Sunday, October 12, 2008

A source for the "Whitey tape" report

(Okay, this is the promised mini-bombshell, if I may use that term. Unfortunately, I feel constrained to be a bit cryptic for now. I post this information in order to prod certain parties to reveal themselves. In the meantime, let the guessing game begin! I didn't make the clues too difficult...)

If you scan down a couple of posts, you will see me tweak the nose of Larry Johnson, proprietor of No Quarter, the leading anti-Obama blog. Although Johnson tries very hard to be the firstest with the mostest, he is not always the bestest. To be frank, he has pissed me off on a number of occasions.

His most famous -- or notorious -- "scoop" concerns the long-fabled videotape of Michelle Obama railing against "whitey" -- a tape which the Republicans purportedly possess, and which they will (we are told) release at the last possible moment. Obviously, this tape -- if it exists -- is one of the few things that could insure a McCain victory.

(There are hints that the Clinton team also had such a tape but chose not to use it.)

Johnson has not seen the tape personally. He says, however, that he has several sources for the story -- and that at least one of his sources did see the tape. At least one of those sources is an unnamed CIA acquaintance of Johnson's.

As we've noted in previous posts, others have heard the same rumor independently -- but no-one, so far, has named a source for the rumor.

I now have a name.

Before proceeding, let me first remind readers of perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this tale: In an official response to this story -- a response which, I suspect, unintentionally revealed more than was intended -- the Obama campaign disclosed that they internally investigated the "whitey" claim. The campaign says that the claim is untrue, that Michelle made no such outburst and that no such tape has ever existed.

That internal investigation occurred before Johnson got wind of the tale.

Conclusion: Johnson did not make this thing up. Whether you like him or hate him is immaterial. He did not make the story up. Maybe someone else made it up, but not him. Johnson had a source, or several sources, and he considers those sources trustworthy -- for reasons which I now comprehend.

Earlier today, a correspondent divulged one those sources.

No, I do not have confirmation. No, I did not get the information from Larry Johnson. No, I did not get the info from Susan UnPC or from one of the other well-known No Quarter writers. (Those guys don't like me and do not talk to me.) No, I do not know the names of all of the sources. Yes, I am in receipt of scuttlebutt. Yes, I may well be misinformed. Yes, I have what I consider good reason to believe the information -- were the situation otherwise, I would not write this post. Yes, I have been misled in the past, and probably will be again.

And yes -- let us be very, very, very clear on this point -- even if the fellow named as the source is the real source, no hard evidence confirms that the source got the story right.

(Even though I've made those caveats very carefully, I have no doubt that pro-Obama fanatics will willfully misread my words, or will pretend that I did not say what I said in the previous two paragraphs.)

The name of the source is one that you would surely recognize, since he commands respect throughout the mainstream media, not just in blog-world. He is a famous investigator. For that reason -- and for another reason which will soon become clear to you -- I will here call him "Sherlock Holmes."

(Consider that a clue.)

I greatly admire Sherlock's previous work. Most of it, at least. You probably do as well. However, he has been fooled in the past. His most infamous slip-up concerned a story about a person I will here call MM. Fake documents were involved in that instance.

(Consider that another clue.)

It is my belief, or at least my suspicion, that the internal investigation within the Obama campaign began when Sherlock contacted them in order to get a confirmation or a denial on the "Whitey" rumor. (Sherlock is the sort of fellow the O-folk would take very seriously.) The O-team did some checking, and then offered a denial.

Sherlock Holmes did not write the story, perhaps because he could get no confirmation. To the best of my knowledge, he has never commented on the matter in public.

Apparently, though, he did make a comment in private, to Larry Johnson.

I do not know if Sherlock saw the video personally. Johnson's other source may have done so. One of those sources does claim to have direct knowledge of the tape's existence.

