Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Does Larry Sinclair have a witness? Maybe... (UPDATES)

Larry Sinclair, the man who says that he partied with Barack Obama in 1999 (coke and gay sex, yee-haw!), made his presentation to the National Press Club. Most of blogland has focused on his lack of credibility. Not only did he fail a lie detector test, not only does he have a brain tumor, he also has amassed a rather impressive history of criminal charges, legal name changes, and assumed aliases. He came clean about his background (most of it) during his statement.

(UPDATE: Random Thoughts From Reno has the video.)

One would be hard-pressed to conceive of a less credible source of information. Frankly, I would not be inclined to believe such bizarre charges even if they came from a good source. This Kos diarist offers further evidence that Larry may be nuttier than a Snickers bar.

And yet.

So far, most bloggers have refused to acknowledge the fact that Sinclair did something rather extraordinary at his press conference: He named a confirmatory witness.
On November 6, 1999, I asked the limo driver – whose name I now reveal for the first time – Paramjit Multani, if he knew anyone who would like to socialize and show me Chicago.
(Emphasis added.) The Maryland Public Service Commission lists a "Paramjit Singh Multani" as a taxi driver in Maryland. I have a possible phone number for this person, but -- so far -- no-one is picking up.

Larry Sinclair also claimed that, in October of 2007, he received calls and/or text messages from a "Mr. Young" who claimed to be acting on Obama's behalf.
In late October 2007, I received a text message from the gentleman identified as “Mr. Young” in which he stated he was intimately involved with Senator Obama and that Obama was discussing with him and his pastor how to publicly acknowledge Senator Obama’s drug use in 1999 and that Obama wanted to be sure I had not discussed the sexual encounters or drug incidents with any media at that time.
Sinclair decided that this "Young" person was simply trying to determine how much he (Larry) knew and was willing to tell the public.
I later learned that a Donald Young was the choir director of Reverend Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ – Obama’s now-former church — and was openly a homosexual. I also learned that he was murdered on December 23, 2007. I have cooperated with the Chicago Police Department in this matter by providing them the telephone numbers I was using during the fall of 2007 and I release them now publicly in the hope that someone may be able to connect the dots between these telephone numbers and Mr. Young. Those numbers are: 954-758-1105; 956-758-1885; 956-758-8002; 302-685-7175; 612-466-1043.
For more on the death of Donald Young, who was found shot in his home, see here.

Do I now take Sinclair's charges seriously? No.

(Update: I've already received a couple of comments from O-beasts who read this "No" as a "Yes." Something about Obama-mania injures the ability to read the English language.)

Even so, I may have been premature to dismiss the man as just a nutcase. Larry Sinclair still has charges pending against him in Colorado; another state dropped charges only recently. As they say in the spy books, if you are "a little bit pregnant" you are open to manipulation. An unseen chess player can place him, and certain other pawns, into position.

UPDATE: Larry Sinclair had to cut his presentation short when he was placed under arrest by the DC police.
Sinclair was arrested by DC Police after 2 US Marshalls showed up and presented a warrant from the State of Delaware for Sinclair’s arrest. Montgomery Blair Sibley, who’s had his law license suspended by the District of Columbia and Florida, and who was previously Sinclair’s attorney, reviewed the warrant and then Sinclair was led away.


OTE admin said...

A "Chalco" at the Capital Hill Forum was there at the press conference, and this person has been transcribing the Q&A on the message board.

Joseph Cannon said...

Susan, could you pass along to me any interesting nuggets you may have found there? I will not join Capital Hill Forum, due to their obnoxious registration/password requirements.

OTE admin said...

Sure. I don't have permission to post the posts, but since you moderate this site, I'll put them here:

OK this is going to be in chronological order from the press conference. I will upload in several steps. So stay tuned.

2:49pm The guy in front of me is from

2:52pm Just wondering who the players are here. What their agendas are. Whole new contingent just walked in.

2:57pm Definitely filling up. Only a few seats left.

3:03pm Montgomery Blair opening up. Larry S sitting next to him.

LS up to the microphone. Thanked Pastor James David Manning for being there. LS stating all the crimes he committed in the past. But as a citizen felt he had to come forth with the truth.

Recent coordinated effort to discredit him. LS admitted to being convicted and serving time. Bad checks, 1980-86. After going public warrant out of Fla dating from 1986, but now moot. Something pending from Colorado, but appealing this. Has had 3 legal names. Silvas, Avila, then back to Sinclair.

