Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Obama's mentor funded Pol Pot

Senator Edward Kennedy, brother to our most beloved political martyr, ran against President Carter in the 1980 primary. Although Kennedy had acquired only a few hundred delegates, leftists of that era urged him to fight to the end. And so he did.

The left now takes a very different stance. Even though Hillary Clinton will probably enter an undecided convention, progressives urge her to concede in the name of "unity." Paradoxically, the ones invoking "unity" have divided the party by spreading unforgivable lies.

(A Rove-style propaganda barrage has attempted to convince the public that the Clintons appealed to racism at a time when Hillary was well ahead in the polls and in possession of the black vote, the Hispanic vote and the working class vote. We are expected to accept the absurd proposition that racism was thought to have an appeal to Obama's base -- affluent liberals and the young.)

In 1980, Kennedy's delegate count didn't get him near the winner's circle, but it did secure him a prime-time spot for his big speech, which was a showstopper. (I recall seeing VHS copies prominently displayed in video stores as late as 1992.) The most intense moment occurred when Kennedy mentioned Carter's much-despised National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, toward whom many Democrats felt a revulsion exceeding their disdain for Henry Kissinger.

Upon hearing Brzezinski's name, the crowd did not just display antipathy -- they damn near gave a standing boo. He, not Reagan, was the man truly hated by that audience. Brzezinski was, in large measure, the reason why many liberals backed Teddy, and later turned to John Anderson or (in my case) Barry Commoner.

Carter's National Security czar was seen as a murderous reactionary -- what we might today call a "proto-neocon." Some of his associates of that time -- Daniel Pipes, Paul Wolfowitz -- are now infamous.

The neocon label may seem odd, since Brzezinski has, in recent years, denounced neoconservatism. During the Bush tenure, he has given himself the most stunning political makeover in recent history. To his credit, he has shown a refreshing willingness to criticize Israel. He has defended Mearsheimer and Walt, denounced the war in Iraq, and castigated George W. Bush.

I consider this makeover both superficial and calculatedly deceptive, and I still would classify Brzezinski alongside the neocons he now affects to disdain. Although this man hypocritically (and deceitfully) harps on Clinton's Iraq vote in 2002, he cannot escape his own past.

Back in the days of Scoop Jackson, the neocon movement was a much more bipartisan affair, primarily defined by cold war aggression and brinksmanship. Brzezinski's foreign policy outlook prefigured that of the Reagan administration. He certainly gravitated toward more "hard right" positions than did Kissinger or Nixon. Then as now, his tactic has always been to talk like a liberal and to act as an imperialist.

More than anyone else, Brzezinski bears responsibility for ending the policy of detente. Repeatedly calling for an aggressive military posture vis-a-vis the Soviet bloc, he sent Special Forces into Nicaragua to combat the revolution against the bloodthirsty dictator Somosa. His hopes for military intervention were stymied only by the memory of Vietnam.

To fulfill his grand geopolitical vision, he demonstrated a willingness to destabilize an entire region and to risk nuclear war:
In 1977 Zbigniew Brzezinski, as President Carter’s National Security Adviser, forms the Nationalities Working Group (NWG) dedicated to the idea of weakening the Soviet Union by inflaming its ethnic tensions. The Islamic populations are regarded as prime targets. Richard Pipes, the father of Daniel Pipes, takes over the leadership of the NWG in 1981. Pipes predicts that with the right encouragement Soviet Muslims will “explode into genocidal fury” against Moscow.
Brzezinski laid the groundwork for our present problems by initiating an alliance with Muslim jihadis in Afghanistan. In order to topple the closest thing to a functioning modern government that country has ever had, Brzesinski fomented a rebellion of thugs, zealots and terrorists, who later turned on the United States. Osama Bin Laden first came to prominence in Brzezinski's war.

An interviewer once asked Brzezinski if supporting the Mujahadeen might be a mistake. Brzezinski's answer:

"What's a few riled-up Muslims?"