Presuming that Sherlock did not see the video, we must ask: Is Sherlock morally culpable for spreading sub rosa a tale which was not fit for print? Like it or not, nearly all reporters, writers, investigators and commentators do that sort of thing all the time. The issue of moral culpability hinges on the phrasing used by Sherlock. If he said "Here's something you may want to look into," I have no problem with what he told Johnson.

At any rate, Johnson got the same "Whitey tape" story from at least two other people. I suspect -- but do not know for a fact -- that Sherlock was the first to tell Johnson about it.

Does the tape exist? I don't know. All I can tell you is that Larry Johnson (whom I do not like, and whose rep I have no great desire to protect) is not the person whose credibility is on the line here. Someone else is -- the man whom I have here called "Sherlock Holmes."

More to come soon. In the meantime, you must remember this: A kiss is still a kiss, and...

Added note: I'm stunned to see that (almost) no-one has picked up on the clues. Here, I thought I was being thuddingly obvious. Look, honest -- I didn't make this story up. What -- me, lie?


Anonymous said...
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Mikey683 said...

Isn't this little tease exactly what Larry Johnson did?

Perry Logan said...

I'm sure the Republicans lied about the whitey tape.

Keep in mind that Republicans always believe what they want to believe, and they rarely even know when they're lying.

The notion that they would wait until the last minute to release this bombshell sounds like something from a bad movie script.

They have gone 100% negative. They are screeching about Bill Ayers day and night. They are screwed. They have nothing.

Joseph Cannon said...

Perry, Bill Ayers would have destroyed any other Democrat -- and frankly, OUGHT to destroy Obama. I see nothing wrong with going 100% negative on so bad a candidate; my only problem with the McCain campaign's approach is its refusal to use all that it has.

By the way, I'm not printing guesses as to the ID of Sherlock Holmes, even if those guesses are wide of the mark. If you have any real perspicacity, you should be able to pick up on the clues. I'll be in a position later to explain how I know what I know and why I chose the indirect approach. For now, I really do want to ignite enough of a small fire to force certain parties out of their hiding places.

Joseph Cannon said...

By the way, didn't any of you guys ever watch "Casablanca"?

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills beans
That's the AP headline, but as the article states: "...based on the known facts, charges so far and testimony at Rezko's trial, there's no indication there'll be a so-called "October surprise" that could hurt the Democratic presidential nominee — even though Rezko says prosecutors are pressing him for dirt about Obama."

Erick L. said...

Kids today. (sigh) I have a feeling that there are a lot of folks out there in 2008 who haven't seen Casablanca. Or Rashomon, for that matter.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone lied about the existence of a tape.

If you recall, after the tape story exploded, Obama's camp (bizarrely) said that what Michelle had actually said was 'why'd he', not 'whitey'.

Had there been no possibility of a recording of her saying 'whitey', Team Oblahma would have laughed it off with no explanation of any alternate phrasing. They'd have dared someone to produce the tape or offered a huge reward for it if they knew it truly didn't exist. The fact that they were coming up with what they thought would pass as a plausible alternative to what some claim she said made me even more convinced the tape existed.

Joseph Cannon said...

Neworleans --- no no no no.

"If you recall, after the tape story exploded, Obama's camp (bizarrely) said that what Michelle had actually said was 'why'd he', not 'whitey'."

Obama's camp said no such thing. The "why'd he" meme began when a writer (I forget the name, but it is mentioned in an earlier post, if I recall aright) HUMOROUSLY proposed this as an explanation for the origin of the "whitey" tape rumor.

It was a JOKE.

Unfortunately, a lot of dunderheads out there are humor-impaired. They took this suggestion seriously.

And so a joke has become one of those unkillable ideas.

Joseph Cannon said...

erik: I take your point with the "Roshomon" reference. (Yes, I've seen it -- many times -- and have even read a translation of the short story which inspired it.) But "Sherlock" is a heavy hitter. So, I have reason to believe, is the other source. I don't think that these are the kinds of guys who trade in fairy tales.

Anonymous said...

