On CSPAN, congressman Paul Kanjorski of PA dropped a bombshell, and now everyone on the internet -- on the right, on the left, and in-between -- is talking about it. After being rattled by an emotional call from a viewer, Kanjorski disclosed something that he probably did not intend to disclose. He said that in the middle of last September, the U.S. economy came close to utter ruination. "Close" as in hours away.
Why? Because there was an electronic run on the banks -- or so the congressman says:
On Thursday, at about 11 o'clock in the morning, the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous drawdown of money market accounts in the United States to a tune of $550 billion being drawn out in a matter of an hour or two.At Portfolio.com, Felix Salmon offers these caveats:
The Treasury opened up its window to help. They pumped $105 billion into the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks.
They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts, and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn't be further panic and there. And that's what actually happened.
If they had not done that their estimation was that by two o'clock that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
The problem is that none of this has been reported anywhere else, and I for one can't remember any reports of money-market funds being closed down or Treasury suspending withdrawals. Kanjorski is talking anecdotally in the context of a C-Span phone-in, and even Kedrosky [another writer] describes him as "semi-coherent".Well, the congressman seemed coherent enough to me. Emotional, yes; rattled, yes. But coherent. It's impossible to believe that any politician would simply concoct an event of that sort (what would he have to gain?), although it is easy to understand why many pols would prefer not to discuss such things in public.
Even so, I counsel caution before accepting or rejecting this report at face value. Over on this site, a reader named Rick asks some common-sense questions:
Does this make sense to you? Because it sure doesn't sound plausible to me. 550 billion in 1-2 hours doesn't sound like a rate to hit 5.5 trillion 3 hours later. How did Bernanke freeze the accounts? He stopped any and all withdrawals from money market funds? What is his authority to do that? Can he therefore limit anyone's access to their money? Can he unilaterally stop anyone from withdrawing money from any account anywhere anytime? Are money market accounts even protected under FDIC? How did raising the FDIC limit 'restore confidence'? I seem to remember there only being about 2.4 trillion in accounts that was not insured under the 100 thousand limit. Every one of those depositors somehow got the memo to yank their funds at the same time and no one else got a copy? And the uninsured funds were doubling in number? Is it credible that 550 billion of FDIC insured accounts was withdrawn in 1-2 hours? Were records and proof of this 'run' presented to Congress or was it merely more of the WMD-style proof?I think we are left with two options:
1. Congressfolk were targeted by a major deception operation designed to instill a sense of panic and urgency -- weeks before the financial crisis of early October. (It is important to be clear on the chronology.)
2. The shit really did hit the fan in mid-September and the Fed was able to pull off an incredible magic trick.
Either possibility is very troubling. I can't think of a comforting third option.
A few facts favor the second scenario: Lehman Brothers went Chapter 11 on September 15. Merill Lynch, facing the same challenge, agreed to be purchased by Bank of America. A massive money market fund, the Reserve Primary Fund, admitted to its customers that they would lose money on every dollar invested. All of this was common knowledge: Only the near-instantaneous $550 billion draw-down was not.
The Reserve Primary Fund -- driven into the ground by its investments in financial instruments backed by crap -- may have broken the "dollar barrier," but that fund alone cannot account for the figure of $550 billion. The fund held only $62.6 billion in assets. The problem was systemic.
Still, just how does one stop investors from withdrawing their money, as Kanjorski claims?
Are we talking about small investors -- people like you and me -- or did a cabal of major players make a concerted effort to destroy the American economy by instituting a run? (The more paranoid commentators favor the latter scenario, although no-one has yet fingered a specific bad guy.)
On October 10, a similar "secret run" on the banks in Britain placed the U.K. in a similarly parlous position.
Britain was just three hours away from going bust last year after a secret run on the banks, one of Gordon Brown's Ministers has revealed.The U.K. event tends to verify the Kanjorski bombshell.
City Minister Paul Myners disclosed that on Friday, October 10, the country was 'very close' to a complete banking collapse after 'major depositors' attempted to withdraw their money en masse.
The Mail on Sunday has been told that the Treasury was preparing for the banks to shut their doors to all customers, terminate electronic transfers and even block hole-in-the-wall cash withdrawals.
Only frantic behind-the-scenes efforts averted financial meltdown.
Perhaps we should see these events in the light of this revelation by representative Brad Sherman of California, who describes the pressures put on congressfolk to pass last year's economic emergency bill. Our representatives were told that martial law might be imposed...
Scare rhetoric? Or a glimpse of the future?
On what I hope is an unrelated note: A lot of people -- and not just the aluminum chapeau crowd -- have worried about the stateside maneuvers of the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team. Despite Constitutional prohibitions, they are training for possible deployment in civilian situations.
But this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities.
They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.Civil unrest? Crowd control? What makes those problems so immediate?
The Army Times story at the other end of the preceding link was published on September 30, 2008. Note the date: The training for civil unrest was underway just two weeks after the reported near-meltdown of the national economy.
One might also note that the McCain campaign pretty much stopped trying at that point. As I mentioned earlier, the chronology is important.
