Friday, November 09, 2007


A few items from other blogs:

Marcy Wheeler has a fascinating look at the ever-mysterious airstrike in Syria. Some say the world came thisclose to war on that day. A rather outlandish Al Jazeera piece said that the airstrike was more an American thing than an Israeli thing.

Larisa Alexandrovna draws our attention to a new piece by Karl Rove, who crows about the low poll numbers enjoyed by this Congress. There are those of us who suspect that Rove has had a hand in engineering those low numbers...

Rove chides the Dems thus: "Their bright campaign promises are unfulfilled." He doesn't mention that the Iraq pull-out would have begun on October 1 if Bush had not vetoed the idea; neither does he mention the Republican filibuster.

He also spanks the Dems for -- get this -- not practicing fiscal discipline. This, from the chief political strategist in the 2000-2006 period, during which time Rove sold a political agenda that turned a budget surplus to an economy-wrecking deficit.

It's classic Rove: Attack the enemy's strength; accuse the other guy of doing what you are doing. His public statements always give one a good idea of what he's up to behind the scenes.

The strategy may be working. Support for Iraq has ticked up, and Bush's poll numbers have risen (per Rasmussen) to 38%.

Mckinney, the new Nader: A TPM reader complains...
I tried to engage people at firedoglake about Cynthia Mckinney running for president as a Green in '08, and was treated as if I were a republican for even mentioning it.
Because you are a Republican, objectively speaking. And so is McKinney.

I'm sure McKinney has her rationalizations for her atrocious decision (she has formed an exploratory committee), which could result in a Giuliani victory, which would result in lots of Iranians getting nuked to protect her precious progressive purity. Rationalization springs eternal. Y'see, a re-run of the Clinton years would be just so fucking awful that we should gladly sacrifice the lives of millions in order to avoid such a ghastly fate.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you must have noticed the connection between this story and your next post in the documents I linked in my comment there.

It is the only thing I've read that made any sense out of claim that the world came "this close" to a full-throated WW-III that day.

Doesn't make it right, but it makes it the only story in town until someone offers a more plausible explanation for the claim.

Anonymous said...

You have to hand it to those Morton West High School students for stupidity. They were carrying out an anti war protest at their school -- in the cafeteria no less! -- disrupting all manner of decent people by singing Kumbya and holding hands. Now that's the sort of thing that can bring down a society (as Joseph has so helpfully reminded us). The school is handing out penalties - greater ones for latinos and poorer performing students, lesser ones for sporting and academic achievers. They've also been threatened with expulsion and offered bribes to identify the "ringleaders". In any decent society they would have been put in a Haliburton re-education camp for the duration of the war, and campus military recruiters would have been able to get on about their patriotic duty. If only these mindless idiots had listened to you Joseph they would have understood that the road to political engagement is through "reasoning and art". If the kids had only shown others their etchings the illegality and immorality of Iraq would have been made completely clear. Now they have no-one else to blame but themselves. I'm surprised the principal didn't tase the lot of them.

You see what I'm getting at here, Joseph? -- your political philosophy fails to come to grips with the right -- and even the necessity -- of people to engage in socially obnoxious political protest over some issues facing America. When we finally get a decent amount of pig's blood on the Capital steps the public debate on key issues might finally shift to something adult, legal and democratic (unless, of course, you're happy to keep rubber-stamping criminality).

No respect, for you political philosophy Joseph Cannon, no respect. Your etchings and sweet reason are not going to cut it in the US today. If they had followed your ideology of "political politeness" Emily Pankhurst would be handing out cucumber sandwiches instead of chained to a railing, and Rosa Parkes would still be at the back of the bus.

Anonymous said...

No other president in the history of the US has managed to do this: bush has nearly doubled the US debt since taking office in less than 7 years:

US debt tops $9 trillion for first time-Treasury

WASHINGTON, Nov 7 (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department said on Wednesday publicly held U.S. debt breached $9 trillion this week for the first time ever, just five weeks after Congress had raised the statutory borrowing limit.

At the end of September, U.S. President George W. Bush signed a measure to increase the debt limit ceiling to $9.815 trillion from $8.965 trillion, allowing the government to keep issuing debt.

The increase in the debt limit is the fifth since Bush took office in January 2001. The U.S. debt stood at about $5.6 trillion at the start of his presidency.


Joseph Cannon said...
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Joseph Cannon said...


"Boy, boy, crazy boy..."

Keep off the juice, boy. And you must be pretty damned juiced if you think that what I wrote has anything to do with what you said.

Normally, I would not print this insulting crap. But I wanted to draw attention to the admonition that "sweet reason" will "not cut in the U.S. today." So: It seems that the progressive movement has forsworn reason. In other words, the progressives have become Republicans!

I'll stand with Al Gore, thank you very much. Quiz: The name of his most recent book was...?

(And that is the last we will hear from YOU, crazy boy.)