His obsession with the Soviet Union led to Islamic revolution in Iran:
In November 1978, President Carter appointed George Ball head of a special White House Iran task force under Brzezinski. Ball recommends the US should drop support for the Shah of Iran and support the radical Islamist opposition of Ayatollah Khomeini. This idea is based on ideas from British Islamic expert Dr. Bernard Lewis, who advocates the balkanization of the entire Muslim Near East along tribal and religious lines. The chaos would spread in what he also calls an “arc of crisis” and ultimately destabilize the Muslim regions of the Soviet Union.
Few on either the right or the left understand that, until roughly a year-and-a-half before the revolution in Iran, the Socialist Tudeh party and the constitutionalist National Front commanded wide public support in that country and stood an excellent chance of gaining power when the Shah's tyranny ended. When the CIA learned of the Shah's precarious health, Brzezinski had the Agency covertly aid the exiled Ayatollah Khomeini, a Shi'ite theocract. The goal was twofold: Preventing a Socialist or nationalist government from taking power, and fomenting a jihad against the Soviets.

Brzezinski's "great game" compelled him to support Indonesia's murderous repression in East Timor. Some 200,000 East Timorese were slaughtered.

And then there was Cambodia...
IIn 1981 Brzezinski revealed that he encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot. This was part of a wider policy of forcing the Vietnamese out of Cambodia by funding anti-Vietnamese guerrilla groups that the U.S. helped create.[18] Between 1979 and 1981, the World Food Program, which was strongly under US influence, provides nearly $12 million in food aid Thailand. Much of this aid makes its way to the Khmer Rouge.[19] In January 1980 the US started funding Pol Pot while he was in exile. The extent of this support was $85m from 1980 to 1986.
Younger readers may not know that Pol Pot's regime murdered some 2 million opponents -- and that these atrocities had received wide publicity throughout the 1970s. Brzezinski did not care. His obsession with the USSR led him to support one of the worst murderers in human history -- though of course, that support was delivered by proxy.

Those who consider Iraq the sole issue have no sense of history. Barack Obama has allied himself with the man who funded Pol Pot. That fact can be neither denied nor excused.

I've not seen any confirmation for the claim that Obama first came into Brzezinski's orbit at Columbia University, although Obama did attend at a time when Zbig headed something euphoniously called the Institute on Communist Affairs at Columbia. Brzezinski has bragged about being the "onlie begettor" behind the 2002 speech made by the then little-known Barack Obama, condemning the decision to go into Iraq.

Don't presume that his current realism on Iraq signifies that Brzezinski is a leopard who has changed his blood-red spots. The man who succeeded Frank Carlucci as the head of Rand's Center for Middle East Public Policy has not morphed into Gandhi.

Few on the left understand the current splits within the neoconservative movement. Some neocons have argued that the Iraq invasion was an error, since it diverted the country from the more important task of conquering Iran. (Michael Ledeen appears to have arrived at this view; characteristically, he pretends that he has always held it.)

The Iranian revolution occurred on Brzezinski's watch -- indeed, it was largely his doing. I believe that, whatever his public pronouncements, he wants to see his great blunder undone. Just as only a Nixon could go to China, only an Obama could initiate war with Iran, if a suitable pretext or casus belli should occur. The public attitude toward Bush has become so cynical that any such triggering event would be instantly disbelieved by wide sections of the public. Obama can sidestep those credibility problems.

If this theory has any validity, and if Obama should win the White House, then the outline of future history is easy to prophesy: Zbigniew Brzezinski (or whichever of his creatures gets into a position of power under Obama) will first take great pains to re-establish American "moral authority." That would mean withdrawal from the Iraq debacle and a few superficial moves toward Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. These preliminaries will renew America's political standing in the world, and thus clear the way for aggression -- if not against Iran, then perhaps against Russia, Brzezinski's idee fixe.

And if not Russia, then perhaps Pakistan. Brzezinski is the force behind Obama's militaristic stance toward that nation. Any American incursion into that country would, of course, result in jihadis gaining control of a nuclear arsenal.

Of Hillary Clinton, Brzezinski has said:
Clinton's foreign policy approach is "very conventional...I don't think the country needs to go back to what we had eight years ago.
Of course not. We had peace under Bill Clinton. Brzezinski obviously has something different in mind.

Today, the "progressive" candidate is a creature of Zbigniew Brzezinski. And a naive generation who never saw Teddy's big speech will applaud the man who wants foreign policy to recapitulate the worst mistakes of the Carter years. The so-called "left" now backs the guy who once got a standing boo.

