Wednesday, February 04, 2009

There's work for you -- in India

IBM has a solution for those American workers whose jobs have been outsourced to India. They've come up with a program to outsource the workers themselves to India!

If you're planning on making the switch, a word of warning: ALL the movies produced in India are musicals, and they're all three hours long, or longer. (Unless things have changed since I went through my Bollywood phase.) The actresses are incredibly lovely. They don't want to date you.


Perry Logan said...

Also, Indian filmmakers do not appreciate the importance of blowing things up. Things almost never blow up in Indian movies.

Joseph Cannon said...

I think Indian directors WANT to blow more things up, but the budgets forbid. There are explosions in "The Burning Train," a once-notorious kitsch masterpiece of '80s Indian cinema.

Anonymous said...

This isn't anything new. A neighbor of mine still works for a major mortgage company as one of the few people left in the accounting department. He's been worried about being let go for some time now, but accounting jobs are scarce. The company's IT department was moved to India several years ago. The major part of my neighbor's job is to review the IT output (financial reports) produced in India and let them know if they have their programs working properly. The company has been encouraging him to pick up and move to India where he would have a job at a greatly reduced salary because it would be easier to communicate with the IT department. He doesn't want to go because he figures it would only be a year or so before he had trained his replacement in India.

The Dems claim to want to send more young people to college so that they can "compete" in the global economy. Is this so our best and brightest can maybe find jobs in other countries?

old dem

Anonymous said...

"They don't want to date you."
Oh well, that leaves me out.

Perry Logan said...

What hurts is that they specifically told Joe they won't date us. It's the story of my life.

Joseph Cannon said...

Actually, Perry, "The Burning Train" starred the gorgeous Parveen Babi, who, rumor has it, moved to New York, dropped acid and went crazy. Now, she MIGHT have dated you, if you had caught her at the right time. Alas, she is no longer with us. I think Hans-Jurgen Syberberg should make a five-hour long biopic.

DarkGravity said...

Well, if I ain't gonna get laid...

RedDragon said...


Anonymous said...

I can tell you Indians don't do sh!t in India. Projects are routinely delayed or behind schedules. We used to be able to get ASICS taped out on time and on schedule. Now we have to do the f*cking chips sometime twice or 3 times. Intel had to shutdown their CPU unit in India because of the same design problems my company is suffering from. Cheap does not mean good work. Infact it costs more whenever an ASIC had to be re-spinned. It is a f*cking mess.....

Bob Harrison said...

Note that in almost every story about welfare there is the near universal phrase "single mother and her five children..."; more and then more and then more contraception would help this problem. Maybe we should stop paying and giving tax breaks for children at two or three. (yes, I am in favor of welfare and no I am not a right winger at all)

Anne said...

A relative of mine has to go over to India 7 times a year to whip the manufacturers into western ideas of shape again and ag again. He once headed a large dept. Now he's the only state side employee in " quality control".

He fought to keep the jobs here. It was sad. His bosses hated him for trying to stop thier cheap labor climax and the workers here looked down on him for being a liberal.They were big Bush supporters and though that would save them... they had no clue and still don't.