged as the most articulate liberal critic of the Obama era. What can I do but quote?
What, for all our faith and hope, has the Obama brand given us? His administration has spent, lent or guaranteed $12.8 trillion in taxpayer dollars to Wall Street and insolvent banks in a doomed effort to reinflate the bubble economy, a tactic that at best forestalls catastrophe and will leave us broke in a time of profound crisis. Brand Obama has allocated nearly $1 trillion in defense-related spending and the continuation of our doomed imperial projects in Iraq, where military planners now estimate that 70,000 troops will remain for the next 15 to 20 years. Brand Obama has expanded the war in Afghanistan, including the use of drones sent on cross-border bombing runs into Pakistan that have doubled the number of civilians killed over the past three months. Brand Obama has refused to ease restrictions so workers can organize and will not consider single-payer, not-for-profit health care for all Americans. And Brand Obama will not prosecute the Bush administration for war crimes, including the use of torture, and has refused to dismantle Bush’s secrecy laws or restore habeas corpus.

Brand Obama offers us an image that appears radically individualistic and new. It inoculates us from seeing that the old engines of corporate power and the vast military-industrial complex continue to plunder the country. Corporations, which control our politics, no longer produce products that are essentially different, but brands that are different. Brand Obama does not threaten the core of the corporate state any more than did Brand George W. Bush. The Bush brand collapsed. We became immune to its studied folksiness. We saw through its artifice. This is a common deflation in the world of advertising. So we have been given a new Obama brand with an exciting and faintly erotic appeal.
Obama, who has become a global celebrity, was molded easily into a brand. He had almost no experience, other than two years in the Senate, lacked any moral core and could be painted as all things to all people. His brief Senate voting record was a miserable surrender to corporate interests. He was happy to promote nuclear power as “green” energy. He voted to continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He reauthorized the Patriot Act. He would not back a bill designed to cap predatory credit card interest rates. He opposed a bill that would have reformed the notorious Mining Law of 1872. He refused to support the single-payer health care bill HR676, sponsored by Reps. Dennis Kucinich and John Conyers. He supported the death penalty. And he backed a class-action “reform” bill that was part of a large lobbying effort by financial firms. The law, known as the Class Action Fairness Act, would effectively shut down state courts as a venue to hear most class-action lawsuits and deny redress in many of the courts where these cases have a chance of defying powerful corporate challenges.

While Gaza was being bombarded and hit with airstrikes in the weeks before Obama took office, “the Obama team let it be known that it would not object to the planned resupply of ‘smart bombs’ and other hi-tech ordnance that was already flowing to Israel,” according to Seymour Hersh.
The junk politics practiced by Obama is a consumer fraud. It is about performance. It is about lies. It is about keeping us in a perpetual state of childishness.
There's much more on the other side of the link. You'd think that after compiling this ghastly resume, Obama would have finally shocked his bots awake. No such luck.

On a recent Democratic Underground thread, Cynthia McKinney's piece on "Obama Buyer's Remorse" was excerpted. (Interesting that she too utilizes the terminology of consumerism.) Her words reflect those we heard from Hedges:
And now that the Obama Administration has used its Justice Department to argue in court in favor of those who ordered torture, and to defend Bush Administration policies of torture, rendition, warrantless wiretapping, and extra-legal treatment of so-called “enemy combatants,” most of whom have committed no crime (like six-year Guantanamo Prisoner number 345, Sami El-Hajj, who was on the Dignity with me as I tried to make it to Gaza). On these issues, the Obama Administration is consonant with the Bush Administration. No wonder Bush et al have more to worry about from the “small-d” democrats in Spain than from the “big-D” Democrats in Washington, DC.
The first sentence in that quote isn't really a sentence; it's an introductory clause. Still, the facts presented by McKinney are inarguable.

