Sunday, September 21, 2008

No, I will not apologize for this post

Remember when Obama said "I barely know Tony Rezko" during a debate? Then an FBI informant revealed that Obama and Rezko were in daily contact for years.

Remember when Obama said that he barely knows Bill Ayers? Then we learned that they had worked together for years. Obama recently admitted that the relationship was much closer than he orginally pretended.

Now Obama says that he barely knows Franklin Raines, the Fannie Mae robber baron.

The first rule of Obama: When Obama says that he "barely knows" a crook, you can bet the rent money that they've swallowed each other's come.


Anonymous said...

You have coined a very powerful metaphore, however some may not grasp your implied negative connotations. It is negative in the context that Obama does it secretly in the back seat of limosines with persons who should not be that deep into one another.

Anonymous said...

You should apologize for the misuse of the verb 'come.' Whilst it is correct to use it for 'ejaculation' it is not correct to use it for ejaculate (e.g splooge, manjuice or cum). One may correctly affirm "Arrrrgh I'm coming!!!" and one can also say "He came on the blue Gap dress." But what is on the dress? Cum.

What you meant to say was "When Obama says that he 'barely knows' a crook, you can bet the rent money that they've swallowed each other's cum."

Using a verb as a noun is as offensive as using a noun as a verb (e.g. "I googled myself ...everybody does it," or "Harry will chair this meeting," or "The new branding rollout will heavily impact 18-34 year olds") You should apologize for that Mr. Cannon, even if it means that you will have a little, er, egg on your face.

Anonymous said...

joseph - actually, a good ad for McCain...except of course the last line.

Anonymous said...

Dang. Harsh.

(Not the most intellectual comment, I know.)

Perry Logan said...

At least you didn't make a pun. That would have been REALLY serious.

Anonymous said...

Graphic, it is; untrue, it ain't.

Anonymous said...

I think the creatures of the night spell it cum.

Joseph Cannon said...

"Come" is acceptable.

As a spelling, that is. As an offering, I prefer cash.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that Obama and his crooked friends enjoy a good their cigar. Obama doesn't inhale though. When the critical moment cums, he just yells out "Arrrrgh, I'm present!!"
Kim in PA

Anonymous said...

My God - I love this post.

Anne said...

You have provided an infallible guide to Obama speak. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Wosh! This post is an Obama trap shutter.

Kim said...

Awesome! Giggling so hard my ears are warm.

Joseph Cannon said...

Thanks, everyone, for not pointing out that the word "apologize" was misspelled for over a day.