Can we speak American. ferchrissake?? We don't need no Rashomon, and we don't need no Seven Samurai, we got Paul Newman and William Shatner in The Outrage! We got The Magnificent Seven over here, thank yawlz very much ...Bronson, Brenner, Steve McQueen! Now that's a movie! Take your commie raw fish, paper walls, and learn how to use a fork!

Sage said...

Yes...I've seen Casablanca. As TIME goes by.

Joseph Cannon said...

Okay, does the song go?

haku: I never saw "The Outrage." "The Magnificent Seven" is over-rated. You also didn't mention that we don't need no stinkin' "Yojimbo," since we have "For a Fistfull of Dollars," which was actually made by an Eye-talian, even though it stars a Murikin. And we sure don't need no "Hidden Fortress" because the good parts of it were transformed by a Murikin into You-Know-What.

Fortunately, no-one has attempted a Murikin remake of "Dodes-Ka-Den," my favorite Kurosawa film (although few would agree with that assessment).

Anonymous said...

While I don't understand the reference to "As Time Goes By," I'll take a stab at who the source might be. Seymour Hersh perhaps? The MM in that case stands for Marilyn Monroe.

Anonymous said...

I think Sherlock Holmes is Seymour Hersh - will you tell me if I got it?

Unknown said...

Is "Sherlock" Dan Rather? He was misled about a story with fake documents, which effectively ended his career at CBS.

Anonymous said...

Seymour Hersh. Marilyn Monroe. As Time goes by.

Right, right?

Anonymous said...

I wish you you were a more prolific blogger, Joe, because you are one of the few that doesn't let personal feelings, ideology and/or partisanship keep you from reporting facts objectively.

Remember when "journalists" did that back when we were kids? Wasn't that what bloggers in the "reality-based community" were supposedly trying to do?

Anyway, here's hoping you will abandon other interests and responsibilities (like earning money) and devote your full attention to entertaining us here in cyberspace for free.

flamingliberal said...

A kiss is still a kiss.....a sigh is still a Sy ;)

gary said...

Ok, so Seymour Hersh heard rumors of a "whitey" tape. I think he would have gone with the story if he had seen it himself. I don't believe the tape exists but someone was spreading rumors that it did. I believe you speculated earlier that there may have been a fake tape, perhaps shown briefly to a few gullible people.

Anony.Ms said...

Initials: S(herlock) H(olmes) = Sy Hersh. MM = Marilyn Monroe (and the documents which "proved" JFK had set up a trust fund for MM's mentally ill mother--docs Hersh removed from his book on Kennedy).

Anonymous said...

No Joe, I purposefully left that one out.

To begin with, we don't need anything more than Newman and William Shatner (he's marginal, seeing how he's a separatist Quebecois-- but James T Hooker can stay). But more importantly, BUY AMERICAN!

There is no reason to support no Sergio Leonees, no freaky deaky Fred & Giuliettas (with their sick and twisted mother issues), no Monica Vittis (even though she's damn sexy in Il Deserto Rosso)... If you want to be entertained there's plenty of celluloid in the good 'ol US of A. Just ask Walker Percy, or Ignatius J Reilly (about whom whom, for some reason, no one can make a movie).

The Farrelly brothers, The Weitz brothers, Boaz Davidson, and Paul Verhoeven. That (and Jesus) is all you need. Thankyou verymuch.

Mike J. said...

Surely that wouldn't be Dan Rather, whose career was ruined by the (apparently) fake George W. Bush military service documents?

Anonymous said...


Did the Hidden Fortress make $797 Million dollars?? Did it even have a Wookiee?? I believe, not!

RedDragon said...

Sam Donaldson?

RedDragon said...

I thought of "Casa Blanca". Thought Os Sam Donalson. No. That coulkd not be him.

i then thought it may be Dan Rather..Remember the "Fake Document story about Bush? But an Investigator? Hmmm....Still thinking.
maybe I have been reading too many O'Bot post and I have dumbed myself down...I know I am missing something here. can't quite put my finger on it just yet!...

