Monday, May 05, 2008

Did he say that?

Recently, I read a delightful quote attributed to Bush: "The problem with our economy is that 100% of our imports come from other countries." Alas, cursory Googling gives me no evidence that he ever said those words. Can you confirm that he did?

Apparently, Barack Obama really did say: "It’s one of my faults, being concerned with others’ feelings." He's too modest. That flaw is hardly noticeable.

I should confess one of my own great failings: When I bleed on Easter Sunday, the blood gathers in my shoes and makes an annoying squish with every step.


Anonymous said...

Some googling finds -

"It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas." --George W. Bush, Beaverton, Ore., Sep. 25, 2000

CNN reports confirm Bush was in Beaverton, Oregon that day.


Moi just saw your 'Re-create '68' posting and you nailed it.

There was a photo that hit the front page of many a newspaper in
'68 of a gang of "Protesters" attacking a police line.

Funny thing, the protesters had hippy headbands (just a few had those), hippy shirts and vests, hippy dirty jeans (some with designs) BUT the shoes were all police issue leather - not a suede nor sandle nor tennis shoe in sight.

There's on ism like Showism.

Gary McGowan said...

"More and more of our imports come from other countries. - GWB." may be it, or "Most of our imports come from other countries. George W. Bush - September 7, 2003" or "'75% of our imports come from other countries.' I think that was the %, anyway..."

Robin Williams used it in a skit of Bushisms, so after that it kinda got widespread.

Two months ago, we find a bot attributing it to Hillary:
"Anyone have any more Silly Hillary Quotes like these?" (Eight in quotation marks) "I've included some of the sources in parentheses." One, actually, claiming a book and page.

In sum, I doubt you can find confirmation that Bush said those words, but if you'd like to put them in Hillary's mouth, you needn't worry about confirmation.

Joseph Cannon said...

Now I understand. I got the info from a MyDD posting. They said that it read "The problem with our economy is that 100% of our imports come from other countries." But the actual quote was "More and more of our imports come from overseas."

MyDD is pro-Clinton. That means the Clinton campaign SUPPLIED THEM WITH THIS FALSE QUOTE!

This is the WORST LIE EVER! My god, I thought the bitch was brazen and disgusting when she told the previous WORST LIE EVER about Tuzla. But this surpasses all. This is the most vile, the most depraved...

(You know, writing this stuff isn't easy for me. Let's sneak over to D.U. for some pointers...)

Is there NOTHING that Hillary and her zombies WON'T do to steal the nomination? Absolutely disgusting. Apparently in her quest to win "at all costs" she thinks the same scorched earth, divisive tactics will work once again and will win her the nomination. Think again, Hillary. She is becoming as delusional as Bushco is. I have gone from "she's a good candidate, but I don't want to see Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton," to actively loathing HRC. My turning point was her statement that only she and McCain were qualified to be president.

(That was DU. Let's try Kos.)

Hillary Clinton thinks she is Keyser Soze! Hillary is the Trojan Horse for the neo-cons, If she can't take the nomination and run against McCain who by Bill's own admission shares Hillary's views on how to run the nation, her mission is to kneecap Obama to the point where McCain can take the presidency.

(You know, I think the Kossacks were more creative. Don't you? All told, though, both groups were having an "off" day when comes to CDS. Nothing in there about Vince Foster! Vince Foster! Vince Foster!)

At any rate, the point is that we should blame Hillary because she is bad.

Anonymous said...

"It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas."—Beaverton, Ore., Sep. 25, 2000

From The Complete Bushisms, hosted on Slate.


Gary McGowan said...

"More and more of our imports come from overseas."

Good work, little Bushie boy! Now tell us why more and more and more of our manufactured and industrial products are coming from overseas.

You know, even though that guy is as dumb as a bag of rocks, sometimes I think he could have been perceived as a "normal president, had he been surrounded by the always accompanying human accouterments to the presidency which make up an administration.

But my imagination is spinning out of control here. Fact is, he was vetted for office and plopped there with his "vulcan" team, by George Shultz, who had no intention even remotely resembling a team of actual humans ever catching Georgie-Porgie's attention.

But then, there those who claim that Hillary put GWB in office. Or was it that she and her Lazard Bros. bank tore apart the automotive manufacturing and parts industries in America and sold them and shipped them for pennies on the dollar to warehouses in other countries, despite the fact they could have been quickly retooled (as they were before WWII), this time to provide much of America's needed infrastructure? No, that was Felix Rohatyn, the Dem version of George Shultz who is sleeping with Nancy Pelosi (who as Speaker of the House is third in line for the presidency, but doing a fine job where she is, thank you.)

AitchD said...

It's not funny if you have to explain it. Today our largest supplier is Canada, and Mexico is third, after Saudi Arabia.

All our coffee is imported except Kona, which comes from overseas.