(This is the first in a series on Obama's strange associates.)


Anonymous said...

Great article! And I am not saying that so you won't delete my comment. This comment is much more for your ears than any one's. And you have to read it before you delete it. If the aim of your recent tirade has been to inform your audience of their electoral choices, this is a much more effective way. I am glad to see you thinking and writing the way that is uniquely yours which is to connect the dots and illuminate the darkened picture behind the scenes.

gary said...

I thought for a moment that I had stumbled on WorldNetDaily by mistake. By the way, one of McCain's advisors is Henry Kissinger. It really doesn't matter at this point who Hillary Clinton has advising her on foreign policy, as she has no chance at the nomination, not without destroying Barack Obama and the Democratic party, and even then only a very slim chance.

Zbigniew Brzezinski is one of Obama's advisors on foreign policy, it is true. A high-powered intellectual who arguable deserves a share of the credit (along with Carter, of course, and I suppose Reagan as well) for helping to win the cold war, although I am not altogether sure that was a good thing. I will not attempt to defend him against the charge of supporting Pol Pot; there is no defense.

I see that Hillary is cozying up to the American Spectator and that her campaign is distributing a smear piece of theirs against another of Obama's foreign policy advisors. Seems said advisor is an anti-semite in that he thinks Israel should return to its pre-1967 borders. Said crazy anti-semitic advisor also holds the crazy idea that Jews wield significant political power in Miami.

Isn't it a little late for you to support Clinton? I believe you said that you voted for Obama and now that she has no chance, you support Clinton.Even if I agree with you on every statement by every Obama supporter or progressive blog commenter, at least Obama isn't praising McCain, and outdoing McCain on the Wright affair.

Apparently you are willing to support slash-and-burn politics, unless of course the Democratic Party and Obama denounce whatsis name over at DailyKos.

I do not believe that Obama will attack Iran, although McCain likely will, if Bush doesn't beat him to it. I don't believe Obama will attack Pakistan, although he rightly didn't rule out using force against al Qaeda in Pakistan.

Hillary should either get of the race or take the high road regarding Obama, while attacking McCain, on policy of course not personally.

Joseph, I cannot avoid thinking that you are taking all this a bit too personally.

Anonymous said...

at last, something that sheds light on the advisors of one of the democrats hopefulls. seen from another continent, one really wonders what the difference in american foreign politics is going to be, based on the democratical candidate(s) and the republican one. The feelings is: more wars and military interventions.

Anonymous said...

American Global Hegemony is the stated aim of Republican and Democratic administrations of past and present (I profoundly disagree with that aim since it is not Liberal or democratic in my opinion). Kissinger and Brzezinski both are advocates of that aim (as Joe himself admits "Back in the days of Scoop Jackson, the neocon movement was a much more bipartisan affair, primarily defined by cold war aggression and brinksmanship").
And I agree with Joe that "Few on the left understand the current splits within the neoconservative movement" However, I disagree with Joe that Brezinski's aims is to attack Iran. I believe that the argument is much more about the effectiveness of military superiority verses diplomatic and behind the scenes deals than which country should be attacked. Brzezinski is pragmatic and realistic much more than idealistic, and in light of the end of cold war and the rise of China and India and the current Russian leadership's courtship of Iran, he has arrived at the conclusion that diplomacy is the way to go. War with Iran is not necessary since Iranians are pro western and the Iranian government will morph into a pro-western government with the right kind of massaging (which the Bush cabal have steadfastly rejected so far). Iran can then be instrumental in stabilizing Iraq and Afghanistan. Pakistan on the other hand is the polar opposite of Iran. The current policy of the US toward Pakistan has resulted in creating a time bomb and it may require military intervention.
As far as Israel is concerned, many have come to believe that the utility of Israel for the US is reaching it's end (a major impediment to hegemony in the ME and energy resources) where as more idealistic NeoCons disagree with that notion.
I have not seen any signs that the US is backing away from the aim of global hegemony, therefore whomever becomes the POTUS will pursue this aim in one or the other fashion. McCain has chosen his cabal and if Joe is right, so has Obama. I am not sure which one of the old gang is advising Hillary, but her vote on Iranian Revolutionary Guard tells me she is closer to McCain than Obama (is that why she keeps praising McCain?).

