Friday, September 19, 2008

I love her!

Forget Hillary. I want to vote for this lady in 2012!


RedDragon said...

I especially loved when she laid out her "Credentials"!

"Advanced Degree in 'Bot Behavior"!


Anonymous said...

This woman is delightful! And perhaps what's best of all, she's really TALKING to people and not reading some prepared speech from a teleprompter! :)

Anonymous said...

This woman is the most ignortant, black whore I have ever seen and listened to in my life. She needs to grow her on hair for a starter, take some of the ignorance out of her behaviour. I have two adult daughters and if they presented themselves like this big, fat, ugly bitch, I would disown the two of them. By the way, I am an African American woman who left America in l986 to live, work, and support our government and armed forces overseas; as a result, being away from my family and loved ones while this black, ignorant bitch privileges herself with attacking the first black man in history who is sacrificing his life to stand up against White America which is corrupt, full of lies and deceit. White America which has killed thousands of American people and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Iraq people. I am from the 60's and one who marched, protested, and demonstrated against racism during a time when this ignorant bitch was not alive. As long as ignorant, black, ugly niggers like this one exist, we, as a black race of people, will continue to be enslaved by the system. This bitch is an ugly Nanny who needs to lay on her back and allow the white men to fuck her without compensation and the white babies to suck her titties. She is a disgrace to humanity. Put on your white sheet, bitch, and I hope you will suffocate to death with it over your head.

Anonymous said...

This woman is an aunt Jemina, ignorant, ugly black bitch.

Joseph Cannon said...

I let those last two bravely anonymous -- ALWAYS anonymous -- comments into print to demonstrate that how truly disgusting Obama's supporters are. I don't think I need to say anything further; these vile, hate-filled, barely-literate commenters condemn themselves.

Anonymous said...

The two Anonymous comments have me thinking... well, I have been thinking about this a lot lately, actually... What the hell happened to my party? The party of tolerance?

To these two anonymous cowards... actually no... they wouldn't listen to what I had to say unless I was an incarnation of Obama himself. It is really pathetic how close-minded "liberals" have become.

Ms. Vandal.

Anonymous said...

$1,000 bet that Anon 446 is not female nor black. And I'll bet double or nothing that the little runt (who spells 'own' as on) still has acne.

And i tell you one more thing; this racist little boy is probably over 18, and most certainly NOT voting Obama in November. He will have already cashed his last paycheck by then, and go back to his life as a NONafricanamerican NONwoman racist redneck piece of shit. I believe the proper term is "cracker."

Anonymous said...

I voted for Clinton in the primary. I will crawl over broken glass to vote against Obama-Bidn in November. That women speaks the truth. Obama uses his bloggers and surrogates to spew the nastiest hate I've ever seen. Anyone who dares oppose Obama gets trashed from Bill Clinton to Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

Im a huge fan! She made some excellent points which I haven't come across before but which seemed immediately correct. The hypocrisy point particularly.

And what is wrong with those people - the anons?! "Black Whore". How dare you!


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what this woman's blog is? -- I throughly enjoyed her honesty --

Anonymous said...

She's fabulous! I love this clip. I have the same question, where is her blog? Who knows, she may have inspired a whole bunch of people to show up to the polls in a custom-made sheet, because if we vote again The One, it will be assumed it's all about race. Call me crazy, I prefer a President with experience.

clik212 said...

Great video and good points I am with you Ms. and as a long time Democrat, my vote this year is for McCain. You are correct the Dems are broken and we need to clean house. Break the arm to reset it correctly. That's what needs to happen to the Dems. Shake that tree of its rotten apples; Pelosi, Dean, Reid, Mondale etc.

For those ugly racists here. All you do is reveal your rage and powerlessness. Why are you threatened so? Democracy is the arena of opposing ideas and trends. Use your freedom wisely and stop promulgating stupidity.

Thanks for this video. Where can I find your blog?

fairperson said...

Joseph, please remove nasty emails. It doesn't do your readers any justice. Your comment is inaccurate saying that this person is an Obama supporter. Neither of the blogs mention Obama's name. It makes me think that you wrote both anonymous comments. I am disgusted that you would associate these bloggers to Obama and am asking you to remove it immediatly.