Okay joe...Ya got me in a twist here...This is some cold shit brother...Ass! LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Just a guess, Seymour Hersh?

Anonymous said...

I've always thought the "whitey" tape existed. But I never went bonkers over it. Everyone says it will be shocking and stunning. Compared to what? Everything else? Doubtful. I think this tape is not being used because it is too incendiary to certain people. I already heard that Michelle supposedly rails against President Clinton for not helping Rwanda--she blames him for the genocide and then she goes on about gun violence and how black people need to stop shooting one another and take aim on white people.

I don't think it's that she says "whitey," (or maybe she does), but I think the "shocking" bit of the video is that she practically calls for white genocide.

Will this be a big a deal to O's liberal followers? Doubtful. Anyway, like I said, if there is a tape, and it's being held back, it is likely because of national safety since it could incite hatred and violence. It should still be released though: truth is the truth, and SHE's the one who said it, so she should be blamed. The voters need to be informed. Should the Obama's be in the White House? No.

Anonymous said...

BTW, here I thought Perry Logan was interesting. He has turned into a bot. He's too old school and obsessed with hating "the republicans," in such a one dimensional way. He can't even figure out that there is a political Kinsey test. Ya can't just blanket accuse people of having your pre-conceived "republican" characteristics. How strange, to see half the country as just a stereotype derived from and fostered by the liberal media.

Obama is corrupt, and boosted by republicans as well. You'd think Perry would figure out the bigger picture. You'd think he'd see how the democratic party changed. The two party system with the river between it is a false construct.

The democrats = the good guys and the republicans = the bad guys is also sophomoric ideology--built to stabilize the two party system. Why do you think sports teams are successful? The sports fans. eh, whatever.

Obama. is. not. a. "democrat."

Anonymous said...

I thought the clues you gave were pretty clear. I assumed you didn't want a guessing game going on in your comments section.

I've seen a majority of Kurosawa's movies and there are very few that I wouldn't watch a second time (like Dreams). I never did see Dodeskaden, though..

Anonymous said...

Assume you mean Seymour Hersh.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting blog. I like it! Look forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

"Dodes-ka-den" is one weird film, I liked it, though not my favorite (still going with Rashomon).

Joseph, I don't understand why SH can be held responsible for Larry's actions, if what he did was simply ask questions about the matter, which is his job after all. [The identity of this person is pretty clear.]

Anonymous said...

I got three people although I think you just named two?

One I can't find any info on
Micheal Smith

The other(s)
Dan Rather
Mary Mapes

The Killian Memos

Do I get the prize?

Anonymous said...

Sherlock Holmes = Seymour Hirsch?

Anonymous said...

Ok so now I found out that Micheal Smith is a London Times journalist

By George I think I got it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I just looked up Seymour Hersch and fake documents. MM=Marilyn Monroe. Sherlock Holmes = Seymour Hersh. Do I get a prize or something? Can I have a do-over of the primary?

Anonymous said...

Dan Rather? or the guy who gave Dan the papers about Bushes national guard service.

Anonymous said...

Dan Rather????

Anonymous said...

It's Dan Rather ?!?

Anonymous said...

Dan Rather?

Jackarooty said...

I Know who it is...
Seymour Hersh

He wrote a book about JFK and Marilyn Monroe and it was later proven false because of false documents.

Anonymous said...

Joseph, Is it Seymour Hersh? The documents involved Marilyn Monroe.

katiebird said...

A Kiss is still a Kiss, I Sy is still a Sy….

Like that?

DarkGravity said...

I'm fairly dense, but with some research maybe I can get a name.

Although, I have to say I've been noticing a pattern with the republican strategy. O supporters have been saying McCain's been going negative. I wouldn't say negative, but it does seem that they are leading up to something. Though I don't know what. The McCain camp has been playing it cool until recently. They have been using information that most of us have know for months and are starting to connect the dots for people.

But it might be that there is nothing more there. Still my gut feeling is strong.