Anonymous said...

This is the last straw for me. I respect this blog, and I used to occasionally recommend it to folks looking for a different slant on things. Now, the self-righteousness has taken a turn for the truly ugly with your ceaseless support for the DLC/Clinton machine and unending attacks on Obama. Obama's not my hero, but jeez, give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

Joe, don't you realize that you are serving the interests of the Republican Party?

The day after Hillary’s March 4th comeback, winning Ohio and Texas, the online edition of the Koch-funded Reason magazine headlined “It’s Rush Wot Won It,” and David Weigel linked to comments that Rush Limbaugh had made on Fox “News” on February 29th. Weigel concluded, with evident joy, “There’s no way to explain this [win for Hillary] unless you assume some eventual Bush voters were making mischief for the Democrats.” In the February 29th telecast, Laura Ingraham had introduced Rush by saying, “He’s been urging his Republican listeners in Texas and Ohio to vote for Hillary Clinton next week. ... I understand that the Rush Limbaugh audience is mobilizing in Texas for Hillary.” Limbaugh replied: “I am urging people ... We need Barack Obama bloodied up politically.” Limbaugh now told this television audience, “I want Hillary to stay in this, Laura. ... So, yeah, I’m asking people to cross over and, if they can stomach it — I know it’s a difficult thing to do, to vote for a Clinton, but ... I think it’s something we need. It would be fun, too.” He then proceeded to tell his fellow fascists not to feel embarrassed to pass around allegations that Obama was a Muslim, because Hillary and her supporters were the sources of those charges. “All of this stuff — the middle name, the drug dealing, the drug selling, the picture of Obama in the turban, all of this — has come from the Democrats,” he said. This trick apparently worked in the Ohio and Texas primaries. And John McCain had won the Republican Presidential nomination on March 4th. So, this tactic by Limbaugh and Fox “News” was henceforth able to be used in the upcoming Democratic primary states. This trick would be the only way left for Republican voters in those states to affect the 2008 primary contests, since the Republican nomination was already settled. These Republicans could just vote for Hillary in the Democratic primaries, so as to help give the Republican nominee John McCain the weakest possible opponent to run against in November.

In the Mississippi primary, on March 11th, Obama won by 61% to 37%, but Hillary won 70% of the White vote. (By now, almost all Blacks were turned off to Hillary’s subtly racist campaign.) The next day, Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s “Hardball” pointed out that a remarkably high 24% of her voters in Mississippi were Republicans. Another anomaly shown in the exit polls was that Obama won lower-income voters, and Hillary won wealthier voters. Republicans tend to be much wealthier than Democrats in Mississippi, and Hillary’s large Republican vote raised the income-level of her average voter in that state. Moreover, a remarkably high percentage of Hillary’s voters described themselves as “conservative.” Rush Limbaugh seems to have contributed substantially to Hillary’s vote totals in Mississippi.

On the day of the Mississippi primary, March 11th, the Boston Globe bannered “Many Voting for Clinton to Boost GOP,” and Scott Helman quoted Republican voters who admitted they were voting for Clinton in primaries because of Rush Limbaugh. The transcript of Limbaugh’s March 19th show was headlined “Rush the Vote: Operation Chaos Meeting and Exceeding Objectives,” and Limbaugh proudly quoted MSNBC’s David Shuster, from the day before, having said, “this month, things changed, and a lot of people are pointing to one man — Rush Limbaugh.” Also on the 19th, headlined “Limbaugh for Hillary” and reported: “it turns out that roughly 119,000 Republicans voted in the Texas primary ... for Hillary. ... Her margin was almost all from voters who cast their ballots for her on instructions from Rush Limbaugh.” A blog at Oprah — who, of course, was a passionate supporter of Obama — headlined on March 20th “Rush Limbaugh and His Operation Chaos.” There were comments such as, “Rush Limbaugh is gloating on the radio these days.”

