Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What now?

Forgive a few rambling thoughts on this election day.

When the financial system came crashing down and AIG was nationalized, my readership stats began to dip. Not by much, and certainly not enough to throw in the towel (when they hit the 50-a-day mark, I'm outta here), but enough to convince me that McCain's brief front-runner status could not last. One could sense a turning point. The sheer magnitude of the Bush administration's National Upfuck made a party change inevitable, and even those who never cared for the Democratic standard-bearer would have a hard time voting R.

So what now for the PUMA contingent? Is that all she wrote?

Hardly. In politics as in chess, you must look well beyond the next move. Here's my six-moves-ahead forecast:

The progs will cheer themselves and snarl at us for a while, and the proud man's contumely will be difficult to bear. The Kossacks will feel justified in their strategy of winning hearts and minds by insulting the folks they hope to convert. But their unpleasant tactics will hurt the prog-bots in the long run. Eventually, the nation will turn against all of those waspish O-worshippers who spent this election season writhing in perpetual Coulter-gasm. Have faith in the inherent unlovability of the Kos Krowd.

When Obama stumbles -- and he will -- we will see a flurry of books that divulge what really happened during his rise to power. That's when Marshall and Moulitsas and Stassinopoulos will see their reps crumble.

The Obot pundits who now control much of the national debate will then lose their ability to command attention. They'll have no claim to "fight the Power." Their candidate will be the Power. And those who dislike the Power will dislike them. The Obots have nothing to say beyond "Behold the Lightbringer! Is He not glorious?" By March 2009 -- June at the latest -- that sort of messianism will seem very tiresome.

As for the real Ann Coulter and her ideological comrades, they will go into Automatic Gainsaying mode, as they did during the Clinton years. That too could get tiresome.

Result: We may enter a period in which the only interesting writing will appear on the PUMA blogs.

Yes, PUMA sites will lose readers during the period between election and inauguration, and for some little while afterward. But the contrarian sites that survive could one day seem cooler than cool and hipper than hip.

Here's the big problem: PUMAs need to keep their attacks distinct from the Republican attacks.

Conservatives are at their most creative -- and their most dangerous -- when they operate as outsiders. Beware reactionary propagandists who go into subversive mode. Beware the resurgence of right-wing populism. That's when the ghosts of Tom Watson and Tailgunner Joe will rise. That's when the Monster from the Id will snap its tether.

I fear a return to the Winter of Hate, 1994-95, when The X-Files was on the air and in the air. Remember when everyone was talking about militias and Roswell and evil bankers and all that rot? Conspiracy chic may come back, but with one key difference: The nation will not be prosperous. The nation will be filled with hungry, desperate, ill-educated people, many of them living in cars.

A dangerous situation indeed. We're talking Sieg Heil dangerous.

People will turn to conspiracy chic as their problems mount and Obama proves incapable of offering real solutions. (Frankly, I doubt that anyone can end our present difficulties.) And make no mistake: Many progs -- many who now worship at the altar of O -- will not be able resist the lure of conspiranoia.

I can see it coming. I can see it as clearly as if it has already happened.

The same simple-minded capital-B Believers in B, the ones who write to me every damn day to tell me that Jesus will forgive me if I simply accept His Only Begotten Lightbringer into my heart, those same people will be trying to sell me on the latest versions of the standard conspiracy memes. We'll see all the classics -- blame the Fed, blame the Jews, blame the Muslims, blame the Masons, blame the Illuminati, blame the Aliens. We'll see revamped versions of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Report From Iron Mountain and the Gemstone File. We'll see a steady stream of new fake documents claiming to give us the scoop from deep inside Conspiracy Central.

Will progressives fall for this crap? Of course they will. Many of them are young and stupid, and they have the jackass self-confidence of the young and stupid. The new conspiracism will seem very exciting and cutting-edge to them, even though it will seem very old and familiar to geezers like me.

The task of the PUMAs will be to keep the heat on the Lightbringer without falling into the trap of conspiranoia.

The COLB controversy gave us a foretaste of how things will play out. I still recall the emails I received from Susan at No Quarter. The basic thrust of her messages came to this: Why are you insisting on proof? If it hurts Obama, it's gotta be good. Yup, it's good even if it's crap. The 9/11 nuts once sang a similar song. Many of them privately told me that I should parrot the CD theory even if I did not believe it, because it hurts Bush. Hurting Bush was all that mattered.