Anonymous said...

Mapes and Dan Rather??? It's defintely Mapes with the fake documents, and Bush..she is MM

I also heard Ben Smith...are they somehow connected?

Anonymous said...

Dan Rather? Your clues suggest him. If it's him, all I can say is- whoa! And not discount the story as an out of hand rumor cooked up by right wing Republicans. Dan Rather is a Democrat that leans liberal, and well respected as a good journalist. He got caught up with those fake documents, because the facts were right, only the papers themselves were fakes.

Anonymous said...

A guess: Dan Rather.

(Dan Rather Reports/Sherlock Holmes for Cuban, MM-Mary Mapes, His book, I Remember--Casablanca ref.)

He's also close to the Clintons-- perchance a source.

Unknown said...

Seymour Heinie, right?

Anonymous said...

It's Dan Rather.... of course....

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the "Why'd he" transcript was a joke. It's hard to tell, really, but it was proffered as a serious rebuttal on mydd and booman.
Good post by the way---fantastic spoof of LJ.

Bob Harrison said...

Would your source have had a run-in with an IBM Selectric font-ball-thingie that the wingnuts said didn't exist in such and such year but which I had the same damn thing from the same year sitting in my office for ten years? And yep it would type proportional.

Anonymous said...

Dan Rather

Anonymous said...

how about this?

michael brooks from media matters is the primary source and sy hersh is the confirmation

that work for you?

Anonymous said...

It's Seymour Hersh, initials SH. The fake documents re: Marilyn Monroe. Still don't get the theme song from Casablanca though.

Anonymous said...

Sigh...Sy. Sy Hersh. Ok, I get the song clue now.

orionATL said...

the only person who comes to mind is Seymour hirsch.

or murray waas.

but i regard both these guys as highly as i regard you.

i don't know why either would be doing sub rosa dissemination of info they had obtained.

all this "we must not speak of this matter"

reminds me of the bush debate prompting device which, thru off circumstance, first led me to cannonfire, a website that seemed to me more like i.f stone than any other weblog personality i was reading.

the "whitey" stuff, if it exists at all, is odd stuff which no one seems to want to talk about;

and no one wants to release.

why not?

michelle obama has been closeted this whole campaign , but then so has cindy mccain.

weird stuff.

but, then, the whole campaign has been a sleep walk.

Aaron Durst said...

Sherlock Holmes=SH=Seymour Hersh;
MM=Marilyn Monroe

Just a guess.

Charlie Martin said...

Joseph, the fact that you recognize Dodes'kaden as one of the great films of all time (although maybe not actually greater than Seven Samurai) shows perspicacity rare among gaijin.

Jimmie said...

perry logan - If the identity of Sherlock Holmes is who I believe it is, there wasn't a Republican within a bazillion miles of it.

Anonymous said...

Lt. Col. Bill Burkett???

Claims to have burned the documents after faxing to CBS???

Just a guess like everyone else...

God Bless,

Great site you have here..
Yeah I'm new but please don't feel I'm a troll....

foxtown said...


"Hersh was born in Chicago to Yiddish-speaking Jewish parents who emigrated to the U.S. from Lithuania and Poland and ran a dry-cleaning shop in a tough section of Chicago's South Side[4]. After graduating from the University of Chicago, Hersh began his career in journalism as a police reporter for the City News Bureau in 1959. ... In 1963 he went on to become a Chicago and Washington correspondent for the Associated Press."


Perry Logan said...

To clarify my earlier comment. I just thought the idea that the Repubs would wait until the last minute to release this bombshell sounded exactly like a bad movie script.

If they had such a damaging tape, they would release it early so as to do as much damage as possible, rather than spread a few little rumors to journalists and bloggers. What kind of attack machine is THAT?

One must conclude the Repubs were lying. This is what Republicans do.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the person is Geraldo Rivera.

foxtown said...

Perry, I hear ya, but "astro-turfing" has worked before.

foxtown said...
