Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The ultimate DUmmy thread

This is priceless: Democratic Underground offers a thread on the topic "If this were a dictatorship, Barack Obama could fulfill every one of your ideological dreams." Anyone whose "ideological" dreams are compatible with any form of dictatorship is no lower-case d democrat. That site is quite mis-named. Responses:
I was telling my friend the other day, I would not mind a dictatorship under Obama
I trust him to make the right decisions for our country by getting input from people with all kinds of viewpoints. I trust him to have a good heart (look at what he gave up personally, in terms of wealth and self-aggrandizement, to be a community organizer). I think he would always act for the best for all, rather than for CEOs and trust-fund babies, if he were The Sole Decider
Right now, I'm listening to the perfect background score for this tripe: The fourth movement of Shostakovich's Second Symphony. Some of you may have heard it; the rest of you can probably guess what it is like. All hail our glorious comrade Obama!


Anonymous said...

Are those people seriously f*cked or what? A dictatorship...
with him ? No frackin' way!

Anonymous said...

Um. I'm not sure "priceless" is the word...but, um, thanks for the brutal look at the underbelly of the personality cult.

Anonymous said...

"Things would be a lot easier if this were a dictatorship...as along as I was the dictator."

George W. Bush

(Sergei Rostov)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and funny how the responder doesn't mention that Obama quit being a community organizer because no one on either side would listen to him. And that despite his paper-thin resume and history of personal failure he decided he was the best person to run the most powerful country on earth.
Oh the other hand, those things DO tend to sow the seeds for good dictators...just not the kind that the responder wants. Or does he, and he is just fooling himself? This demonstrates why you have to represent political orientation with more than one dimension (i.e. a line): go far enough "right" OR "left" (in the case of left this is to the left of liberal) and you get people who secretly want to be (or to be ruled by) a dictator.

Sergei Rostov

p.s. Speaking of dictators, has anyone else thought that in the most common Obama head shot - the one with his chin up, eyes narrowed, smiling slightly, looking off into the distance - he is remarkably reminiscent Mussoulini? Hmm.

Anonymous said...

The first liberty to go in a dictatorship is the freedom of speech, so anyone who says stupid things has a high probability of going to jail -- having a mouth is all that's required for the stupid to talk.

Anonymous said...

Their wish may seen be reality if Obama has his way.

Edgeoforever said...

Frankly, considering the level of devotion during the elections, this sounds rather mild...A dictator after all is much less than a Messiah - at least in some circles.
But yeah, it gives me the chills to think I was a resident of that place for years.

Anne said...

A big part of the Barry love WAS that thinking was not required....this takes that to the next level.

When I read such obot dribblings, I think of that cult called Heavens Gate. A life long con man lead, really smart people, to commit suicide because that way they would be beamed up" to a space ship behind a comet.

For some, the more fantastic the idea, the more believable it becomes.

Heaven Gate....these quotes would fit Jones town as well. They are suicide notes.

Anonymous said...

"look at what he gave up personally, in terms of wealth and self-aggrandizement, to be a community organizer"
Hmmm, and WHAT exactly would that be?

Anonymous said...

ha...good point, edgeoforever...a dictator is a step down from messiah!

And Sergei, yeah, the Oworshiper's comments about the community organizing were pure fantasy! Obama didn't profit? And he got that mansion how?

Anonymous said...

I don't think DU is throwing out a provocative statement. I believe they are testing the waters. After all, Congressional Dems are trying to get the two term POTUS limit overturned.

And I agree that anyone who would rather have a dictator (or any person) to make decisions for them is lazy at heart and deeply unAmerican.

WTF is happening to the Democratic Party?


Perry Logan said...

You actually visit Democratic Underground, with all the Philistines and misogynists? Eugh!

Anonymous said...

The REAL truth is we are in the middle of a White House Coup that kicked off on 911 when the towers went down. The plan as I was told back in the 90's was that our economy was setup to collapse starting with the Loan Industry.

911 was State Sponsored Terrorism and it isn't the only act they have done. There have been many here on US soil and elsewhere. I was told about 911 in 1996 although at the time those steering the Coup were reviewing three different sites one being New york. Around Illinois are other Terrorist strikes which were thought to be done by lone crazies but they weren't.