Nov 2 1999. Ohare airport. Nov 3. Said he arrived in Chicago to visit a friend and his godson. Rented a limo for 2 days, Nov 6 & 7, 1999. After being picked up by the limo driver, asked him to get him someone to be with who would show him a good time. Limo driver called someone and picked him up. Turned out to be BO. BO introduced himself with real name and said he was a public servant. Did not say he was a state senator which he was at the time. LS gave name of driver Jaguir Montana (?).

LS and O went to bar called Alibis (?). LS mentioned to O did he want a line or two to perk up. O said do you mean cocaine. Yes, then, O offered to make a purchase. So O made a call and then they proceeded to the pickup place and O left limo with $250 and bought cocaine. They did the coke in the limo. LS performed fellatio on O in the limo. Next day. O appeared unannounced at LS’s hotel room, did fellatio and drugs again. Phone records should confirm if any reporter wants to research it.

2007 LS called campaign to ask if O would correct the record and admit that he had bought and used cocaine after his youth as he had said he had in his book. LS gave several call back numbers. Late Sept to Oct received call from a Mr. Young. Young wanted names of anyone LS had told about 1999 allegations. Mr. Young asked why LS hadn’t asked the campaign to reveal the sex stuff. LS shocked because he had only mentioned drugs. Then, LS realized that Mr. Young was not from the campaign but was personal friend of O’s. LS received a text message later from Young that said Young was intimately involved with O and that the Pastor was working with O to help him figure out how to deal with this. O will publicly correct for the public re the drugs. Last contact, however, Y said O had no intention of revealing drug use.

3:17pm LS talking about lawsuits he is filing regarding misinformation about him. Had some questions to sum up his talk: Why wont O provide telephone numbers from 1999? Why wont O provide same for 9/2007 during the time that Young was murdered? Why wont O provide proof of all payments from aka (?) media, Axelrod and Obama campaign . LS will put up all documents he has on his website.

3:20pm Questions started:

1. Why did you wait until 2007-8 to come forward? In 1999 I didn’t care who O was. I wasn’t resident of Ill. Why now, I was resident of Mexico and knew plenty of crooked politicians. Whole thing related to drug use.

2. Are you receiving financial support from anyone? I am not connected with any party. Nor are they contributing to the cost. My expenses have come from donations from average citizens to my website.

3. What is Veritas Federal Media? Just a name LS cooked up and represents every individual person who donated. LS established it.

4. Would you be wiling to share mental health records? I will publish list of all my med records (and there was something he said about current records that the press could pay for )

5. Will you state whether you had sexual relation with any other politician? I have not been engaged with any other.

6. Why change name so often?. In younger years considered wild. Out of respect to my family. Larry Sinclair is my birth name.

7. He was introduced to you by name? Why didn’t you know he was politician? He was introduced to me by name. I wasn’t a resident of Illinois, I didn’t recognize the name. I became aware of who he was when he gave the keynote address at the convention. I was watching tv from Mexico.

8. How much did this cost? What do you do for a living? I’d have to check, as of Monday $4825 (?). I am disabled due to severe spine injury that occurred on the job.

9. Given your criminal record and the crimes you have been involved in, including fraud why should anyone believe you? To be honest, you don’t have to believe me, just hear me. I can’t defend my past. But, what I can say is I’ve always admitted what I did wrong. I’m not saying believe me, do research, check my facts.

10. What time did you meet him on Nov 6, 1999 ? Met him in early evening on Nov 6, but don’t remember the time on the next day.

11. How, when and where did you become disabled? Sacremento Calif. B&G Delivery Systems. My income is Social Security Disability.

12. Physical evidence to support claims? It will be posted later. On advice of attorney I wont say it here.

13. Did you save the text messages from Young? Changing of the phone numbers eliminated it.

LS Talking about veracity of polygraph. Wasn’t comfortable with the way it was done.

14. Why do you care whether O took drugs? What else did you chat about? Didn’t chat about much, What do for living. What doing in Chicago. His comments, didn’t act like politician..Said he was in public service.

Why care? Because this political season has turned everything upside down. Turned racism upside down.. Shirley Chisolm once sought nomination. Here was a true African American You could ask her questions about anything and not be accused of being racist. I bring up things about him and I’m called racist. Are you going to wait until election over to vet the candidates.

15. Question for the lawyer. You were suspended by the Florida supreme court. Why? I was too litigious, and didn’t pay child support. Also suspended by the DC bar with no opportunity to defend my situation. But I’m not the subject of what is happening here.