We now live in an age not of The Truth but The Narrative. The question is no longer: "What are the Facts?" but "Which side are you on?" Or: "Which reality makes you feel better?"

Suppose, for example, that a new terrorist outrage hits the country in 2009. A city blows up, the bubonic plague hits Yale, Al Qaeda establishes Sharia law on Tom Sawyer's Island at Disneyland. Whatever. You can guess the response: The administration's growing number of enemies will, of course, scream that Obama engineered the attack.

They will scream those words regardless of the actual facts on the ground. They will scream first on fringe sites like Alex Jones' Prison Planet, and then on Rigorous Intuition, and then the screamers will creep into places like D.U., and then a few of 'em will sneak into Air America. Frightening messages will appear in your email inbox. Every day. The meme will take hold. People who now love love love Barack Obama will become Obama-diddit theorists. Those emotionally wedded to this way of unthinking will assail anyone who says that the evidence for Obama-diddit is lacking -- which means, of course, that the new conspiracists will be furious with yours truly. "Whose side are you on, Cannon?" The same people who now try to convert me to the Gospel According to Barry will accuse me of being Barry's secret agent.

It's all so bloody predictable.

But such is our new world: The only thing that matters is the Narrative, and fuck the facts.

Which brings me to my post-election wishes for the PUMA-folk. May they survive, may they prosper, may they remain liberal (not "progressive"!), may they remain open to new and unusual ideas, may they continue to write the other way when handed a sheet of lined paper, may they speculate freely without mistaking speculation for proof -- and may PUMA-land be the last place in America where people still care about facts.


Anonymous said...

The problem for Democrats who were alienated in the primary process was how to oppose Mr. Obama. The most honorable approach would have been to hit hard at his inexperience, his waffling on issues, the fact that we couldn't determine what his principles and political stances actually were. In other words, that in voting for Mr. Obama, one could not be sure what one was voting for. Dealing with more emotional issues could only be done if you could marshal facts.

The problem for opponents was that the MSM was having none of it. The result was a concentration on more emotional issues about which facts were obscure or unavailable.

I agree that Democrats in opposition should definitely not follow the Republican model. I have followed your blog because you debunk hokum, and you clearly define possibilities and what must be proved by fact. This is the model that the "loyal opposition" must follow.

Anonymous said...

I still have hope Joseph. The Obots are out in full force but the McCain supporters are silently casting their votes. I predict it's going to be a close race (despite the economic meltdown, 8 years of Bush, and Obama outspending McCain 5-1 - yes Obama is still a weak candidate even if he manages to squeak a victory). The undecideds in key states are quite high and they will decide the election. Cross your fingers that most of them will go to McCain.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, Joe. It will all go down as you predicted. As soon as Obama is elected progland will realize he won't turn the USA into some sort of happy kumbaya paradise with a dip of feelgood socialism. And Obama will fail, there is no doubt about it, because there's absolutely no way for anyone to pull America out of the clusterfuck of cataclysmic proportions it finds itself in.

So yeah, we might have some sweet "told ya so" moments ahead. Oh, and watch out the progs turn their logic into pretzels to try to justify any existing or new war imposed by Obama because, why, it's Obama who's in charge. All in all, we're gonna have some fun.

Anonymous said...

I agree in regard to PUMAs, they are here to stay and will inform the future. But what if we win this one? PUMAs will still be the ones to listen to.

Marstonchronicles.com has an interesting take on the PUMA vote and he thinks we win.

Also nativeamericansagainstobama.com has a beautiful video about PUMAs and their meaning.

We're here to STAY and I think the middle of the Democratic party is ready to work with the middle of the Republican party and that changes everything. Times will be hard, but we can concentrate on the problems, not the commies and right-wingers.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Well, I just quietly cast my vote for Palin. I was undecided until last night.

Miss P.

Bob Harrison said...

"We're here to STAY and I think the middle of the Democratic party is ready to work with the middle of the Republican party and that changes everything. Times will be hard, but we can concentrate on the problems, not the commies and right-wingers."

Amen, sister. The two middles have always worked together, even when screamed down by the two ends. What we need to do is form the third party from the middle--somehow. Puma forever.

oceans said...

One great outcome will be to finally stop using "progressive" instead of liberal. If you believe in liberal values then call yourself a liberal. If you are a disapointed Republican libertarian who wants to use the Democratic Party to get what you want, then call yourself a progressive.

Perry Logan said...