Assorted Articles on the net do offer segments of proof to what I'm saying. I was in a family for more than 26 years who are directly involved and got their start in the later 70's.

As an example, the Madoff scandal which became a probe has surfaced a number of interesting investments done by a high Administration offical in the CIA days prior to 911. Also along with the 911 investments there are other interesting investments that were coincidentally made days prior to other Terrorst acts done elsewhere. Coincidental? No is the answer that I know.

The family I was in are deeply involved with the CIA and in shipping ton's of cocaine into the US and elsewhere. They were also flying Rendition flights for the CIA. Who setup their Florida shipping business was Obama while he worked at the law firm. The family explained that Obama is considered a Budding Shining Star for the criminal system and expected to reach great hieghts in Politics. Obama is a TEAM MATE. Looking at who is on Obama's team should shine more light on where he is going with his Presidency.

Along with the Political environment are efforts by the Military with setting up CheckPoints in preparation for Martial Law. California and elsewhere already have CheckPoints in operation. Also, Haliburton was granted a $390Million project to build Detention Camps around the US in preparation for Martial Law more than 2 years ago. I was told about the Detention Camps in the 90's only they were called Prisons. As told to me: "When "The Change" comes, you're either with us or you're not. If you're not, you'll end up in one of the many Prisons around the US." "The Change" as per the family means the day we change from a Democracy to a Dictatorship.

Links are availabe upon request.

Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL

Anonymous said...

RE: Sergei Rostov

p.s. Speaking of dictators, has anyone else thought that in the most common Obama head shot - the one with his chin up, eyes narrowed, smiling slightly, looking off into the distance - he is remarkably reminiscent Mussoulini? Hmm.

ABSOLUTLEY! I've thought that looked like "el Duce" for several months now.

Anonymous said...

Annie, I don't know why it took me until now to do so, but I remember reading that con men say smart people make the best "marks" because they believe they are too smart to be fooled. [Message to Obots: oop! :)]

On an I-told-you-so-related note, I wonder if anyone has ever tried to sue a politician on the grounds that he or she violated an implied contract containing a 'condition honor promise'?

Sergei Rostov

Anonymous said...

You know, the head Financial News Network was scammed for several million dollars by a con artist a few years ago. I've forgotten the details. A friend of mine worked on a documentary about con artists and interviewed him and several others who were duped.

One of the most interesting things I've ever heard a con artist say about his process is that when he was getting to know a prospective mark, he would tell an obvious lie to see what they would do. If they went along with the lie, he had them. If they didn't, he knew to let them go. People will hang in there with con artists till the very end, because they are charming people, and it is very hard to believe that someone you like so much would lie to you and take advantage of you.

the deal with Obama is the narcissistic circle. Obama is a transcendent figure whose followers are enlightened people. And the proof of the enlightment is that they are admirers of Barack Obama. round and round it goes. And those suckers will be loathe to give up their exaggerated self-image. They'll hang in there with this putz until the very end.

RedDragon said...

What the F@#$ is wrong with these people? A Dictatorship? With this moron at the helm?

Be careful what you wish for idiots! You just may end up regretting those words....sooner rather than later!

Anonymous said...

Obama's base and his party supporters behaved like authoritarians before the election, so this type of talk doesn't surprise at all. Authoritarians always want a daddy figure to take care of them, whether it's a god or some earthly facsimile of one.

As for the lengthy conspiracy claim above, no one will ever convince me that there's some secret cabal waiting for a momentous day to seize control of the nation. History has proven that the easiest people to control are those that think they're free. That can't be lost on the scum who've been exploiting the weaknesses in our democracy for many decades. Why ruin a system that has clearly worked in their favor?

Anonymous said...

Joseph? I thought 9/11 conspiracists weren't welcome here?

Anonymous said...

From the moment the first Mercedes-Benz CLS four-door "coupe" was introduced to the public, other German luxury automakers hit the drafting board. According to the German auto experts at AutoBild, Audi is just over a year away from unleashing its own cleverly packaged sedan.