16. What about the Kilt? (Lawyer wearing a kilt). Don’t know why men wear pants. Pants are for men who are small, if you know what I mean. (Laughter)

17. Both you the attorney and LS have credibility issues, hard to take this seriously. Why should we take you seriously? Ask questions, then do research, rather than just look at pro O websites like Daily Kos, Huffington Post, FireDogLake. Go thru the record. Yes, I committed crimes but, I never wasted any time on a trial. Every time I was caught I admitted it and served time. I never hid. Get facts and then decide. My crimes are 20years ago.

18. Some facts are hard to corroborate facts. What about Mr. Montany (limo driver) He does have personal knowledge of what happened in limo. But since the vicious attacks started he decided to disappear. It was my understanding that he was in Tupelo, Miss. Recently. LS had a private investigator go there but the records were erased.

19. Would you make all financial records available? I have no problem with that.

20. Veritas media group and Joseph Giganti (sp?), are they connected? The name (VMG) was just drawn out of a hat. Mr G has no connection to me, never met, never had communication. He doesn’t finance me. All of this is paid by contributions thru paypal on the website.

21. Will you disclose your contributions? I will disclose all contributions without names.

22. Why no names? (Didn’t give clear answer to me)

23. I understand you have terminal brain tumor. Will you release you medical records? I will release my med records. It was diagnosed and confirmed, verified by Chicago Tribune. Will be up on later.

24. Do you allege that O had something to do with death of Young? Yes, that is my belief. That’s why I gave the information to the Chicago police. Yes. Definitely. My belief is that that O and J.Wright either know who had him killed or had him killed.

25. Who paying lawyer fee? Paypal to donate to legal fund which is me (lawyer).

26. Are you in negotiations to write book? No, nothing of any kind. I want media to take story and research facts and decide what to do with it. Not trying to make money from it.

27. You became aware of who he was when he gave that speech, why didn’t you keep cell phone records? Those records are available for 45 day periods, I’ve turned them over to Chicago police. 2 weeks ago asked them to give info, I am trying to get the info. I will post on website.(sorry this answer was confusing to get down.}

28. Who were you visiting in Chicago? John Crutzen (sp?) from Chicago Times can verify that its been verified. Will not tell you name of godson, but last name is Dukes.

29. Do either of you have position on O as president? Lawyer will not answer. LS I thought he was charismatic. I don’t prefer any of the 3.

30. Did you fall in love with him in 1999? What are your feelings today? (Crowd and LS laughing) No, I did not fall in love with him.. He is only charismatic by being modeled that way. Once you take away the teleprompter and the other props he’s a fake, placed there, made up and put in front of the American voter and allowed to walk away without answering questions.

31. Contact with limo driver? Earlier this year, contact with limo driver. I let him know that I made everything public on youtube. But, the press decided it was too hot to run with at the time.

32. What are you up to, isn’t it too early to impeach him (meaning O)? You’ve already elected him. Candidates are supposed to be vetted by the American public. It’s not personal for me. Only the orchestrated attacks on the internet are personal to me. I think you want to ask the guy who may be president to admit that his drug use went at least into 1999 and not in his youth as he claims in his book.

33. Have you had contact with the Clinton campaign? Officials, No, not to my knowledge. Supporters yes, I’ve spoken to quite a few of her supporters.

34. How do you know O and Wright were involved in murder of Young? Because of my conversations w/ Young. He used phone number that I gave to O campaign. He said O and Wright were talking about how to best deal with him, Young.

35. Some truth, was he well hung? O is a wanna be black boy with a white boy’s you know what.

36. How was Young killed? Execution style. No forced entry. In my opinion it was made to look like a copy cat to a murder that had occurred previously.

37. Weren’t there 3 murders of gays associated with O’s church? Larry Bland murdered earlier and used as a copycat to kill Young.

38. What is your sexual orientation? Gay all my life.

That's everything the person transcribed.

Joseph Cannon said...

Thank you so much.

Pastor Manning, Sibley, and Sinclair? Must have been one hell of a show!

OTE admin said...

Joseph, some of the video has been posted on YouTube:


I posted it on my blog as well.

Anonymous said...


Even if LS lied lied lied at least we have some general discription of Barry's appendage.

If he is in fact cursed with a "white boy" penis on an AA body then that in itself is punishment enough and he should be left to his personal disgrace.

<>_<> I'm not lookin

Anonymous said...

How low will you go Joseph ?

You don't think that Obama did it, you don't believe the witness, but you go on and spread any rumor as long as it damages Obama. Why don't you report what psychiatric patients told you about Obama next time you go to your appointment ? I'm sure you would get juicy false accusations that would beat your wildest dream. And who cares if it's not anchored in reality ? as long as it's very dirty ! Foxnews does it all the time, so why not you ?

