Friday, November 14, 2008

What's in YOUR medicine cabinet?

Nibbles McGee again...

Just something I thought you should know, in the wake of that whole melamine-in-the-food-from-China mess.


Perry Logan said...

Well, dontchya see, that's why we need to deregulate everything.

Shainzona said...

Oh thanks! I just took my vitamin before sitting down to look at the blogs.

Excuse me while I go throw up!

Anonymous said...

That's why I don't take vitamins - they're bad for you!

Anonymous said...

I have worked in health care and been a student of Chinese medicine for 20 years in a state on the west coast. 20 years ago one of my teachers predicted that China was perched, just waiting to flood America with low/garbage quality herbal and other products.
Time to wean yourself off those vitamins folks and learn to get your vitamins and nutrients from REAL whole natural foods, not the refined garbage that is depleted, demineralized, creating an epidemic of obesity and diabetes and lining the pockets of the food industry giants. I realize that so-called "organic" foods are now a big biz as well but the choice is becoming life or death!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing one more small terror to our lives. (-;

Clayton said...

Caveat Emptor

If you people want to buy cheap, it comes with a cost. Not that companies should be allowed to Sell you poison, but that doesn't stop people from taking NSAIDS and other pharmaceuticals. Which as a side note

If this association is casual, as the dose-response relation suggests, cardiovascular morbidity due to NSAIDs would surpass gastro-intestinal NSAID-related morbidity, which alone is responsible for a minimum of 105,000 hospitalizations and 16,500 deaths occurring each year in the U.S. The economic and health consequences of these findings are staggering."

This isn't to say don't worry about chinese goods, but rather, look at what's "considered" "safe" and regulated as well.

Just a disclaimer I work in the natural foods industry as a sales rep for several companies, none of whom I am aware get supplies from china. One manufacturer's Vitamin C is orange peels. Grown in the states. But it is not a cheap product. Comparatively of the 10 global manufacturers of Ascorbic Acid, all but 1 are in china. The other 9 are in china.

Which leads me to point out reforms the FDA established 2 years ago regarding this. If a product does not meet label claims, it will get yanked, if it's dirty same thing. Amazing that the FDA has actually increased regulation in an era of deregulation.

Anonymous said...

yes, clayton, more like unbelievably astonishing that the FDA has increased regulation!

Anonymous said...

If you eat normal food (meat/fish, cereals, potatoes, vegetables and fruit), you don't need to take any vitamins or mineral extracts. You can get all your vitamin C for example from a normal fruit/veggie intake a day. The extra vitamins you take over your normal food go right into your urine. And the money into the pockets of smartasses playing on human fears.

Gary McGowan said...

From the link

"The former chief of the state Food and Drug Administration, Zheng Xiaoyu, was given the death sentence Tuesday for taking $832,000 in bribes to let unsafe drugs on the market. One Zheng aide was sentenced to a 15-year jail term last autumn..."

Makes me wonder if we could just trade governments for, say, a month, and do some housecleaning.

No death sentences, please. Just lock the bastards up good.