Monday, October 06, 2008

Who do they think they are kidding?

Fritz Mondale once said in a debate: "You've got to be careful what you say about Ronald Reagan. If you tell the truth, they call it mudslinging."

In 2008, you must be careful about what you say about Barack Obama. If you tell the truth, they call it racism.

In both 1984 and 2008, the controlled media gamed the system in favor of the frontrunner by labeling all legitimate criticism as unwarranted personal attack. To counter the unassailed fact that Obama LIED -- just plain lied -- about his associations with Rezko and Ayers, the O-team has launched an inane attempt to resurrect the Keating 5 scandal. As you may recall, McCain was exonerated at that time -- by a Democratic investigator.

(Frankly, I thought that even the charges against Alan Cranston were overblown. The real criminals in the S&L scandals were the Bush family.)

I just received a flurry of comments from Obots -- which may, in this case, have come from actual bots. These messages contained little or nothing except for links to videos and webpages assailing McCain on the "Keating 5" charges.

Keating is what they are bleating. A dead horse they are beating.

Let's make a couple of things crystal clear. First: I will never allow any comments to go through which contain "blind" links.

Second: These messages revealed a lot more about Obama's dirty campaign tactics than about anything McCain has done or is doing.

On the very day when Obama's TV ads start spreading this "Keating 5" hooey, this humble website was inundated with robotic attacks on the Keating front. What lesson do we draw from this strange convergence of events? Simply this: These contributions do not come from actual readers, but from Obama campaign workers, singing the same song in unison.

It's a coordinated attack, folks. Spam spam spam spam spamity-spam.

Which leads to the larger question: How much of the online conversation we've experienced over this past year was fueled by forces directly employed by Barack Obama? If I am being bombarded, then it is easy to guess what is going on on sites friendly to Barack Obama.

Axelrod sends out the message "Push the Keating thing" -- and suddenly, even this humble blog gets a Keating beating.

That's how it works. That's how the net debate was massaged and directed. And now we know who ordered the many political "hits" on Bill and Hillary Clinton.


Test Blog said...

I came over from the PUMA Blog and I must state that I enjoy your blog very much. My sincere wish is that you are fully recovered from your recent illness.

Your blog about the spamming and attempt to further distract those who wish to examine Obama's record and determine what (if any) accomplishments Obama has, is spot on.

I am an independent -- neither Republican nor Democrat. I have voted for Republicans, Democrats and even Nader in 2000.

The venom of the Obamatrons and their cult like following is very frightening. I had a Clinton sticker on my car, and my car has been keyed and my mirror smashed. I do not think this is "coincidence".

And the Obama supporters are very much "in your face".

Therefore, it is easier just to state that you are an Obama supporter and go along with them, so as to avoid further risk of damage to property and potentially limb.

However, in the privacy booth on Nov 4th, I have NO INTENTION of voting for Obama.

The prospect of an Obama-Reid-Pelosi trilogy is just too frightening to contemplate.

I am headed to the UK tomorrow so it will be interesting to see the mood of the Britishers with respect to the financial markets meltdown and the US election. I am sure that the bloom is off the Obama rose there as well.

Anonymous said...

Sarah is now getting the treatment we PUMAS have been dealing with for a long time. The keating 5 scandal actually wasa huge turning point for mcCain and he has worked for reform every since. Something to be said for someone who sees an error and tries to change the behaviour rather than change the standards.

Dianne feinstien was on sundy with bob Schiffer and she couldn't stop repeating the word assasination. It's character assasination to tell the truth about Obama as well as racist. mark my words they are trying to create the idea the GOP is actually threatening him.

I am so done with the party until after Nov. when the asshole gets sent back to chicago!


Anonymous said...

I always read your posts--they are really informative and fun to read! Keep up the good work!


glennmcgahee said...

Its amazing isn't it? These Keating comments by Obama's youth Brigade are almost hysterical when you realize that they haven't a clue what they are talking about. They'll repeat the Keating accusations but know nothing about it.

Anonymous said...

Barry should ask for a show of hands at his rallies: How many of you know anything about the so-called Keating Five? Most of his supporters weren't born yet.

