Saturday, August 23, 2008

AP says Biden is the veep

CNN says the same. This is a tough one for me. I like Biden. Barack Obama has done the one thing that could make me rethink my opposition. Hillary could never have accepted the second-tier spot; she would have looked like she was playing out the Carousel moment described in the post below.

Well, it's the top of the ticket that counts. So my position still holds, but with less enthusiasm.


ladypuma2 said...

I hear you Joe- after Clinton, this is the guy I would have voted for. BO must have been forced to pick him because I've thought all along Biden was part of Clinton's camp after he conceded. Just gotta focus on how much I can't stand Obama.

Twilight said...

It could be a whole lot worse - I'd rather see the ticket the other way around (Biden/Obama). Maybe now I'll have to hold my nose a wee bit less tightly at the voting in November.

There's still time for an upset - I keep telling myself.

Anonymous said...

As for me, this pick doesn't impress me at all. Picking a guy that's been in Washington since Nixon? This is how he's going to "change" Washington?