After receiving an article from me about the Kanjorski business, a friend asked me:
Who (or what), exactly, was it that pulled $550 billion in an hour’s time last September.
Related questions: Was it real panic, or was it a ruse (a “suckers’ run,” as it were)? If it was real, was it one group, was it a program gone mad, or was it a broad-based stampede? If it was intended as nothing more than a ruse for one purpose or another, who would have had the money muscle to do something like that?
Final question: Where did it go? (Note: $550 billion cannot simply vanish into thin air. It landed someplace.)
My response was:
See Cryptogon's post entitled
"Legatus and Reinhardt".
When exactly did Kanjorski say this? (I can't watch internet videos where I am at the moment.) The first thing that comes to mind is that painting the economic situation to be as dire as possible (by claiming a near-collapse happened in September, for example) dovetails with Obama's efforts to instill panic and urgency in support of his stimulus plan.
Not sure of the timeframe, but in remarks to Congress, then-Resident Bush stated that if massive action was delayed, 'this sucker's going down,' (meaning the economy, or the entire banking system).
Now, normally, if W. said something, we would assume the opposite is true. But his warning would appear to dovetail with this Congressman's revelation.
Peter? What the hell?
I went to the Cryptogon site. It mentions Legatus and Reinhardt as a "rabbit hole" down which one might fall. And it mentions Catholicism, the church everyone loves to hate.
So I looked up the phrase online. Google sent me to this page on -- of all places! -- Aint it Cool News, the movie site.
It's a reader talkback about a possible sequel to the film "Unbreakable." Appropos de rien, we receive this message:
"REINHARDT has predicted both of the recent stock "crashes".
Those were public pronouncements in Google groups.
He talks about LEGATUS being tied to it all. "
"Legatus is an organisation, founded by the guy who founded Dominos pizza chain, of wealthy people who attempt to subtly control the financial markets of the world to the benefit of their members, pro christians and the detriment of anything with a socialist/communist ring to it.
Reinhardt was a poster on google groups, who correctly predicted (months in advance) the issues currently plaguing us all. He got the dates right, the details right, and all of it. Started posting it on the financial groups last October. His account has since been deleted but all his posts are still there. Use google to find info about him.
Anyway, he's gone now."
The founder of Dominos is Thomas Monaghan. He started a Catholic lay organization called Legatus, which seems to minister to right-wing Catholic businessfolk. A New York Times profile from 1999 is here:
More here:
"To Catholic leaders, Legatus is an elite Catholic club of millionaries trying to keep god and Christ alive in the cut-throat world of high finance. To others, the organization is the financial backbone of a destructive cult called The Word of God, which maintains absolute control of it's followers through a practice called shepherding."
I am familiar with "shepherding," which is indeed a process of cultic indoctrination. But it's a Protestant/charismatic term. In charismatic Catholicism, the terminology usually involves the concept of a "spiritual director."
To continue with that very iffy article:
"The interconnections of Domino's, Legatus, and Word of God are most clearly manifest in the person Franciso Zuniga, who is simultaneously the Central American coordinator of Domino's Pizza and Legatus. He was trained by the Word of God to be shepherding leader, so that when Monaghan sent him to Hondouras, he bacame leader of a branch of Sword of the Spirit (SOS).
SOS is led by the Word of God, which trains leaders of SOS branches in sheperding methods. Other SOS branches operate in Belfast, Beiruit, Managua, Johannesburg, Manila and a number of U.S. cities."
The problem is, I can't find anything confirming most of this. Zuniga appears to be an unperson. I see nothing about a cult called the Word of God.
The SOS does exist...
...and it appears to be a Protestant organization, featuring a piece of writing by none other than Charles Colson, definitely a sinister figure in my view. But so far I see nothing connecting him to Legatus, and I see nothing connecting Legatus to the current financial turmoil.
A rabbit hole indeed.
So far, this looks like the usual paranoia-gasm that people fall into whenever those awful, awful Cat-licks are mentioned.
So how did this Reinhazrdt figure into it? Here:
"On a Google Finance message board last July, one lone nut predicted a market crash. "The negative news that will move the market downward should occur September 15," he wrote. That would be today. This oracle may be raving, but he did predict the future correctly. "This organization below," he went on, "runs the show..."
The Group's Name: Legatus"
Apparently, this Reinhardt person has been spouting cryptic prognostications for some time, and the only people paying attention were conspiracy guys.
This is his website:
His selling his investment/economic prediction services.
My preliminary call? BS. He had one lucky guess. So did ALex Jones.
Now let's get on to serious matters.
Gee, haven't I been talking about this on this website for a long time???? And to think that someone else is takling about it is shocking.
This multiple country Coup has been in the works for decades. It was explained to me back in the 90's with more detail in 1996. The big Banks are among the leaders in the Coup. Daniel Hopsikers investigative efforts shows the huge drug system that is being used to FUND Black-Op's in support of the Coup(s). I know because I was in a family for more than 26 years who are directly involved in the Coup.