I confess I don't know what to think about PUMA anymore--perhaps because I am now PUMA non grata at most PUMA sites.

The folks at NQ went overnight from presenting a rational critique of the Democratic candidate to saying whatever Fox News says for them to say. Idiot that I am, I began protesting some of the weirder stuff--100% Republican smear stuff--and soon found myself exiled from NQ and elsewhere.

Thrown out of Democratic Underground for attacking Obama. Thrown out of most PUMA sites for defending Obama. Am I a genius or what?

It seems to me that only a very few PUMAs have remained lucid and reasonable in their critique. Most seem to have foregone the Obama kool-aid for the Republican kool-aid, or else they have moved on to other issues and other battles.

If anyone knows where there are large groups of Democrats critical of Obama but who don't insist that Fox News is the only useful news source, please link me to them.

Anonymous said...

As I wrote on The Confluence last night, if Obie wins we PUMAs will have to decide how to chart our path. We will not be a part of the New Democratic Party (NDP) but we aren't Republicans either, therefore being neither fish nor fowl.

It won't be long before the progs realize that indeed that suit they elected is empty. And oh it will be difficult not to chortle "we told you so". Perhaps a miracle will occur and McCain gets in, giving us a respite for four years, but I doubt it.

If Obama is elected, then it will be fun to watch the mid-term elections!

madamab said...

Well, Joseph, I love your blog, but I think the PUMA factor will carry McCain over the top. The same people who didn't vote for Obama in the primaries because of Rev. Wright and BitterCling will also not vote for him tonight. It's not as if he has suddenly grown experience over the past few months, or has gained new, acceptable friends and associates.

But even if Obama wins, we at The Confluence will be around, and we are quite averse to conspiracy theories and right-wing tactics. I agree with Kitty - we will reach across the aisle to moderate Republicans and make PUMA the most respected voting bloc and/or Party in America!

Anonymous said...

voted for McCain/Palin and have a vibe that they will prevail in a closely run election unless the vote fraud is more widespread...Like suppressing the military vote in Virginia....Thats disgusting...

Anonymous said...

When I first started hearing the young'uns using the word "Progressive" in place of "Liberal" I challenged them to stick up for Liberalism. Instead they ran from the word. I do not think they even know what Progressive really means.

I intend to keep on keepin' on with my blog. And I will not be adopting any right-wing memes or conspiracy theories. Didn't before, won't in the future.

I've cast my vote for John and Sarah, and they may still pull it off. Who knows? But I've already begun my Feet To The Fire writing with this post: I want to be wrong

I want to be wrong about Obama. But I'm pretty confident that I am not.

Anonymous said...

"By March 2009 -- June at the latest -- that sort of messianism will seem very tiresome."

For more reasons than one.

I'm still predicting that the next de-facto president will be someone all the contributors to this blog can live with, even like.

Anna Belle said...

Thank you, Joseph! I for one intend to keep writing and I expect my intellectual consistency will hold, as it has for this whole long election season. I will continue to strive to be a voice of reason in an otherwise insane world. Thanks for the pep talk and the warning.

OTE admin said...

The ONLY real "conspiracy" was the one between the media and corporate America (and possibly the GOP) to put in a completely idiotic ringer as the Democratic Party nominee when there were better ones.

It's only because the economy tanked and he jettisoned public financing that he was even able to be competitive.

There is NO doubt in my mind if McCain loses today, it will be because the GOP has decided to set up the Democrats for failure. Then they will return to power in four years, probably with Mitt.

Anonymous said...

Thrown out of Democratic Underground for attacking Obama. Thrown out of most PUMA sites for defending Obama. Am I a genius or what?

How could such things HAPPEN to such a level-headed guy, Perry? It's baffling, I tell ya. ;)

Portia said...

Joseph, thank you for your insights and the valuable information you have provided. You have helped make the unbearable bearable this outrageous election season. I have been avoiding the internet and the MSM the past few weeks but came back today and will continue to read and enjoy your blog in the weeks and months to come. I don't always agree with everything you write, but you always give me something to think about, and you are rigorously fair.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this blog entry (reflective, honest, and looking forward).