But these damn Obot who dared to repeat the whisper campaign against Hillary (like her hot lesbian relationship), they are soooo evil, that's why we must fight Obama using the same tactics ! Because YOU can go on over multiple paragraphs and repeat any false accusations, as long as you end it by saying in small print that you don't really believe it, it's kosher and your pristine credibility is intact.

Too bad you don't have any parents left to be ashamed of you, because you would need a good spanking.

Talking of spanking, thanks for the porn you sent me by email yesterday, but please stop. I'm really NOT into that stuff. It's really hard core stuff and child porn really disgust me. I just looked at the first picture you sent and deleted the email. I won't report you, because maybe it was not from you, maybe it was someone pretending to be you, who knows. Anyway, I don't really believe they were from you, so I deleted the email and it would be difficult to know. But who knows, maybe !

Joseph Cannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joseph Cannon said...

Normally I would delete a comment of this sort after reading the first line. But something told me to glance at the rest. I'm both glad and sorry that I did.

The crazed accusation about child porn is even more disgusting than I would have thought possible from an O-Beast. I think this person's insane claim exemplifies just how vile and low Obama's supporters have become.

I have no idea who this person is -- and I certainly do not have his email address.

Listen, you coward -- why don't you drop the disguise of anonimity? Reveal your rancid, ugly self to the world. After all, if you really think that I have your email address, then why would you hide?

Every message like this increases my determination to eradicate Obamaism. This is the most dangerous political movement since McCarthyism.

Joseph Cannon said...

I'm trying to use Statcounter's tools to track down the anonymous coward who left that message at 10:36. I suspect that he is a visitor from Reston, Virgnia.

Hostname: (

This person left the site at 10:47. I can't tell when he or she arrived.

The other possibilities are Pleasant Hill, CA -- Hostname: (


Reno, NV -- ( [Label IP Address]

That narrows things down. If I need to take legal action, I might be able to track down the offending parties.

OTE admin said...

Joseph, I think the IP from Reno is mine. I am certainly not the one who posted the anonymous remark.

By the way, audio downloads of Sinclair's complete press conference is here.

Xeno said...

Boy, someone really wants Sinclair silenced. If he has no credibility, why is the obamanation so spooked? You'd think that if they were confident that Sinclair's story would receive only ridicule they wouldn't even be bothered by him.

D'you think old Jeff Gannon (aka James Dale Guckert) will bail him out? Gannon/Guckert once lived in the great state of Delaware, IIRC.

BTW, I hope you catch the obamabot smear artist. Can't Blogger/Google help you with that? Reporting him/her/it to their ISP would be a great step. It always works with my website trolls, especially those stupid enough to use a workplace computer. It's much easier to capture IP addresses and track down trolls on a stand-alone website than it is on Blogger, I assume.

OTE admin said...

I don't want to wear a tin foil hat, but it does seem odd Sinclair, who had these outstanding arrest warrants or whatever, was arrested the day of his press conference. When then?

Anonymous said...

How come it wasn't obvious to you that anon 10:36 was trying to show how scary some groundless innuendo can become? It was a silly attempt at analogy, better had the bogus email pretended to include pix of you with Vidal. Pointedly, Wonkette yesterday announced that its 'editor' can permanently block offenders based on their computer's IP, which probably costs and/or requires some elementary knowledge of writing elementary code. Any day now, the service will be freely available, and all legit bloggers will be able to automatically censor offenders after their first offensive bite. Passionate enemies will still get through. I wonder how the auto IP censor will handle libraries and schools, military and government common IPs, and the like.

You're not serious about trying to track down that 'offender', are you? Where's the slander amid all the inclusive disclaimers? Save your energy. Are you fearful that your perceived enemies at other blogs (who cannot read English) will say you sent someone that stuff in an email? Why? If that happens you can become rich and also shut them down.

Why did you let anon 10:36's comment appear? It's a stupid comment since part of your work here includes reporting. My only surprise is that you couldn't control for the Telephone Game factors despite Susan's and "Chalco's" best intentions.


Perry Logan said...


Since Hillary-haters automatically believe every bad thing they hear about Hillary, I'll just do what they do and believe all of Larry's juicy accusations.

At the very least, Mr. Sinclair's story lays to rest any notion that Obama lacks experience.

One also notes that the people attacking Larry are all proven liars, misogynists, and cheats.

Anonymous said...


Any twisted tosser combining the words "child" and "porn" for the purpose of inventing "irony" must then sample the million pound shit hammer of doom.

Now hand me that anvil. I'll take care of this one.


"I don't need no stinkin tape to be convinced about how they feel about whitey"