Then, on March 21st, Steve Rosenfeld, at alternet and, bannered “Will Rush Limbaugh Be Indicted for Voter Fraud?” Finally, voter fraud was an authentic factor in U.S. elections, as the Republican Party long had alleged; but the perpetrators were actually Republicans, and not Democrats as Republicans had been alleging. This was voter fraud to distort the other party’s primaries, and not voter fraud in the general election. Rosenfeld wrote: “As the Board of Election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where Cleveland is located, launches an investigation into illegal crossover voting in the state’s 2008 presidential primary, a big open question remains unanswered: Will county officials go after the ringleaders of apparently illegal electioneering where thousands of Republican voters swore — under penalty of law — allegiance to the Democratic Party in order to vote for Hillary Clinton?” The transcript for Rush’s program on March 24th was headlined “If Rush Gets Indicted for Operation Chaos, Indict Obama, Clinton, Too.” Limbaugh said that, “If I am indicted, Obama’s going down with me,” because Obama had been inviting Republicans to vote for him in Democratic primaries. Of course, there’s nothing illegal about a candidate’s trying to expand his voter-base. Limbaugh was comparing apples and axels. Limbaugh urged his listeners in the next big primary state, Pennsylvania, to switch their party-registration, just so that they could legally vote there for Hillary, and bloody Obama up some more.

On March 26th, ABC News bannered “Republican Crossovers Fuel Record Democratic Voter Registration in Pennsylvania,” and Keith Staskiewicz reported that, “The pattern echoes the Republican crossovers in the run-up to the Texas and Ohio primaries, which some political experts attributed to calls from conservatives like Rush Limbaugh for Republicans to register and vote for Sen. Hillary Clinton.” Furthermore, “county voter registration officials in [conservative] central Pennsylvania told that many new registrants spoke openly about changing their party affiliation to give McCain ‘a better shot in November.’”

So, Joe, will you please explain to your readers how and why your Obama-bashing and your promotion of Hillary aren't helping to elect a Republican President who will extend and expand the war in Iraq, and extend yet further Bush's tax-cuts for the rich, while Americans will suffer for decades the consequences?

Joseph Cannon said...


"illuminate the darkened picture behind the scenes"

Why, I'm shocked at this flagrant racism!

And I am not deleting favorable comments in ALL threads, just that one -- which I did for a reason.


"I thought for a moment that I had stumbled on WorldNetDaily by mistake."

WorldNet's been saying favorable things about Teddy Kennedy lately? They've chnaged!

"By the way, one of McCain's advisors is Henry Kissinger."

Not surprised. Now there's an interesting question for old-timers: Who was worse, Henry K or Zbig?

"I see that Hillary is cozying up to the American Spectator..."

Taking an interview is not cozying up, and it was not the American Spectator but the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

I'll soon go into another Obama advisor who is an Israel supporter.

"Isn't it a little late for you to support Clinton?"

Have I not made clear that I do not so much support Clinton as oppose Obama? I've never liked Hillary. And I voted for Obama. But the attempt to portray the Clintons as a racist offended the hell out me, and I reached a snapping point.

"at least Obama isn't praising McCain, and outdoing McCain on the Wright affair."

In my opinion, Hillary has been too gentle on Wright. It is of course in McCain's interest to wait until Obama is the nominee before launching a Wrightbased attack, or any other major attack. It will come not from McCain himself but by 527s.

Hillary did not enorse McCain. She was trying to make a point: THe electorate will see McCain as experienced on foreign policy matters, and they will see her as so experienced. They will not have that kind of faith in Obama.

I don't know how true that all is, but I do know that her point was one of electability. Again, youhave to look at the actual statements she made, not the prog-vision versions.

"Apparently you are willing to support slash-and-burn politics..."

That point was crossed when Obama's supporters refused to apologize for their "racist" smears, especially that "darkened video" smear. I'm gonna do everything I can to make Moulitsas regret not muttering a perfunctory "I'm sorry."

Yes, I freely admit it. Better to slash and to burn than to reward the "progressive left: for morphing into the Free Republic.

"I do not believe that Obama will attack Iran, although McCain likely will, if Bush doesn't beat him to it."

Evne if McCain wants to -- I honestly do not know -- he cannot. The political will just won't be there. Obama will have single party control, making ANYTHING possible.

"Hillary should either get of the race or take the high road regarding Obama..."

You would not advise Obama to get out of the race if the number were reversed. Before making statements like that apply the fairness test, or what we might call the "Wonka" rule -- "Strike that; reverse it."

"High road?" Obama supporters, including his spokesmen, have repeatedly lied about the Clintons and twisted quotes. They have returned us to the politcs of 1994-99. I NEVER expected to see that from Democrats.