Which doesn't stop the DUmmies from arguing -- and from imitating the ostrich:
I have no remorse. I think my President is doing a good job.
why should I bother to read something that I will disagree with and will not convince me otherwise?
Just completed my quarterly remorse check. None was found. Ms. McKinney is mistaken, as national polling clearly indicates.
It's been a little over 100 days and it's amazing the shit that's starting to show up on DU more and more. Who fucking needs this? There's being critical, and then there's this BULLSHIT being splattered all over DU. Go lament with the freepers if you're so disgusted with Obama. They'd love to have you.
There's a whole sub-set of political-circuit people who made their living traveling the country getting paid to criticize Bush. Now that he's gone, they're critics without a target, i.e. without a paycheck...unless they find a new one.
Permanent critics, out of their niche but still milking the cow.
She's tossing a pebble at a battleship. No damage reported.
I'm happy with my vote and I'd happily vote for Obama again!
He seems to be conducting his White House pretty much as he conducted his campaign -- No Drama Obama, smartest man in the room. All those folks who hope he'll fail -- for them, the dynamite goes boom in their faces.
The dynamite will boom all right -- in all of our faces. Back to Hedges:
But the longer we live in illusion, the worse reality will be when it finally shatters our fantasies. Those who do not understand what is happening around them and who are overwhelmed by a brutal reality they did not expect or foresee search desperately for saviors. They beg demagogues to come to their rescue. This is the ultimate danger of the Obama Brand.


daniel said...

What do you expect from DU? I just go there for the links and stay away from the comments for the most part.

Sorry, I haven't been checking in here much so I'm not really up to date - have you changed your tune on Hillary?

gary said...

I am always reluctant to express an opinion on economics for the same reason that I am reluctant to express an opinion on quantum physics. Accordingly, I suspend judgement on Obama's economic program. If it works, I'm all for it. If it doesn't, I'll blame Bush. OK,if it doesn't I'll blame Obama but with sympathy for the position Bush put him and all of us in.

I agree with some of the critiques of Obama from the left, on the other hand if Obama wasn't being criticized from the left I would begin to think that Sean Hannity was right and Obama is a radical Leftist. Purist doctrinaire leftists are as bad as their equivalents on the right. Nonetheless, putting pressure on Obama from the left is essential.

I would like to see Obama severely restrict the State Secrets privilege.

Much as I admire Sibel Edmonds, why doesn't she at this point just put everything she knows in a book? I doubt the Obama administration would indict her and if they try to stop publication that would draw more attention to her. I wish a little more of Daniel Ellsberg had rubbed off on her.

Cynthia Mkinney has lost all credibility with me. She's a whack job, and believe me I know something about crazy black women.


Anonymous said...

DU will be a refuge for Obama's 28 percenters - the ones who will never find fault with him.

They will also be a source of lol's

RedDragon said...

I bet these DUmmies are the same people that still believe in the tooth fairy! F@#!ing Sheep!

Perry Logan said...

What's PUMA for "I told you so"?

I haven't visited DU since I was banned for first-degree satire. It's definitely the place to go if you enjoy hearing Democrats called cowards again and again and again.

And again.

And again. If any of you go there, please thank them on my behalf for helping get another neocon into the White House.

donna darko said...

His administration has spent, lent or guaranteed $12.8 trillion in taxpayer dollars to Wall Street and insolvent banks in a doomed effort to reinflate the bubble economy, a tactic that at best forestalls catastrophe and will leave us broke in a time of profound crisis.What else does anyone need to know?

Besides the fact we won't get single payer health care? I knew it was trillions but didn't realize it was 12.8 trillion.

Anonymous said...

The choice was between Obama and McCain. You think McCain would be better ?

So far Obama sounds and looks like Clinton. Otherwise, please remind me what part of the US corporate agenda was revolutionized by Clinton in his first 100 days ? Overall, he reduced the military budget (not in the first 100 days), but it's not like he shrank the empire either.

If "progressives" started to work on changing the process of electing a president instead of only complaining, they might achieve something. Otherwise, what else do you expect from a president and a political establishment who received billions from corporation to get elected ? that they will go against the interest of the hand that feeds them ?

donna darko said...