It's cool (or too bad) that the Republicans can't hit Biden where his pus festers, the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings and Biden's attempt to destroy Anita Hill's credibility. About Ms. Hill's accusations and Biden's Senate Judiciary hearings, Thomas said:

"This is not an opportunity to talk about difficult matters privately or in a closed environment. This is a circus. It's a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree."


Anonymous said...

Pace Mr. Cannon, John McCain was not entirely cleared of all ethics charges, because not all ethics charges were considered.

From the Wikipedia entry on the Keating 5 (I know of the possible unreliability of W, but this appears to be well sourced by its author(s)):

The Senate Ethics Committee did not pursue, for lack of jurisdiction, any possible ethics breaches in McCain's delayed reimbursements to Keating for trips at the latter's expense, because they occurred while McCain was in the House.[47] The House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct said that it too lacked jurisdiction, because McCain was no longer in the House.[51] It said it did not require that McCain amend his existing financial disclosure forms for his House years, on the grounds that McCain had now fully reimbursed Keating's company.[51]


And of course, Mr. McCain has himself written that his involvement with and intervention on behalf of Mr. Keating was 'the worst mistake of my life.' I doubt he was referring to his 'complete exoneration,' but quite possibly, his unadjudicted ethics violations in taking multiple unreimbursed vacation trips without disclosing them as contributions in kind.


RedDragon said...

I wondered how long it would take for Obama and his merry band of Trolls to bring up the Keating scandal.

I too had "Some traffic' beginning around 1 am on my site. They ALL said the all damn thing!

I see why they came after you joe, but me? Ha! I'm a "very" small fish in a pond full of sharks dude! you are right...
if they would target someone like me...What then?

Anonymous said...

To me, this is the nut graf:

"How much of the online conversation we've experienced over this past year was fueled by forces directly employed by Barack Obama?"

To which I would answer: Lots.

Let's remember the warning screens that some of us got from Kos when Clinton supporters were purged from the site: That couldn't have been done without the sysadmins being in on it. We'll have to wait for Axelrod's memoirs to see if Kos actually invoiced for anything, but even so...

Anonymous said...

From what I recall, the Keating Five mess was the cause of McCain's conversion to campaign finance reform champion. McCain wants the Obama campaign to drag the old thing out so he can highlight 20 years of trying to get public financing with numerous Democrats as co-sponsors. It also highlights Obama saying he would take public financing and lying about it. It is really dumb for Obama to pick the one good thing McCain has ever done in Congress and try to smear him with it.

OT a bit here, But if McCain acts like he did at the Monday campaign rally going directly after Obama, the debate is going to be either fireworks or Obama folding. Obama said the "gloves are off" and McCain said "Sure with brass knuckles."

Anonymous said...

"It's a coordinated attack, folks. Spam spam spam spam spamity-spam."

Sorry, but you're really hallucinating my friend. I received it from my subscription to the youtube channel of Obama. Watched it and the first thing that came to my mind was to nag the anti-Obama bigots I knew with it.

Anyway, we all knew that you would dismiss these actions by McCain with Keating but keep amplifying the association between Obama and someone else actions when Obama was 8. Exactly like FoxNEWS is doing all the time. How can you pretend to be objective on this topic ? you're just a hateful bigot, that's it, you have no credibility.

In your very sane and non biased judgment, McCain is innocent of anything and Obama should be in jail till we find what he is guilty off.

DarkGravity said...

The Keating 5 thing was 20 years ago. McCain was never found guilty of anything and in did something he didn't have to- return the money. And as far as Obama's associations go is not that he knew the people, it the fact that he always dodges the question.

It went from he didn't know Ayers, to some guy in the neighborhood, to friendly. Pick one and why not just be honest about it up front, especially if you have nothing to hide.

And after the CNN thing, now people know. Obama and Ayers have a more entangled relationship. They have worked together too much for him to just be a guy in the neighborhood. But Anderson Cooper seemed like he had his heart broken. Anderson just wants to believe in Obama sooo much. He can't bring himself to NOT be a partisan jerk.