I've been thinking about what the future holds. A few predictions:
The lack of transparency that we'll get from Obama will contribute to conspiracy theorizing.
His desire for power will continue (and accelerate) the trend toward an Imperial Presidency.
His policies will be shaped by his need to maintain the embrace of The Village (which generally favors socially liberal/economically right). Along these lines - a couple interesting posts:
It's completely unclear how he'd deal with the economic downturn and especially the ballooning budget deficit (given the cost of the financial rescue measures being undertaken). The economic circumstances will inevitably cause political erosion/damage.
His desire for increased power (low boredom quotient and inability to tolerate non-ascent) will lead to attempts to gain greater power on the world stage (the U.S. ain't enough), and coupled with his hubris will likely lead to disasters.
He may try to offset any serious declines in popularity with bold initiatives - he'd find any decline in adulation intolerable and he may resort to desperate measures to reverse it.
His crafted image campaign will continue post-election. I think it will be a permanent feature of his Presidency (which would serve to retard any decline in popularity - and could even lead to a protracted narrative of Camelot II).
He may try to build his cult into something even more politically powerful - I don't know exactly how this would play out.

It's hard to stand by oneself. People are tribal.
Yeah, NQ veered Right (not true of all the individual posters there, true as a whole).
I think we're just scattered contrarians at the margins (I like Joseph's line "may they continue to write the other way when handed a sheet of lined paper"). I guess that's OK - but I find it a bit distressing also. I find a bit of sanity in reading Anglachel, Arthur Silber (though he's been ill recently, so not posting - and he's not really a Democrat, but Left and thoughtful), some of the bloggers at The Confluence, and a few others.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your hard work, valuable insight and most of all, thank you for your fairness. Your blog is superb.

I voted for McCain as the best of two bad choices (first time I have ever voted with my sister) but most of my Puma-like Democratic friends were too tied to the Democratic label, even when the Party is being led by a man who hardly ever calls himself a "Democrat" and who has betrayed many of the ideals the Party has stood for.

Unfortunately, I think former Hillary supporters inability to get past the label is why Senator Obama will win. And when he betrays the people who put him into office -- and, as you say, he will hardly be able to do anything else, but, frankly, I dont think he has any interest in them, other than as a means to an end -- the howls will be deafening.

Fortunately, I can hide up in the mountains...


Anonymous said...

Someone (Artemis March - posting on Oct 22) finally wrote the type of thoughtful blog article about Obama and NPD that has long been needed.
Much of what's been out there on this topic - at least recently - has been of poor quality (and sometimes wacko).
I don't agree with every single point that she makes. But much/most of it is right on target (and I'm saying this out of a lot of personal experience in this area).

[for a point that I would quibble about slightly - Alinsky tactics - I would suggest reading:
Though Fernandez is a blogger on the Right, he can be thoughtful and deviates from most others in his interpretation regarding Obama and Alinsky tactics - I think he basically gets it correct.]

Back to the topic of the Artemis March article - there's far far far more that could be said (and needs to be said) on this topic. But it's a start.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that the BIGGEST issue for me will remain reforming the primary system and getting rid of the caucuses. This has to be the main PUMA priority. We need regional primaries that take turns going first. Iowa and New Hampshire should be stripped of their first go status.

Also, I don't care if the roots are Republican or Democrat, we need to ensure that every voted is counted and the voter is entitled to that vote. One man-one vote with a verifiable paper trial.

Election REFORM is the key to democracy.

Edgeoforever said...

Thank you for this comment.
I always believed PUMAs will remain relevant after this election no matter what the outcome because of the very reasons of our existence: stolen elections, mob mentality, exaltation of incompetence. We'll have plenty to do.
As I didn't have a candidate in this race my reaction right now is barely emotional.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Joseph. I needed this post tonight.

Joseph Cannon said...

The haters were out in droves tonight. I deleted the comments after scanning two or three words, in most cases. I have no idea why they bother to write, or why they come here.

One comment that I did read ended by calling me a "racist fuck" for the above post. And just what, prithee, is racist about it?

Apparently the new definition of "racism" is "anyone who does not like Barack Obama." The popular vote was more even than I suspected it would be. Is nearly half the country racist by (new) definiton?

Anonymous said...

Don't bother worrying about the "racist fuck" ejaculations...your post is dead on, Joseph, especially the bit about the media narrative.

Perry..Jimbo was too kind. I think if you can refrain from training the camera on yourself and thus making people wish they were watching the Omessiah brand of "legend in his own mind" instead of your brand you'd be at least tolerated anywhere.

Susan...I agree...so maybe our plan should be how to prevent Mittwit from ever prevailing?

Anonymous said...

Psstt...Zee...the reason I was "too kind" is that I actually grew to LIKE his antics. Of course when I told him so, he gave me the hard truth: that it was a sure sign of irreparable brain damage. ;)

Anonymous said...