Actions have consequences. 28% of Hillary supporters say that they will vote for McCain instead of Obama. That is unprecedented, and the number is, I think, entirely due to Obama's slimey campaign to convince the public that the Clintons are racists. Actions have consequences.

beeta again...

"However, I disagree with Joe that Brezinski's aims is to attack Iran."

From what I gather by looking at the man's history and speeches, his obsession in Russia and his stance on Iran depends entirely on Iranian relations with Russia. I have no doubt that he would try he carrot before the stick, but I think he would always consider the stick an option. Any conflict would not happen for a while -- Iraq must end and some wounds must heal.

"As far as Israel is concerned, many have come to believe that the utility of Israel for the US is reaching it's end (a major impediment to hegemony in the ME and energy resources)..."

Yeah, but some people have been saying that since the first Lebanese war.

and the other guy...

"ceaseless support for the DLC/Clinton machine and unending attacks on Obama."

DLC/Clinton machine? You are talking about some other blog.

I have always said that the DLC is largely a progblog myth, a bit like the elders of Zion is for the anti-Semites.

You will notice that I do not spend much time arguing FOR Hillary, on policy issues and so forth. I know you won't believe me -- you probably think that the "machine" has paid me off, and that I am living in the lap of luxury.

But it is the honest truth: I really do not like Hillary, I did vote for Obama, but the smear campaign mounted against her by Obama's forces and the degeneration of the progressive left has repulsed me.

Why is the previous sentence so hard for my critics to understand? Why must they hallucinate that I have other motives?

gary said...

I actually would be arguing for Obama to withdraw if the situation were reversed.

As for attacking Iran, I think there is about a 50% chance that Bush will do it which would likely clinch the election for McCain. As for your argument that McCain wouldn't have sufficient support in Congress, you forget that the President has absolute authority on foreign/military matters. In practice at any rate. Actually pretty much on domestic matters as well. Bush rarely bothers to veto a bill, he just announces in the signing statement that he won't follow it.

Anonymous said...

In passing, it should be noted that the collateral blame for arming the Nicaraguans, supporting the genocide in E. Timor, supporting Pol Pot, etc., go to the president at the time, one Jimmy Carter, human rights president.

The Pol Pot thing was an enemy of my enemy is my new friend sort of affair, with the Cambodian leader in opposition to the Vietnamese or Chinese (forget just now).

Zbig was NOT the architect of ending detente, nor the most important figure in that regard, which was rather the 'Team B' nuts allowed to convene under pressure from the right wing, during the Ford presidency and the Bush CIA directorship.

By contrast, Carter signed the Salt II accords (bitterly criticized by the right and Team B), and I know of no evidence that Zbig opposed Carter's move there (which was the essence of detente, the lowering of nuclear war fever).


Joseph Cannon said...

anon, I should delete your comment for being anonymous. Also for including a lot of false nonsense.

But I need to clear up a point.

"So, Joe, will you please explain to your readers how and why your Obama-bashing and your promotion of Hillary aren't helping to elect a Republican President..."

My goal is to prevent Obama from attaining the nomination. If that quest fails, as it probably will, then yes, I consider the least obnoxious Republican in a generation preferable to the idea of rewarding Obama's slimeball campaign tactics.

You Obamabots should have thought about the consequences before you launched the "Hillary' the racist" meme. That was unforgivable, and Obama will be punished for it.

28% of Hillary's voters say they would prefer McCain to Obama. They do not feel so much attracted to McCain (I certainly am not) as repulsed by Obama. That antipathy is unprecedented. And it has everything to do with the Freeper tactics employed by the Obama supporters.

Can you say "backfire"?

Anonymous said...

Gary, astute remarks. WorldNetDaily, indeed!

Sure, Beeta, this investigative perspective is much more akin to what Joseph has offered in the past, but in this case it is so unabashedly toward this maniacal anti-Obama agenda he's taken on.

And Joseph, if you still think it's the Obama maniacs who are rabid and intent on dooming the Democratic party, and thus the November election, check out this new poll:

Oh, and then there's this one, just for a fun look at how absurd "connecting the connections can really get:

Finally, DanielP, hold the door; I'm right behind you (apparently along with the rest of a stampede).