PUMAs protested the process. We said he was a conservative who represented the status quo, that fat cats owned him.

The choice was Clinton who made universal health care the centerpiece of her campaign who promised universal health care and Obama who gave 12.8 TRILLION to banks and nothing to us.

Anonymous said...

That's gonna be the most bizarre reelection slogan ever:

"You think McCain would be better?"

Anonymous said...

Anon -

The point Joe and Hedges are making is that what Obama is actually trying to do is almost completely at odds with what he said he was going to do (and what he and Obots still pretend he is doing). Bill Clinton did (or at least tried his best to do) what he said he was going to. With him, what you saw was pretty much what you got. With Obama, what you see is what what he wants you to see...what you get is something else entirely.

Sergei Rostov

Anonymous said...

It was said back in February of 2001 (i.e. the start of Bush's time in the WH) that the MSM was making sure his approval numbers were inflated to 1&1/2 times their actual value because he was in their favor, and only after it turned on him did his numbers match the reality. Given this, and given that this is Obama's position now, his actual approval rating would be in the low 40s.

At least *some* Obots are now starting to say "that is a lie!" rather than saying "yes, that's true, but I still support him!" A "hopeful" sign.

Also, check this out:

If The Nation is noting and saying things like this, more to the good.

I would love to see a set of poll results done to the same group of the general public before and after being apprised of the established facts noted by Hedges.

Sergei Rostov

Katherine said...

Thanks for posting, Joe. Hedges is a favorite commentator of mine, even when I disagree with him. He's very thoughtful in how he writes -- powerfully and intensely but quietly -- and that's rather rare. And I agree strongly with this essay. In fact, I want to carry this link around and offer it when people ask me why I just can't buy the hype. Okay, in part, it's because I'm a contrarian. But the other part is this essay. "An image-based culture, one dominated by junk politics, communicates through narratives, pictures and carefully orchestrated spectacle and manufactured pseudo-drama." Word. From the start, the BO triumph was a triumph of the empty image.

As a former regular member of the D-list blogosphere 7-11 that is DU, I agree: go for the grins and chuckles. Then, it's endlessly entertaining. It's especially entertaining to see them realize, every now and then, that they have nothing bu vaporware. They chose the empty image and what have they got besides their own smug fandom? (To be fair, there are some DUers who are angry at the failure to hold Bushco accountable, among other things.)

donna darko said...

This article depresses me. Waste depresses me especially to the tune of 12.8 trillion that should go to education, health care or environment.

Black Agenda Report gives Obama's first 100 days 23.5 points out of 100 which is too kind.

Anonymous said...

This $12.8 TRILLION dollar figure, while probably accurate as phrased and if it is properly understood, is misleading.

It includes the $5.3 trillion in mortgages owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The government has always been the presumed backer of last resort for these institutions. This guarantee has been made explicit, adding that amount to the total, although no money has been spent.

The amount insured under the FDIC has increased 250% (a government guarantee), and the government has extended full guarantees to all monies in the money markets. Trillions of dollars in added guarantees are involved in both cases, but again, no money has been spent, and no banks have been enriched or gotten any of this money in any form.

So apparently, the vast majority of this alleged figure didn't go to the banks or AIG, but rather to make what were already implicit guarantees explicit, in the interest of stabilizing trillions of dollars poised to exit depository accounts and money markets. These were likely entirely appropriate and necessary, and I have never heard any dissent from these measures.

Aggregating all these figures and implying these huge sums are paying off the banksters is journalistic malpractice. For the costs of that are well known, and far smaller.


glennmcgahee said...

Its so revealing when those that support Obama point to poll numbers. "76% of those polled think Obama is doing a good job", so I do too. Isn't that typical. Everybody just wants to belong to the popular crowd. Just like High School.

donna darko said...

Naomi Klein: 'The Wall Street Bailout Is the Greatest Heist in Monetary History'This is exactly what I thought.