Joseph, you know very well that PUMA's going to embrace every conspiracy theory that comes their way. You might keep your skeptical jones, but most of your fellow PUMA bloggers are going to attach themselves to whatever conspiracy theory that reinforces their worldview. PUMA has completely failed, and only the crazies will deny that.

Joseph Cannon said...

You're being silly, soberish. Until the financial meltdown hit, McCain had a good chance of winning -- polls were favoring him -- and the PUMA contingent gave him the edge. But then the meltdown happened, a bare month before the election, and economic worries trumped all other concerns.

McCain did not fail. PUMA did not fail. George W. Bush and his gleeful hordes of high finance hijackers elected Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

All political blogs will see a downturn in traffic for a while. That's normal after every election. Some will go on hiatus (as they say in televison) and will never return. New sites will appear and grow.

The key to the survival of PUMA will be our adherence to principles. The complete abandonment of principles and ethics by some allegedly prgrossive/liberal bloggers was the second most disturbing thing that happened during this election.

M. Simon said...

What could get us out of this mess?

How about a source of electrical energy 1/2 the lowest current source whose fuel is mineral and we have at minimum 30,000 years worth on earth - breathing room.

Fusion Report 29 August 2008

BTW it is a US Navy program. Not some whack job internet inventor scam.

The question is - can it be made to deliver net energy? We already know it can make fusion. High school students do that with a similar but simpler apparatus.

Scroll around at the above link. Lots of resources including a discussion group - Talk Polywell - that gets visits from the chief researcher (Dr. Rick Nebel) from time to time.

And how much would a full up test reactor program cost? About $200 to $300 million. How long would the research take? About 5 years.

BTW I'm one of those evil Republican neocons. I do like working with PUMAs as I have extensively this past election season. Did I mention that my social policies re: government tend libertarian?

BTW beware of over analysis (I see that here). The mind is always looking for patterns. And usually it will find them.

M. Simon said...

BTW us fantasist on the Right think George Soros triggered the melt down. You know - backer of the MoveOn crowd. Who are - tada - backers of Obama.

Now Soros has engineered melt downs for profit before. So he brings to the table expertise.

Is he a friend of Bush? Doubtful.

Well - sort it out amongst yourselves.

M. Simon said...

disapointed Republican libertarian who wants to use the Democratic Party to get what you want

Well I'm a dreaded Republican libertarian. And I would never think of using the D party. I used to be a D once. Far left even. Back in the late 60s if you know what I mean.

The R party has lost its way and the D party has found its way - the commissars know best. It was never about right or left though. It was always about Power and Control. Elites want to rule. Which is why you have so many rich lefties supporting a communist. Under communism the opportunities to rule are much greater.

M. Simon said...

Larry Johnson - big time PUMA - is ex-CIA.

Now what do you make of that?

M. Simon said...

Your real problem is not with the right.

It is with the power mad. Or statists as we like to say in libertarian circles.

You guys should make finer distinctions.

M. Simon said...

Don't like FOX? How about MSNBC for balance?

Anonymous said...

who cares about the PUMA now ?!?
Brazile was so right, we didn't needed loosers like you to win...

Now, you have been reduced to a sad collection of hysterical feminazis who don't shave their arm pits and psychotic Obama hating bigots like you.

You're irrelevant for the next 8 years. you will keep spreading your lies and smear against Obama, but who cares apart from the choir of neurotics Obama haters ? WE DIDN'T NEEDED YOU TO WIN.

You're just a bunch of fucking loosers anyway. Go back in the wood and stay there.

Anonymous said...

Note the misspellings, shoddy grammar, and rambling illogic that are typical of the Obamabot spewings. Truly a reflection of their peurile and half-formed little minds, more deserving of pity than hatred. So little Obot, we pity you and love you too. And you are going to need all the pity going when you discover just what you've been cheering for, and what strange breed of pony it has won you.

Anonymous said...

I love you

you are right who needs people to win when you have near a billion of dollars to spend buying every thing you need to finish the job. Now he is there it will be interesting to see how is going to pay it back. i bet it is not going to be pretty....for America that is

Anonymous said...

Don't take off your tin foil hat quite just yet. Iron Mountain was real. Check the link in my name. It's in the second-to-the-last two paragraphs.

Unknown said...

Another good post on Cannonfire---and good advice too. This has become one of my daily must reads.