Anonymous said...

Her name is Patsy and I believe she is a sergeant in the US Army. Her blog is and she has many videos up on You Tube.

Anonymous said...

If i couldn't swift boat Barack here's what I would do with that Swift Boat cash:

I would hire a bunch of losers (the same kind of unemployed schmoes who stand outside of abortion clinics when you know they haven't impregnated anyone in at least 25 years, if ever). I would teach these knuckle draggers how to log on to a site, and how to post comments on blogs, DU, KOOS, and the like, and then I would give them scripts to follow --loosely, allowing them the 'creative' space to add their own vernacular, you know, to make it seem like its coming form legit places. Let them be as racist and mysoginistic as they want to be. Show them the proper spelling of 'cunt' ---all that...

If i did that with 100 or 200 racist women-hating rednecks (and told them to always pose as AA Women, or U of Oregon treehuggers...) my plan would succeed when i see lifelong democrats and get them to crawl over broken glass to sell their future up the river with McSame and Pain, I'd get them to question what happened to their party? And of course since now its all done form the comfort of one's home, and opinions are formed from hourly blogging.... no one has to connect with anyone else, and no one has to storm into their downticket Dems to demand they do something, since they are walking over broken glass now (well or writing it on a blog, much less bloody), and hating their own party.

Fait Accompli. No fuss, no muss, and none of that greasy kid's stuff

DebC said...

Joseph...First-time commenter, long-time lurker but I just had to advise Anon @ 4:46 with respect to this mess, "I am an African American woman who left America in l986 to live, work, and support our government and armed forces overseas; as a result, being away from my family and loved ones while this black, ignorant bitch privileges herself with attacking the first black man in history who is sacrificing his life to stand up against White America which is corrupt, full of lies and deceit."

As a Black, female, Navy veteran, I'm speaking for Patsy who literally IS a boots-on-the-ground, "Soldier4Hillary" - her old blog title. She's on active-duty in the Army and may well have been one of the "armed forces" this commenter was supposedly supporting(???)

And what in the hell is she talking about here -"...privileges herself with attacking the first black man in history who is sacrificing his life to stand up against White America...????" The Sentor from Illinois has sacrificed nothing to stand up against White America, hell he's not stood up against White America on one damn thing! If Anon 4:46 is a Black woman, it is she who remains enslaved by a system that is forcing an unqualified candidate down all our throats for the sake of making "history."

Anonymous said...

It's a nice, old house she's in, good light, probably terrific character to it. I love her voice (alto?) and accent. I see a sub(liminal)text: it's what folks are talking about at their kitchen tables.

Okay, the schmuckholes should have their mouths washed out with soap, maybe worse (I don't know, I stopped reading).


Joseph Cannon said...

deb, I think you have pinpointed the sheer strangeness of the comment...

"the first black man in history who is sacrificing his life to stand up against White America"

I mean, this is wrong on so many levels.

1. If Obama's purpose is to "stand up to White America," then why on earth should any White person vote for him?

2. WHAT sacrifice has Obama made -- ever?

3. The "first black man" to sacrifice his life fighting racial oppression (if I may thus rephrase) was probably some slave in the 17th century whose name remains unrecorded.

Anon 4:46's comment revealed so many hidden and not-so-hidden psychopathologies that it left me feeling depressed and hopeless about the human condition. I think the writer is in love with her own victimhood; in her imagination, it will always be the 1950s, and all white men are Bull Conner and George Wallace.

The current election is an opportunity for her to live out, in her mind, her fantasies of revenge and extermination. The election of Obama plays the same role in her psyche as does the eschatology of "the killing day" in early NOI literature.

Our anonymous friend is furious at any black person who does not share these fantasies. I honestly think that she would murder Patsy if she could.

At the same time, if Obama wins, Anon 4:46 will turn against him soon enough, since the Obama of her imagination is NOT the Obama of reality. He's just another crook. They come in all colors.

Anonymous said...

Soldier4Hillary is AWESOME! Here's her site on