Joseph Cannon said...

"In passing, it should be noted that the collateral blame for arming the Nicaraguans, supporting the genocide in E. Timor, supporting Pol Pot, etc., go to the president at the time, one Jimmy Carter, human rights president."

Yeah, this whole post reminded me of why I could not support Carter's reelection. We tend to forget these things.

"The Pol Pot thing was an enemy of my enemy is my new friend sort of affair..."

But it was utterly unnecessary. It also infuriated me that when rightists of the time talked about the need to oppose the USSR in all matters, they pointed to the example of Pol Pot!

"Zbig was NOT the architect of ending detente, nor the most important figure in that regard, which was rather the 'Team B' nuts allowed to convene under pressure from the right wing, during the Ford presidency and the Bush CIA directorship..."

Nuts they were, but they were not Team A. Brzezinski was Team A.

"Zbig was NOT the architect of ending detente, nor the most important figure in that regard, which was rather the 'Team B' nuts allowed to convene under pressure from the right wing, during the Ford presidency and the Bush CIA directorship."

You may want to interview someone who knew Cyrus Vance over that interpretation of history.

Joseph Cannon said...

bb, I am the first to mention that 28% of the Clinton supporters would rather see McCain win.

You don't think Obama's vile campaign has something to do with that? You don't think the way that Kos has morphed into the Free Republic has something to do with that?

I would rather see the Democratic party punished in this election cycle than to see the Kossacks rewarded for injecting Limbaughism into the left.

Anonymous said...

I agree, and wish Joe would discuss matters without the slant, but it is what it is at the moment. I still prefer this to recent posts.

Anonymous said...

Joe says "My goal is to prevent Obama from attaining the nomination. If that quest fails, as it probably will, then yes, I consider the least obnoxious Republican in a generation preferable to the idea of rewarding Obama's slimeball campaign tactics".
Since you brought up the Islamic Revolution in Iran, I must tell you that you remind me of what I heard constantly by all opposition parties back when the Shah was in power...."Anyone but the Shah". Look what that got Iranians!
Actions always have consequences but some are unimaginable until they happen.
On that note, in light of your assertions about Bin laden and Khomeini, Rev. Wright's "America's Chickens....." comment seems pretty much on target.
And a question.... in light of your history lesson on Ted Kennedy, how do you explain Kennedy's endorsement of Obama?

Anonymous said...

China and Mexico favor Hillary Clinton for president:

Joseph Cannon said...

quoting the wsj, I see.

Joseph Cannon said...

"And a question.... in light of your history lesson on Ted Kennedy, how do you explain Kennedy's endorsement of Obama?"

The most foolish thing he's done since he took that drive on that island.

Anonymous said...

It seems Mary Joe was driving that car, based on the windshield damage and her own injuries.


AitchD said...

"I would rather see the Democratic party punished in this election cycle than to see the Kossacks rewarded for injecting Limbaughism into the left."

Except for the superficial rationale, you're plagiarizing or recycling Ralph's raison d'ĂȘtre. Do you go to Moebius Strip Clubs, or what?

I detested Brzezinski, I thought he was dead, dammit.

Anonymous said...

It's official Joe...Obama is royalty!!

Anonymous said...

Rigorous Intuitioners examining the extreme Right-Wing's recent courting of Billary:

Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware of the Brzezinski-Obama link, but insofar as it exists, we might want to peer a little farther up and downstream into the Brzezinski current...

Researchers have traced the Samuel Huntington and Zbigniew Brzezinski drive for the "Clash of Civilizations" to a well-thought-out plan, fully elaborated in the 1950s at such institutions as the Harvard International Summer Seminars and the Foreign Policy Research Institute, for the United States to take the leading role in forming a new global imperium, to crush the nation-state system. A leading architect of this imperial America policy, from the 1930s onward, was William Yandell Elliott, the Harvard mentor of Henry Kissinger, McGeorge Bundy, Samuel Huntington, and Brzezinski.

William Yandell Elliott taught that the United States should become the new, global empire. Samuel Huntington, wrote a book about the Clash of Civilizations and another called The Soldier and the State, which argues there should not be a draft army, but a mercenary army--the military as the mindless legions who act as enforcers for empire, worldwide.

Gary McGowan