Searching on "Clyde O'Connor" will surface his planes crash/bust in Mexico two years ago with more than 4 tons on board. Clyde was also known to airship Nuclear materials supporting a Nuclear Black Market involving many including Federal Government Criminal officials. Clyde is my ex-sister-in-law's brother and her husband is my ex-wife's brother. They openly discussed starting their air-shipping drug business in the 90's, in my family room, right in front of me. Be aware that the lawyer who assisted the family with their business papers is Obama while he worked at the law firm. The law firm was used often by the family and is where they met Obama. My youngest son to my dismay is directly involved with Obama.
Carlos Slim & the Narco-Politicos - February 3 2009
The Coup involves a "Political Mafia" unlike anything we have ever seen. It's far bigger than huge. It involves many very wealthy Elites along with huge Corporations.
I was told in the 90's and as late a 1996 that the signal for the Coup was to start following "When something big was to happen". They said that the Texas Governor Bush was setup to be our President and everything then would start. This was 9/11 only back when I was told, those steering the Coup were reviewing three different sites, one being New York. Following this we were to expect our Economy to collapse starting in the lending area and continue throughout the financial system(s). Among considered the leaders in the Coup are the Big Banks.
Further more as our economy collapses we will enter into Martial Law and that's when the Detention Camps will open up. I was threatened that "When the Day comes called "The Change", if I'm not with them, I'll be thrown into one of the many Prisons (Detention Camps) around the US". Those who are steering the Coup feel that our World and the US is over populated and something needs to be done to severely shrink populations in many areas. Guess what this is?
It was also explained that our Government Political system is made up of two groups (NOT two Political Systems) - those who want the Constitution and those who don't. Out of every 10 lawmakers involved in the Coup in Congress, 7 are Republicans and 3 are Demorcrats, but remember that this was back in 1996.
Also the CIA is involved too. The family often bragged about being CIA Assets when questioned as to why they weren't ever concerned about being prosecuted. Please note that a link is being provided showing another investigation proving this fact AND there are investment purchases linked to 911 from a high ranking CIA official.
“Rogue” Trader Highlights Possible 9/11 and 7/7 Insider Trading
-- http://www.prisonplanet.com/index.php/rogue-trader-highlights-possible-911-and-77-insider-trading.html
“Best trading day in the history of Société Générale was September 11, 2001"
The investigation as to who was responsible for authorizing the transactions led directly back to former CIA director Buzzy Krongard
-- http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/illegaltrades.html
We have since seen other suspicious trading incidents dovetailing with foiled terror attacks
August 2006, surrounding the infamous “liquid bomb plot”
Mexico drug plane used for US 'rendition' flights: report Sep 4, 2008 CIA Rendition flights
Note that the Banks are directly involved in the huge World Wide Drug system.....
U.N. crime chief says drug money flowed into banks
UN crime chief: Was the bailout the largest drug money laundering operation in history?
There is a lot more for another time.
This is the truth! I personally know that 911 was State Sponsored Terrorism!
Marty Didier
Northbrook, IL
Um, Joseph...I was waiting for your take on this, but again with the prisonplanet, 9/11 conspiracynuttery comments?
Don't all comments have to go through you? Why not just remove #4 from your list of rules if 9/11 conspiracies are allowed now?
Gee, I wonder if this Zuniga fellow is related to Markos Moulitsas Zuniga?
This is the third Congressperson I've say that Congress was threatened with martial law. Funny, how there was time for sober consideration then. Now, Obama says we must have a bill yesterday or we're all doomed. Not much CHANGE there is there?
I would suggest that this is a case of Chinese whispers. The Congressman probably was briefed of the consequences of dysfunction in the financial system. He was probably warned economic consequences would be dreadful, which would probably result in a need to take aggressive measures to prevent civil disorder. Those who briefed him probably did use the term "martial law".
The numbers sound wrong in some cases and roughly right in others. Equity mutual funds will use money market funds to store spare cash, so there is a lot of cash in the system. And money funds were breaking the buck around that date.
I would suggest there is a lot of truth in Kanjorski's comments. They are probably not literal truth, but figurative.
Try and bear in mind that both Citi and BoA are now technically "bust". Banking is always a confidence trick, so they can carry on. But it is more of one now than usual!
And no, you are never meant to draw the curtain back. Folks might not feel reassured to know the great and mighty Oz is not what they thought. And your money isnt safe. It is a very safe bet to say things will get worse. Real things will get worse, before they get better.
Hello 10% official (15% real) unemployment.
I haven't heard anything about this on the air, but I really think we should. I'd like to know at least a little more about where the money was flowing, so we can at least have a simplified understanding of what was happening. That posted comment about drug connections was interesting, but we have nothing here to even say it is plausible or not. What about a stimulus activity by some of the extremely wealthy finanical giants that might even have a connection to terrorist organizations? We need at least a little more information to either dismiss ideas like this or know that something has been done, or is being done to address this.
Regarding the rate of the run on the money, it is clear that a graph of the run could easily show an increase in the rate of withdrawals, where if the last 30 minutes showed an increased rate of withdrawal, the $5.5 billion figure is not that hard to believe. So there seems to have been a ramping up of this activity during the time it occured (sounds reasonable, and still scarey).
Where does this fit in the timeline, where that super secret session of congress is concerned? I would feel better with even a remote suggestion that this is what that meeting was about (I think).
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